I adore the rain I like nothing more than throwing open the windows and listening to the noise of the rain
hitting the ground; I love the way the moisture feels so fresh
in the air.
I love the smell of the rain on grass . I love the CLEAN PURE sensation I get when I stand under the rain and it washes over me
Guess I should be grateful I’m English?!
5 Signs you’re a Pluviophile
1. You love the sound of the rain
The sound of rain is music to my ears I love how it makes a different sound when the droplets hit different items- like the heavy earthy sound it makes hitting wood vs the light pinging sound when it hits something metal.
It’s so nice and relaxing to listen too; I often fall asleep to rain sounds
2. You can’t stop watching it
Rain provides such a spectacular sight if you give it a chance; a light shower with the sun streaming in the background, a heavy storm that brings with it this beautiful indescribable almost “bright darkness”
or when you spot the hint of a glorious rainbow peeping through the clouds. It’s such an underappreciated natural beauty.
3. You love the smell
Raindrops on autumn leaves I would bottle that smell if it were possible! How deliciously fresh the grass smells after a rain fall… It smells clean and cold if that’s even a thing! One of my favourite brands of perfume is Rain by Clean
4. You don’t mind feeling the rain!
A wise man once said…
I love feeling the rain on my skin. I feel like I’m being cleansed by mother earth when I get drenched!! That she’s washing away all the negativity and all my worries. I feel strong and powerful
almost invincible. All that matters is now.
5. You take comfort in the rain
The rain makes me feel safe. I love wrapping up in a duvet with a mug of hot chocolate and just relaxing when it rains. It gives me the deepest feeling of security
and contentment
How about you? Are you a Pluviophile?
See also:-
[Ceraunophilia ] (Ceraunophilia ⚡)