Angel numbers, numerology

11:11 it’s been popping up for me for many years. Now it has some significance, but I’m having trouble figuring out what that is.
When I notice it (almost always appears as a time) I try to pay attention. I go through all 5 of my senses and I’m just not picking anything up! I’m sure there’s a message, but I can’t find it! And it’s popping up more and more!
I was hoping maybe someone had some other input about numbers! Or maybe what I’m missing.
Thank you :blush: :heart:


I don’t have an answer. I just wanted to say, “Hi, @Sivonnah!” and send you a big hug. :smile:

:people_hugging: :black_heart:


Thank you @starborn you must have known I needed it! I had a tough day :black_heart::heart::people_hugging:


11 is the higher vibration of the number 2. It is a master number linked to intuition and spiritual transformation. It indicates that although you may face challenges and have to answer many questions, you will come out of it a better person.

It can mean that you are in alignment with your thoughts, intentions, and desires. Some view it almost like a reminder to focus on positive thinking and that this will result in positive manifestation.

It can also mean a spiritual awakening and is almost like a signpost to explore your spiritual path. It can represent a heightened state of consciousness and a connection to the divine or spiritual realms. Look out for pportunities for spiritual growth, changes, and higher levels of awareness (you might feel.that you just know something for no real reason). You are being told that you are on the right path and are making the right choices.

All in all, seeing 1111 is a good thing. I seem to walk into my kitchen when the clock on the oven says 11:11. My partner will often say “11:11 make a wish”.

Blessed be



We say it’s time to eat pocky. :joy:


After reading what @Cosmic_Curiosity said, I’m thinking…

Perhaps you’re looking for something too obvious, @Sivonnah, when the answer is already in you all the time? Like, you’re looking for a pair of glasses to wear, but it turns out they’ve been on your face all along. I mean, maybe this is a reminder that self-doubt exists and that you’re more spiritually capable than you perhaps feel. Like, limitations are troubling, but the universe is actually saying that you’re doing well. So trust yourself.

You have a wisdom that is your own, and perhaps you will see it better when you ignore the noise of how things should, could, or would be if only. Your doubts and concerns are normal, but limitations don’t define you.

Perhaps this is where supports come in. Those who act as mirrors, to remind you of the strengths and worth you do have. You can’t see it, but you shine beautifully.

So, maybe it’s time to ignore the five physical senses, and look to those within? Trust the wisdom inside you, not the physical trappings of this material plane. When you do, you’ll likely find a world of possibilities and beauty in being authentically you.

Sorry if I’m not making any sense. I’m tired from all the things that happened this week, and I feel as though my vocabulary is failing me. Perhaps I shall sleep after all.

Goodnight, dear ones. :milky_way: :black_heart:


Yes. Completely with this. 11 is all about going with your intuition and trusting your inner wisdom. 11 reduces to 2. In tarot, this links to the high priestess who is mistress of intuition and the subconscious. The answers are there, but as @starborn suggested, they cannot be physically detected by the 5 senses. Meditate with the high priestess card. It may bring more answers. Sometimes though, I see her as telling me that some things are best not known, perhaps because I’m not yet ready to see it. Anyway, i have digressed a bit by brinigng in tarot links but hope it makes sense.


It feels inevitable when I’m around these days. :joy:


:wave: Hi! I agree to maybe move away from the 5 physical senses. Sometimes hyperfocusing & actively trying to figure it out will lead you to a brick wall.

Along with the information already provided, I have gone to this sight for kind of… possible reasons why when I can’t figure it out & it is continuing:

Willow Soul: Possible Reasons Why You Keep Seeing…


@Cosmic_Curiosity @Susurrus @starborn I always make things more complicated! :crazy_face: My mom always told me to simplify! I think that’s the case for many of us! We get stuck in our heads! :exploding_head:


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