Are you a Pluviophile 🌧️

Yes!! I am a pluviophile! I always said it was because of my Scottish heritage :wink:


Oh I love the rain so much! it brings out every emotion in me, which I never understand? everybody complains when its raining, I think its beautiful and the smell after the rain is just divine :heart:


I love the rain in late summer during thunderstorms that is when I feel like it really smells good,


with all the lack of rain, i actually forgot about how much ihave missed rain showers. in s.c. i would go sit kn my front porch and watch the rain. here in ks the lightening sure seems to get real cloze.
thank you for letting me share.


Ooooh yess! I am 100% a Pluviophile :cloud_with_rain: as well as a Thalassophile!! :ocean: I truly have a die-hard love for heavy rains and oceans!! Also, I adore the sould of wind rustling through trees tooo! :wind_face: :leaves: Actually, I love all that Nature has to give us as a present!! :gift_heart: I remember I used to listen to the sounds of nature to get comfy and all sleepy and peaceful! This, I got from an amazing app - Nature Sounds :evergreen_tree: :shell: :ocean:(