Am I missing messages from the Universe?

I wonder if anyone can help me? I feel like the universe is sending me messages and gifts but I’m not listening well enough to notice or I’m noticing after so I feel I’m missing out on things that would be good or helpful to me. How do I ensure I’m more in-tune in my every day life? I’ve started the meditation courses
Thank you
And thank you for this site, the emails and advice x


Well for me I have been working on shadow work and daily meditation for months. It all takes time and a lot of patience. If we still have traumas and whatnot we have not processed and truly accepted I think this will meddle with our our abilities. Also want to add not everyone hears things. Secondly I’ll add that sometimes I hear things sometimes I dont. Sometimes we don’t receive messages because it’s something we have to learn solitary and it may not be something entity/gods can teach. over course these are all speculation. Your welcome to go​:+1::sweat_smile: about things any way you see fit. I’m just saying I’ve been doing this for five six months somewhere around there maybe a bit longer but consistency, patience, and shadowwork. But know shadowwork depending on ur situation can just like everything else can take a very long time. I would say before you try to read any messages always ground your self prior to your meditation. As in bring the light from the universe through each chakra point in your body one at a time. When it’s flowing all the way through to your feet image light/roots flowing through you and wrapping around the universe a few times to anchor you.then learn how to project the light around you or push it so it in inside you but also projecting out like a shield. I recommend learning a divination. Such as tarot/oracle or pendulum. Pendulum does nothing for me so I’ve been learning tarot. I started with on upright draws till I was more comfortable with reading my cards in upright and reverse. But a lot of us use divination to receive answers not telepathically. I mean I do get telepathic messages ,and feelings from time to time as well but it takes time to develop. It’s like someone told me your practice takes lots patience and time and take years to develop your practice. so don’t be too hard on yourself and just take it as it goes. I’ve been working on astral projection as well. A lot of the astral guided meditationa are my fav. I haven’t gotten out of body yet but it’s good practice. Here’s my meditation list. Click the three lines on top right hit share it should take u to view of my entire list. I add to this list very often. Hope this helps a lil

I typically use YouTube
Feel free to take what u need throw the rest away. If you have any other questions feel free to ask


Thank you for all the guidance. I’ve started shadow work and will continue to meditate. I appreciate your help


Anytime lovely I love to help people. :heart: :rose:


Hello :wave: @dawn13. I had & at times, still do have the same questions when things are going on throughout my day. @Devenne has mentioned some wonderful reasons why you may feel you are missing them and some things that may help. Those can be possibilities for the feelings & that you realize there is something, but accessing them is a bit tougher for you. Starting the meditation :woman_in_lotus_position: is a good step in the right direction.

If meditation is something new to you, starting to work on meditation is a good way to become more present. Regarding my own experience, when I first started back on my path & realized that meditation & being grounded was something that absolutely :100: helps with things like this. If you have some anxiety, there are other ways to help with meditation & meditation for anxiety. One way to ease into meditation is with One Moment Meditation: How to Meditate in a Moment. The entire video is about 5 minutes long, but the actual meditation is 1 minute. Sort of a start small approach, one of my issues in the beginning was being able to sit through a meditation without completely getting off track. Another way to help is to do meditations specifically designed to help you with the anxiety & teach you how to do so with anxiety in varying lengths. At the time, I had used Headspace & went through their anxiety meditation “courses,” which gradually increased in length of time. I now use Insight Timer for different meditations. There are over 100,000 meditations for just about anything you can think of and different types. You can search based on type, lessons, length of time, etc…

Learning how to ground to be present in the moment & around you is also a huge help. Things like going outside & noticing things. The wind in the leaves, the sounds, feelings, animals, plants… notice & sort of watch what is happening around you. Changing scenery, so if you go on a walk, notice the path you’re walking, what you see, smell, hear, and feel as you’re walking.

Messages from the Universe or otherwise come in many different forms & if it is something that you think is significant, it probably is… if it’s something you’re not noticing at first, usually things will start happening more & more; they will be persistent until it’s like almost saying Hey, pay attention!

Learning to use your intuition or get in touch with it is very helpful too. Should there be any reasons why you may have blocked it throughout your life, learning to listen to it will also help, which will go back to being grounded, present, & clearing your mind of things, whether that is due to anxiety with racing or overwhelming thoughts or something else. Part of intuition is learning to listen and trust yourself. So meditation is great for this, maybe keeping an intuitive journal.

→ The following is my own experience & situation around Shadow Work.

When I first learned about Shadow Work, I started working on it, which was a good thing in retrospect. When working on Shadow Work, due to the nature of what it is, it is best to take some time afterward for yourself to process whatever may come up. As @Devenne mentioned, there are times that past events may not have been completely processed, so ways to deal with them then have carried over to now. So it would help if you practiced self-care afterward, leaving enough time to work on it but also having that time to take care of yourself. If at any time it is a lot depending on what comes up, don’t force it or continue with it if it becomes troublesome for you or more heavy as you go along with it. I had to ultimately stop working on Shadow Work on my own in my practice. After some time and things that had come up, I had to start working with my psychiatrist and a therapist.

As far as hearing things, this does happen to me. For myself, it’s untangling what I am hearing. As mentioned above, not everyone hears things. Sometimes the things we hear can be due to something else entirely and not from the universe or deity or a sign of anything. There are conditions and :thinking: symptoms of different things that can cause this. Whether a physical condition or otherwise.

In the end, it’s a lot of figuring out and separating different things from each other. The most important thing is to be grounded and present. Only you will know if what you see or hear or the messages are significant and not mundane. Practice meditation, keep a journal, and keep a dream journal. A lot of times, those messages can come from dreams. There are a multitude of ways that messages are sent, whether through dreams, sounds outside, things you see, numbers, or symbols, especially if any of those repeat or are happening at times or places where it’s not something that would be heard, seen, happening at those times or places normally.

Sorry for the ramble, but I wanted to try & give you what I could; if you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Also, others may have other things to help or insight.


There are a lot of good tips, here. Might I add one from personal experience?

The journaling ideas work well in the near future. When the issues are done, keep the journals. You may go through this again later, when your memory has locked your work away for safe keeping. Seeing your notes will give you confidence that you have done this before and made it through. Some of what you do now can help at a later date, and some will change enough to require exploration in other directions.

Meanwhile, you can do this. Everything will be fine. I believe in you.


There is so much to contemplate here - thank you. I agree that it is important to be grounded and present so the one minute meditation sounds perfect. I really appreciate all your advice


Thank you for sharing personal experiences with me. I hope to use journaling to process and move forward. Again, thank you


You’re welcome, I didn’t mean to overwhelm you, but it all came from my own personal experience with it, meditation, & intuition all come together eventually & work really well together.

Between @Devenne, @georgia, there’s a lot of things to try & I would recommend starting at your own pace. One thing at a time to see what works for you. Trying to do multiple things at once can be overwhelming.

A journal even for progress while starting to keep track of how your doing anything that sticks out, happened, felt, coming to you, feelings… can help you track your progress as you work on these things. Any other journals can be a good idea to keep for several reasons, especially msntioned by @georgia.


Starting with meditation is a good first step! My next suggestion would be to have periods of mindfulness scattered throughout your day. It’s hard at first, especially when we’re not used to being mindful. Set a timer for 30 minutes or an hour. When it goes off, refocus yourself fully in whatever you’re doing. It’s funny because I just made a reel and short for IG & YouTube about mindfulness :joy:

What I’m doing here is dishes, obviously, but it’s more than that. I’m practicing mindfulness in the moment by feeling every cup, noticing the patterns, the textures, the weight - everything. Do this several times a day with whatever you’re doing. This mindfulness practice helps us notice things we may not have noticed before.

Messages can come in all shapes and sizes. There was a time when I was questioning my connection to the Gods - it happens to me on occasion :joy: - but I had walked outside to get in my car and there was a letter “B” carved in the dirt by my tire. I have no clue how it got there, but it was a little sign like “Hey, this will make you think of me and in doing so remind you that everything is okay,” type of thing.

Shadow Work can be helpful, but in my opinion, it’s not fully necessary if you’re just not feeling connected or open. Connecting back to your intuition is what I think will be the most helpful right now. However, if you feel like you’re blocked from your intuition after trying some meditation and mindfulness, then yeah, it might be worth it to explore some shadow work and see why you’re feeling blocked off.


I think you’re right and this is great advice. Thank you.


You’re very welcome! :revolving_hearts: :hugs: