Anyone use Witch dice?

Hi everyone, i have been attracted to Astrology dice lately and am really keen to buy some and give them a go. Does anyone have any experience and how did they find working with them? How many do you use all three?


I don’t use dice personally but I believe others in the forum have.

@Francisco wrote a post a while back about how he uses dice for divination.

It’s very easy to get quick insight without any specialized tools for divination.

This is the chart of divination meanings I use:

  • 1: Self & Present
  • 2: Relationships & People
  • 3: Work & Efforts
  • 4: Obstacles & Challenges
  • 5: Decisions & Opportunities
  • 6: Goals & Success

Then I make the connections between the dice and the question.

Complete with a video! → How to Use Dice for Divination :game_die:


Thanks ill be sure to check it out and hopefully i can start to think about what type of dice i would like to purchase :blush:


I have a set but I haven’t had a chance to use them yet. I’ve seen a channel on YouTube that uses them with her tarot readings.


They sound very fun and I always love trying something new st least once… Mine arrived today hope u get to work with them soon :relaxed:


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