Merry Meet Monday - Witchy News of the Week (July 29 - Aug 4) 🌑

@Mystique I hope you feel better soon and get plenty of rest.

@Amethyst, I hope you have a calm rest of the week!

@AileyGrey & @Artemisia pluviophile is a great word! I believe we have a post about that in the forum from a while ago…

→ Are you a Pluviophile :cloud_with_rain: I will have go through that one again and see if anything for me has changed since then :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

We have had so much in the way of odd happenings and weather here :laughing: My neighborhood has been buzzing with random happenings, and the humidity is coming and going with the rain storms. But that affects my everything and I just want the rain to pass some days so I will be more comfortable. The air pressure headaches are brutal this year. Or it’s a constant gray with either off-and-on drizzle and constant mist or a complete downpour. One night, it was a downpour in my front yard, and I went onto the back porch. It was a light rain that stopped, and the sun was setting. Front yard, gray, and downpours.

Today the gray, clouds, and sun are all competing for the day. So we’ll see what happens this afternoon :rofl:

Tomorrow AM, I have an appointment one town over for my left wrist. So that will be interesting to find out what is happening after that appointment.