March 2022 Single Oracle/Tarot/Rune Draws

12 March 2022
The Sacred Forest Oracle
by Denise Lin, Art by Scott Breidenthal

28 Pegasus Transcending

Grab hold of the mane! Pegasus is leaping into the sky with you on his back. You can feel the wind rush by as this winged horse climbs higher and higher, his muscles rippling beneath you. You are keenly aware of his majesty, strength, and power as you are brought closer and closer to the heavens.

The Spirit of the Pegasus says: You’re on a pilgrimage of the soul. It’s time to transcend the weight of earthly burdens. Fly over situations that have been pulling you down. Don’t involve yourself with the drama of others. When you remember that you have come from spirit and are eternal, challenging situations will resolve. A profound transformation is at hand.


Good Afternoon everyone :pentagram:

Saturday, March 12, 2022

image source: The Modern Tarot Deck by Lisa Sterle

Difficult problems require strength and willpower. Strength can tame a lion face down her hears and unwanted feelings, bringing them under control through grace and acceptance. Only by reconciling with those scary aspects of ourselves can Strength grow and discover true inner calm. Flowers create a link between Strength and the lion, and this connection can’t be severed. These inner passions, these emotions that feel like they’re spiraling out of control and consuming us, need to be accepted peacefully or they’ll end up controlling us.

It will take courage to approach these possibly frightening aspects of yourself. It will also take compassion and tenderness, as only then can you find the inner strength and power to make yourself whole. You have to accept your fears, your anxieties, and your feelings because they are a part of you. You can’t cut them off. You may find yourself dealing with a difficult problem, but it can be dealt with through grace, maturity, and strength.


Sunday, March 13, 2022

Tarot of the Divine Draw

Yoshi Yoshitani (Inspired by Deities, Folklore, & Fairy Tales)

The Moon Reversed

Japan, Japanese Fairy Tale

  • The is the subconscious & all its illusions, potential, pitfalls, & the possibility of self-deception. Here, two tanukis – shape-shifting raccoon-like animals – each staring at a different moon, though it is not clear which is the real one.

Reversed - Joy, Enlightenment, Resolution, deception revealed, relief


13 March 2022
The Magic of Unicorns Oracle Cards
by Diana Cooper, artwork by Marjolein Kruijt

~19~ Cocoon of White Light
Rest in perfect love. Understand Oneness.

At its highest 12th-dimensional frequency, Source love is pure white. It is carried by unicorns. When they connect with you they bring it down to the vibrational level you are ready for, while reminding you that your essence is divine love.

Ask your unicorn to place you in a bubble of pure white light.

White unicorn love is a pure and powerful healing force. It also soothes, smooths, and strengthens your aura, ensuring that no lower energies can enter. Any feelings you may have of separation and difference, are dissolved, allowing you to merge with oneness. This card invites you to give yourself as long as you need to merge into love.

'I rest in a cocoon of love."


Good Afternoon/evening everyone. It’s been a beautiful day.

Sunday, March 13, 2022

image source The Modern Witch Tarot Deck by Lisa Sterle

The grand adventure begins! The fearless Fool with her devil-may-care attitude is ready to take the first steps towards the unknown. Pure passion and optimism fuel her as she dances to her music, to joy itself. She doesn’t know what lies beyond the cliff’s edge, but she’s left behind her life in the city. Goodbye to normalcy, to routine, to the structured life she’d had within society. She fully trusts her instincts to carry her beyond the ordinary.

Don’t be afraid to take that leap of faith. Now is the time for you to start your journey because you’re ready. Be spontaneous and let your wildness run free. Don’t look back in fear, look ahead and up to the sky, and sun, and let your instincts guide you. You got this.


I’ve been feeling drawn to a deck I hardly ever use, The Celtic Tree Oracle, so I decided to pull from that today and wanted to share it with you all :heart:

Just a note – I don’t use the booklet that came with this deck. I use the meanings and interpretations of the ogham fíd on the card.

Beith was the first ogham fíd ever carved. It was carved into a piece of Birchwood by Ogma, an Irish God, to warn Lugh of a plot against his wife. It is a symbol of purification and one I personally associate with the protection a warning can provide. Take this as a sign to check in with yourself and ask how you can be better protected. Give yourself and your space a good cleanse, open the windows, and play some good music. It might also be a good time for meditation and communication with your Spirit team.

:pray:t3: :heart:


OH! Thank you @MeganB! I like the way you read them, the Ogham is on my list of things to learn after the runes though. Still working on intuitive reading, but gotta fix that intuition first. :rofl: Anyway, I think this a great reading for myself today too! Especially this:

I was thinking about this earlier this morning! That I should do something for at least 1 of my deities today & maybe the other tomorrow.


I really love these cards and are drawn to them. What cards are they?


AGGHHH nevermind I just seen where you got them. Sorry!!!


Good Morning Everyone. Today is a cloudy day…

Monday, March 14, 2022

image source The Modern Witch Tarot Deck by Lisa Sterle

Standing solidly on Earth, you’ve got your wands for support and you’re contemplating your plans. You’re working hard and getting ready for the future. It’s working. You’ve got a solid strategy, so all you have to do now is put it into action.


@rachel21… I’m so happy! Which deck or is that somewhat of confusion? I have posted from most of my decks here… There’s 2 tarot decks that I haven’t.

  • Celtic Tree Oracle - @MeganB has the same deck & posted hers today
  • Radiant Crystal Oracle
  • Inner Child Oracle
  • Wild Runes
  • Light Seer’s Tarot - @debra2 has the same deck I believe & has posted from it.
  • Tarot of the Divine - I pulled from this deck for the last few days instead of an Oracle card
  • Celtic Tarot

Monday, March 14, 2022

Tarot of the Divine Draw

  • Yoshi Yoshitani (Inspired by Deities, Folklore, & Fairy Tales)

9 of Cups :cup_tarot: Reversed

Iran, Arabic Fok Tale

  • The Ninie of Cups represents a happy ending achieved in unexpected ways. Prince Taj al-Muluk fell in love with Princess dunya, but she refused men. He used trickery, disguising himself as a woman in order to win her heart.

Reversed - Greed, devastation, pessimism, addiction, self-loathing

Tarot Poem: The Nine of Cups
:flower_playing_cards: Tarot Poems by The Gifted and Talented Kasie


14 March 2022
Starcodes Astro Oracle
by Heather Roan Robbins
Artwork by Lucas Lua De Souza


Action: Look for the answer to your question among your social circles, spiritual circles, and work cohorts.

Challenge: Group mindsets can take you places you don’t want to go or allow you to avoid the work of one-on-one intimacy. Think for yourself.

Gift: Healthy community and strong teams are made up of a wonderful bouquet of unique individuals.


I like this card @marsha and the message, thanks Marsha :mage: :tarot_card:


Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Inner Child Oracle

  • (By: Amanda Lynn Hails)
    – I shuffled the deck 3 times & took the top 3 off the deck & drew:

Be Still

To stay needlessly busy is to stay distracted, something that can help us survive our pains & troubles but does nothing to heal them. Though it may seem daunting, take the time to be still. Relax & let your senses rest, putting away all sources of stimulus. Let the silence envelop you & let yourself just be.


That is a gorgeous card! I’m gonna have to add that deck to my wishlist lol

@Susurrus – again with the be still messages… lol I’ve had enough of that card


You?!?!?!! Freebie Friday I was told to stop rushing through things, now I’m being told to Be Still. Maybe I’ll just take that card out of the deck :rofl:


15 March 2022
Celtic Tree Oracle
by Sharlyn Hidalgo, Illustrated by Jimmy Manton


Keywords: water, the moon, bounty and abundance, intuition, wisdom, knowledge, sage advice, divination, poetry, creative pursuits, a higher perspective, clarity

Hazel is about compassion and love for our friends and families, as well as safety and protection. Hazel brings clarity, offers wisdom and sage advice that can be applied to any situation. Go within and ask your ancestors for a specific message for you. It is a time to give gratitude for all that you have and to honor the earth. Spend some time in nature.


Good Morning, everyone, it’s a cloudy day again today, rain & snow are in the forecast.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

image source The Modern Witch Tarot Deck by Lisa Sterle

This Knight is all action and doesn’t spare any time to stop and think. They pursue their goals singularly and recklessly; their unstoppable passion is inspiring but comes with risks. If the Knight is you it’s time to be bold and seize that crazy opportunity in front of you. It won’t stick around for long. Enjoy this feeling of total confidence in yourself, but just be aware there can be unforseen consequences for acting too impulsively.


bahahaha it needs to take a break for sure!!!