An Alzheimer's Diagnosis led me to Witchcraft

@jean1, You are very welcome :people_hugging: Please don’t feel overwhelmed! It’s okay to go at your own pace… believe me; I know there is so much content between the site & forum. Maybe start with the courses & go through them one at a time. You can always come to the forum & ask or share whatever you would like to, but it might sort of… :thinking: Organize what you are focused on as a learning topic.

It’s just a thought; I did something similar, then got so overwhelmed & had to take a break. If you have any questions or anything that comes up, feel free to reach out either within the forum or through a private message (PM)


I have started the Runes course and am finding it a great way to remind myself about Runes. I have been working on trying to remember them for a couple of years, but I always forget, LOL! Good think I never let that bother me… well not much anyway :slight_smile:
Haven’t quite figured out the PM yet, but I’m sure I will.
Thanks agian :revolving_hearts:


Welcome Jean1. I am Erica From Lagos Nigeria. Taking baby steps too


Nice to meet you @erica4 :slightly_smiling_face:
What a wonderful place this is to meet new like-minded people from all over the world!


Welcome to the forum @jean1 :wave:

My name is Megan and I’m one of the moderators here at Spells8 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: It’s nice to meet you!

Woohoo! :tada: I mean, that’s so awesome that your husband was so open-minded to what you were doing that he came up with the word witch before you did! :scream: That’s just unheard of lol

We’re happy to have you here and I hope you’re finding everything alright. Please, feel free to make yourself at home!


With that attitude, I’m sure you’ll be an excellent witch!


Merry meet @jean1. I’m so glad that you have found us all here through your AZ journey. I visited your blog and I hope that the positivity and friendship of this community can help boost your energy and spirit when you re having a hard day.

I also live in Texas and have a deep and abiding passion for Tarot. My mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 2016 and getting involved in something you are passionate about and encourages you to learn new things is a wonderful idea. I am a long time witch with a 25ish year lapse in practice. While I am here to relearn what I have forgotten I also needed a place with others who share similar interests and beliefs. I don’t participate a ton in the forums but had to introduce myself as your story definitely connected with me. I’m glad you are here Jean.


welcome to the witch family! :pentagram: :fehu: :pentagram:
it’s our pleasure to see you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Such a lovely message @Litha :revolving_hearts:
Thank you; I am very glad to have found this group. My husband after 30 years in the military wanted to go “home” to Texas. I was reluctant as all of my family and friends, and everything I used to do was in the Phoenix area. However, when I received my diagnosis, I really needed a massive change in my life, and I thought it should be his turn. Sometimes, I’m actually grateful for the Alzheimer’s or I wouldn’t be living here in Texas. I absolutely love our life here.
I appreciate that you visited my blog. Sometimes I think I should stop writing it because nobody seems to read it, so it’s really not serving any purpose. Or, I should say not the purpose I intended it for.


Hey Jean! I somehow missed this post, but I was talking to you on other posts. Welcome! I’m in Texas to. I am a little north of Houston. Believe me, I know about the bible thumping. My boss is a deacon in the Baptist church, and I would definitely lose my job if he knew I was a witch. You know the greatest thing about Texas is there are pentacles everywhere! Lol. You gotta love that Texas star. :star2:


@Ostara I’m finding it a bit confusing that we are chatting on someone else’s post?
Funny that I never thought about the Texas star being a pentacle:laughing:


Hello @jean1,

I hope you don’t mind me jumping on the welcome wagon too- I’m Bry, another moderator here in the forum and Eclectic Witch. Just wanted to say hi! :blush:

Please make yourself right at home here- the many resources of the forum and the main Spells8 site are at your fingertips. I hope you find everything you are searching for (and more!).

Wishing you all the best on your learning journey. Blessed be!


@BryWisteria Thank you for the warm welcome. I am thoroughly enjoying working my way around the site. The only thing I find a bit confusing is trying to follow comments. I’m sure I’ll get the hang of it soon though. :heart:


I can empathize with that- some discussions are very straightforward, but others can wind along in different directions, and I know it can get confusing! When a conversation veers too far away from the original subject we Mods often split the tangent into a new, clearly-labeled discussion, but sometimes things are so interwoven that it’s hard or impossible to split.

If can suggest a couple handy tricks to help track of incoming comments, I’d recommend using the forum tracking (found at the bottom of each discussion) and notification (found in your forum account setting) features. They can help stay on top of comments in your favorite discussions! :blush:

I believe in you and I’m cheering for you, Jean! :partying_face: :heart:

If you ever need any help or have questions, please know that you are always welcome to reach out. We’re here and happy to help! :handshake: :blush:

Much love and many blessings- I hope you continue to enjoy exploring the site!


Welcome, @jean1! It’s lovely to meet you. :black_heart: I had a quick look at your website, and it’s lovely to read. The photo of the moon in your latest post is beautiful, and I find that I, too, enjoy the appearance of dead trees. Oh, and the twins are adorable little ones! :sheep:

Anyway, I’m Katerina, and I currently reside in Australia with my partner and two cats. :smile: I’m excited to welcome you into this wonderful space. :black_heart:


Thanks for the warm welcome, Katerina @starborn. I appreciate that you visited my blog as well. I’m loving meeting such friendly people from all over!