Irish Tree Language - The Ogham 🌲

We know that trees were important in Irish history and folklore - so important that a law system was created using the trees. Trees were seen as sacred in Ireland, so it would make sense that there is also an ancient written alphabet of Irish that is based on different trees.

This alphabet is called Ogham [OH-um] - and it isn’t a spoken language. Each figure in the Ogham alphabet has a meaning and is tied back to a sacred tree or shrub. Something that not a lot of people know is that the alphabet itself is more accurately referred to as Beithe-luis-nin after the order of the first letters (2). The word Ogham actually refers to the method the script is written in. However, since most people know it is Ogham, that is what I will be calling it.

Let’s have a look at what the Ogham looks like.

The Alphabet

You can see in the image that each letter corresponds to a different symbol that is made up of a backbone or stemline and different dashes. Not every symbol is known for sure because ancient history is hard to decipher sometimes.

"The characters are made up of between one and five lines or scores relative to a stemline, generally vertical on stone using its natural angle or edge, with two of the groups distinguished by the orientation of the scores to the stemline. The third group transverses the stemline diagonally and the fourth group consists of one to five scores or notches on the stemline. " (1)

Carved up the left-hand side is a dedication to an Irishman: MAQQI DECCEDDAS AVI TURANIAS, ‘belonging to Mac Deichet Uí Thorna’. The final two words identify this man as a descendant of Torna, which is possibly a reference to a long-gone local dynasty. (3)

How was it used?

As you can see, this method of writing is not very practical. Ogham writing was traditionally read vertically from bottom to top! I couldn’t imagine writing like this, let alone reading it. Historically, this method of writing was used for the inscription of names on gravestones. This is why we often only see Ogham on stones.

Image Credit: Spirit of Old

What about today?

In modern practice, Ogham can be used to inscribe words on candles, carvings, are creating sigils. There is also a method of divination that uses Ogham staves, similar to that of casting runes. Since each Ogham letter has a meaning on its own, this makes it an ideal divination tool.

Did you know you can write your own name in Ogham? Click here and put in your name, then share the picture with us! Here’s mine :slight_smile:


The Ogham Feda

The ogham is split into four or five sections depending on which source you use. The forfeda are extra letters that were added later. There are no set meanings for the forfeda in divination, though many have created meanings based on the Ogham Tract.

Below, you will find every ogham fĂ­d that currently has a page written about it. In these posts, you will find the meaning of the ogham fĂ­d itself, the connection with the tree association, and how the fĂ­d might be interpreted in divination and magic.

If you can’t click on one of the letters, that means a guide has not been created for it yet. They are all in progress!

1st Aicme

Beith - Birch || Learning Ogham
Lus - Rowan || Learning Ogham
Fern - Alder || Learning Ogham
Sail - Willow || Learning Ogham
Nin - Ash || Learning Ogham

2nd Aicme

h-Úath - Hawthorn || Learning Ogham
Dair - Oak || Learning Ogham
Tinne - Holly || Learning Ogham
Coll - Hazel || Learning Ogham
Ceirt - Apple || Learning Ogham

3rd Aicme

Muin - Vine || Learning Ogham
Gort - Ivy || Learning Ogham
nGĂŠtal - Broom || Learning Ogham
Straif - Blackthorn || Learning Ogham
Ruis - Elder || Learning Ogham

4th Acme

Ailm - Pine || Learning Ogham
Onn - Gorse || Learning Ogham
Úr - Heather || Learning Ogham
Edad - Yew || Learning Ogham
Idad - Juniper || Learning Ogham


Ebad - Aspen || Learning Ogham
Ór - Spindle Tree || Learning Ogham
Uillend - Honeysuckle || Learning Ogham
PĂ­n or IphĂ­n - Gooseberry || Learning Ogham
Emancholl - Witch Hazel || Learning Ogham

(1) Ogham in 3D
(2) Ogham - World History Encyclopedia
(3) The Story of Ogham | History Today


Oooh I didn’t know that!! I guess my tombstone would need to be really tall!

I noticed that Spirit of Old sells the Ogham staves. It would be interesting to know what is the meaning of each letter for divination.


This is fascinating, @MeganB! :heart_eyes: I feel like Ogham is something that I must’ve seen during my travels in Celtic areas or regions with Celtic influence (Ireland, Scotland, NS Canada, and perhaps Iceland or even the Boston area) but never would’ve picked up on because I didn’t know about it- until now! :grin:

I was so excited to find my name in Ogham- this is so cool! :star_struck:

Brianna Celtic Oghram

I really enjoyed learning about Ogham, thank you so much for sharing! :heart:


I actually plan on going through each one :slight_smile: So stay tuned for that! Also, your name probably would have been translated over into Irish, so maybe it would have been shorter? I don’t know lol I know “John” translates to “Séan”, but some names don’t have an Irish translation.

You might have, especially if you visited some museums. As far as I know, the most common places to find Ogham stones are Ireland and Wales, but a lot of the ones that are still standing are actually on private property! You have to get permission from the landowners to go see them if they’re still standing.



So cool! Thanks for this…never knew about this.


How interesting. I am trying to wrap around a language that is written but not spoken. I like the simplicity of the Ogham scripture. Very perfect for inscribing on candles, etc. I love the website you shared, I typed my first name into the generator. This is what it supplied… A+ work :slight_smile:



It is quite interesting! I believe it was created partially as a way to mark stones and other important areas. Oral folklore is an important aspect of Irish culture even still to this day so it doesn’t surprise me that they didn’t use ogham to write their stories down.


Oh I lovvve Ogham! My parents weddings rings have each others names on them in ogham :heart: I remember my dad trying to explain it to me when I was younger haha, I never understood it but it seemed cool.

I went to the cave of cats in Roscommon and I got to see the ogham writing on the entrance down to it. Ever since I’ve tried to learn it myself. Instead of the traditional sigils that some people use, I prefer to use ogham. It just seems more fitting and a lot more powerful.


I’m so jealous! One of my bucket list items is to visit Kildare and the holy wells of Brigid :fire:


Oooh, that’s very interesting. Thanks for sharing, Megan :heart:

Here’s mine, looks cool, jaja.



Another great post I have little knowledge of the trees & Ogham & I’m just starting to really dip my toes into them.

I’m do happy that you decided to do these :heart_eyes:


Thank you :pray:t3: I can’t wait to dig into the rest of them! (and add to my own Grimoire at the same time :laughing: )


Very interesting topic! I enjoy learning new things here. Thank you for your wisdom and sharing your knowledge.


Maybe I should misspell it. Gort doesn’t sound right.


You’re very welcome! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’m glad you enjoy the subject!

I’m not sure what you mean - how does Gort not sound right?


Gorga instead of jorja. It seems like I’m a snake- haired pride victim instead of a farmer girl.

Oh. Maybe not so bad.


Ohh okay, I get it :joy: if it makes you feel any better, the ogham isn’t used for their sounds, simply their letters. So, “Gorga” and “Jorja” would still be written the same – it’s not like the Elder Futhark where the runes are based on their pronunciation.


Ah. I get it. Thanks.
Hooked on Phonics strikes again! :rofl:


You’re welcome! :blush: