@Liisa there seems to be an incredibly ever growing number of shops on Etsy for the wooden deity statues. Most seem to be Eastern Europe or Russian. Seems like wooden deity carving must be part of their culture, they are really amazing at it! Also Paganism lasted for longer in those parts of the world than anywhere else, and even is some places there they have unbroken Pagan traditions to this very day. I have seen some interesting videos on YouTube documenting some large Pagan rituals from those parts of the world, and it is clear it is not Neo-Paganism, but actual old school Paganism from the ancient times. There is so many small remote places there, so the church was not able to force everyone to convert in those parts of the world.
Young man, they are perfect for you!
This is my current altar set up. Whilst it was initially supposed to be a secondary altar, it’s the one that’s now permanently on display in my office area so tends to get used just as much as my “main” altar on the trolley under my desk.
I’ve swapped out the Goddess and God statues that were in the last photo I took for the ones that were on my bedroom altar.
Very impressive altar @Volmarr! I especially like the drinking horn!
That looks great! And I’m envious, you got your abalone stand to stay up! LOL!
You know what? I could have said just looking at it ‘this is Iris’
@Garnet that is not a spirit glass, but it could be if someone did a similar layout and wanted a spirit glass. It just was a candle in the clear glass for the powerfull dedication ritual. It represented the magick energy of the Goddess, on a cosmic level, all part of Correllian Wicca philosophy, as it was an online dedication ritual to be joined into that tradition. Lots of people from all over the world on Zoom were taking turns doing different parts of the ritual. I felt the vibes very intensely.
The Correllians like to do very complicated long rituals filled with tons of philosophical meanings, according to their own unique philosophical system, which is based on the Book Aradia, or the Gospel of the Witches. What is interesting is that I see a lot of parallels between it and ideas expressed in Sri Vidya tantra about the origins of existence. They express it nicely in their version of the Great Rite…
Behold the womb of creation! The cauldron of eternity! The circle of life and death that returns ever unto itself!
Behold the phallus of the God! The axis of the planes! The line of time and space that moves ever forward!
In the beginning was the Goddess and she was alone and without form in the void of chaos. Within her were the seeds of all things that would come later, for hers was infinite potential. And alone with all possibility, she dreamed and wondered about what possibility could become: dreams moved to plans and plans to actions, and behold from within herself she created the God.
And the God burst forth from the Goddess with a Big Bang, an explosion of fire and light that shot out in all directions! This was the first creation, when God was split from Goddess, Son from Mother, Brother from Sister. And all that was motile, hot and physical become the God: and all that was stable cool, and ethereal remained in the Goddess. And the Goddess looked upon the God and she desired him with exceeding desire.
And the Goddess yearned to be one with God again. But she was told: ‘To rise you must fall.’ And so she separated the many souls off from herself and sent them into matter; separated from her and yet always connected to her.
And thus did Goddess unite with God, and thus was the world formed as we know it. For each of us is both Goddess and God, soul and body, joined together in the mystery of life.
The God is not greater than the Goddess.
Nor is the Goddess greater than the God.
But both are equal.
And neither is complete without the other.
Therefore in the name of the Goddess.
And in the name of the God…
May this chalice be blessed!
<Flood the chalice with energy, seeing it filled with the bright, shining light of blessing.>
So mote it be!
Also in a ritual they do called a Lustration…
2021 Correllian Lustration of the Ancestors Ritual Video on YouTube
@Volmarr Thanks for sharing the video with us. That was very powerful indeed!
Your altar setup is very interesting, very eclectic just how I like it
@IrisW a lot of inspiring energy there!! Where did you find the Horned God statue?
From am Etsy seller: 13 BLACK CATS by 13blackcatsshop on Etsy
It came from Ukraine so took a while to arrive but it was worth the wait.
I had a new pendulum board delivered today so I’ve taken the opportunity to clean and tidy my portable altar…
I’ve not actually used the pendulum yet. Any advice on getting started would be much appreciated.
I love your pendulum board!!! Here’s an article on using a pendulum:
Using A Pendulum To Communicate With Spirit.
Basically, ask it it’s yes answer and watch witch way it swings, ask it it’s no answer and see how it swings. Do the same for I don’t know. And start asking. Cleanse it first
Thank you!
Of course
You must have been a riot with a doll house. LOL
I had one, but I never got to use it. We wound up getting rid of it when my parents moved to FL.
You’re altars always look so wonderfully witchy! Great job!
I love the colors!
After posting an updated picture of my altar and new cabinet it still didn’t “feel right”.
I like to stand at my altar and this is too low for me to do that with my bad back.
So I looked at what I could find to put on top of the drawers that would be big enough and stable enough to hold my altar tools.
Had a scout on Amazon and found something called a microwave shelf which was the perfect size. So here’s the update:
I love the creativity with the shelf!
Oh wow, it’s like a double altar! Very cool!
Very nice addition @IrisW