Coll - Hazel || Learning Ogham

Next up on our ogham journey is Coll. Not sure what ogham is? Here is a quick refresh…

Ogham is an ancient Irish inscription alphabet that was used to inscribe headstones and other important markers. In mythology, it was created by the God Ogma (OH-muh) to warn Lugh about a plot to steal his wife. Today, Ogham is used in magic and divination.

If you want to learn more about what ogham is in general, I wrote about that here: Irish Tree Language - The Ogham :evergreen_tree:

I also have a video explaining the origin story of ogham that you can watch here:

[Image Source]

Coll is our next ogham fíd, the fíd of the second aicme. The literal translation of this fíd is also the tree it is associated with – Hazel. This fíd holds an important place in the heart of Irish folklore due to the connection with the Hazel Tree. Hazel is one of the premier symbols of wisdom in Irish and Scottish traditions! References to the Hazel Tree can be found scattered throughout Celtic lore and literature. For example, nine hazel trees surround the Well of Wisdom in the Otherworld realms, waiting to drop their seeds into the Well for the sacred salmon to eat.

According to Weaving Word Wisdom, there are three word oghams associated with ///. They are as follows.

  • cáiniu fedai - fairest of trees
  • carae blóesc - friend of cracking, fried of nutshells
  • milsem fedo - sweetest tree

We can read part of these word oghams from The Ogham Tract.

Carg bloisc, friend of cracking, coll, hazel, c. Hence for its cognate Ogham letter.

The Ogham Tract

The Hazel Tree

A native tree with a magical history, the Hazel Tree is associated with the earliest humans in Ireland. The nuts of the Hazel Tree were eaten by the very earliest human settlements in Ireland of Mesolithic man. These ancient people also used the wood of the Hazel Tree for their huts because it is a strong and flexible wood. It is also a tree that can be cut right down to a stump and will grow again.

It is easy to see how this tree is associated with the concept of Wisdom. It grows in limestone and is often seen in soil that contains an abundance of ground flora and wildflowers. For a tree that can be used in many ways, plus it regrows after being cut back to a stump, it shows the spirit of Wisdom and the ever-flowing journey it can take us on.

In Divination

As Erynn Rowan Laurie mentioned, Coll is associated with Wisdom in all its forms. It is wisdom, yes, but not just wisdom. It is the entirety and depth of the wisdom traditions of the Gaelic-speaking peoples. Everything that is wise, everything that is creative and profound, is found within this fíd. With the proper use of this fíd, we can go on a wonderful journey gaining knowledge and achieving enlightenment.

Coll is also associated with creativity as it is tied heavily to the poetic traditions of the Gaelic-speaking world. If you come across Coll in divination, it is a message to seek wisdom and creativity from the natural world and the Otherworld.

Here are some keywords I’ve come up with in my studies for Coll regarding divination.

  • creativity
  • divine inspiration
  • wisdom
  • Well of Wisdom
  • poetry and poetic inspiration
  • tradition
  • the sense, both physical and psychic
  • second sight
  • liminality

In magic and witchcraft, Coll is associated with the wisdom of healers and doctors. It is a prayer for wisdom, used to call upon the Gods and spirits in an attempt to gain wisdom and knowledge. It can also be used during spirit flight and travel to the Otherworld, helping one to see beyond the mists of the veil into the Otherworld realms.

At the end of every fíd in her book, Erynn has questions and linked concepts to think about for each one. For Coll, she writes the following…

Where does my wisdom lie? How do I make proper use of my wisdom?

A Personal Note

I have limited experience with Coll as an ogham fíd for divination and magic, but I can tell you that I feel a connection to this particular fíd. It is especially interesting to me that it is connected to liminality, a concept that seems to follow me wherever I go. I personally associate liminality with Brighid, so this fíd also gets a personal connection to Brighid for me.

[Image Source]

Sources and Further Reading

Celtic Ogham Symbols and Their Meanings
The Ogham Tract
– [1] Weaving Word Wisdom by Erynn Rowan Laurie


That’s such a beautiful image. :black_heart: Although I was planning on cooking salmon today. :face_with_peeking_eye:


Ahh, but that’s perfect! The rest of the folklore involves the Fili waiting to eat the salmon and gain the knowledge that the salmon hold :heart: :fish:


Woo! Looks like salmon’s back on the menu, ladies and gentlemen! :partying_face:

[Me. I mean, from The Two Towers.]


haha yeah, it’s an interesting part of Irish mythology! It shows the determination of those who seek the knowledge. The first person to eat the first salmon who ate the first hazelnuts tried for six years to catch the salmon!

The Salmon story figures prominently in The Boyhood Deeds of Fionn, which recounts the early adventures of Fionn mac Cumhaill. In the story, an ordinary salmon ate nine hazelnuts that fell into the Well of Wisdom (an Tobar Segais) from nine hazel trees that surrounded the well. By this act, the salmon gained all the world’s knowledge. The first person to eat of its flesh would in turn gain this knowledge.[1]

The poet Finn Eces (or Finegas) spent seven years fishing for this salmon. Finally Finn caught the salmon and gave the fish to Fionn, his servant and son of Cumhaill, with instructions to cook it but on no account eat any of it. Fionn cooked the salmon, turning it over and over, but when he touched the fish with his thumb to see if it was cooked, he burnt his finger on a drop of hot cooking fish fat. Fionn sucked on his burned finger to ease the pain. Little did Fionn know that all the salmon’s wisdom had been concentrated into that one drop of fat. When he brought the cooked meal to Finn Eces, his master saw that the boy’s eyes shone with a previously unseen wisdom. Finn Eces asked Fionn if he had eaten any of the salmon. Answering no, the boy explained what had happened. Finn Eces realized that Fionn had received the wisdom of the salmon, so gave him the rest of the fish to eat. Fionn ate the salmon and in so doing gained all the knowledge of the world. For the rest of his life, Fionn could draw upon this knowledge merely by biting his thumb. The deep knowledge and wisdom gained from the Salmon of Knowledge allowed Fionn to become the leader of the Fianna, the famed heroes of Irish myth.

Salmon of Knowledge - Wikipedia


Oh, and he let the servant have the salmon he worked so hard to catch! I love that. :black_heart:


I love this story. And i love hazelnuts. My paternal grandfathers last name was Hazel. Thank you for this awesome post.
@starborn thank younfor always making your comments fun. I enjoy you being a peanut gallery.


17 posts were split to a new topic: Peanut gallery fun (and Happy Birthday, Starborn!)

You’re very welcome! :heart: I’m happy to hear that you enjoyed it!


I was a few minutes too late to get this said over in the divination thread, so…

That is so cool. :laughing: :black_heart: That synchronicity is wild! And the reading itself is beautiful. Thank you. :silver_heart: :heart:

My partner is currently looking up recipes that include both salmon and hazelnuts now. :laughing: We might try this: Hazelnut and citrus salmon – The Irish Times


Right?! I pulled it and was like oohhhh :thinking: that’s important! And that meal looks tasty lol I hope you enjoy it if you make it!