Are you an empath? ✨

This explains so much for me. It will definitely help me in my everyday life just knowing this. I to have all these traits, I love this site :sparkles:


I know that @Mistress_Of_Herbs & I have discussed this before as well as it is touched on in other posts (ie: Weekly Challenges & topics by members) this article may help with some of the things we have spoken about or that have been mentioned throughout the forum…

I would also add, that a lot of times Empaths can or do have at least one type of “Clair” ability:

    1. Clairvoyance: a clear sense of vision, ie, psychic sight, being a seer. Let’s start with the most famous one, which is actually one of the least common. Despite people often assuming that all psychics are clairvoyants, many psychics do not rely on this ability. If you’re clairvoyant, you may have had vivid dreams where you saw premonitions (like the precognitive empath) or dead relatives who came to visit you. Clairvoyance often manifests like a screen that gets pulled down in front of you and plays a movie of the past, present, or future. Sometimes it isn’t a full clip though, sometimes you may see symbols, colors, and what looks like still images. You may see images that are literal or metaphorical. Some may also have the ability to see auras. You can see things with clairvoyance either within your mind’s eye or with your naked eye. Some people even classify your eye as being drawn to visual signs such as angel numbers as a type of clairvoyance. It is FAR more common for someone to have clairvoyance within their mind’s eye over their physical eyes. Being able to physically see things is the highest point of clairvoyance, and many people never develop to this point.
    1. Clair-gustance: is a clear sense of taste, ie, being able to orally detect psychic information. People with this ability might say that they can taste blood when they’re doing a reading for someone who had a relative die in a tragic accident. You might taste your grandma’s favorite cookie or candy when she is around you. You might taste something that your spirit squad wants you to put on their altar. Usually, if your spirit squad or ancestors want something specific, they will have you randomly taste it in your mouth. This sense is most commonly used in mediumship to connect with spirits – rather than divination.
    1. Clair-salience: is a clear sense of smell, ie, being able to nasally detect psychic information. This psychic sense is very similar to the one above. Maybe you’ve caught a whiff of your grandma’s perfume, or the smell of cooking when no one was actually cooking. People report smelling tobacco smoke or cologne when there’s no one else around them and no logical explanation for where it’s coming from. The smells don’t usually linger and they’re there just long enough for you to notice them before they’re gone. I will say that the same above applies, as sometimes your spirit squad will want something in particular and have you smell it so you know to put it on your altar. Sometimes they will harass you with a particular smell until you offer it. It’s also widely known that Angels can leave a floral scent when they visit so that you know when they’re near you. This sense is most often used in mediumship rather than in divination, as it can be an effective way for someone to recognize which soul is visiting them.
    1. Clair-audience: is a clear sense of hearing, ie, being able to detect psychic information through the ears. Clairaudience is quite a well-known psychic sense, but it also comes with many common misconceptions about what it’s like to experience it. People will assume that clairaudience always means hearing voices. While a lot of clairaudient psychics will be able to deliver messages from spirits this way because they can hear words being spoken to them, this is NOT common. People experience clairaudience in different ways, and you have probably experienced it too. Have you ever felt your ears have pressure in them or get hot for no reason? Have you ever noticed words in a song that seemed to be timed perfectly for what you were thinking at that moment? Or thought of a relative and a song that you associate with them started playing on the radio? All of that is considered clairaudience. Clairaudience often develops as the sound of a buzzing or a bell ringing in your ear, like someone has struck a triangle inside it.
    1. Clair-cognizance: is a clear sense of knowing, ie, psychic insight. This gift is tied closely to the Intuitive Empath. Have you ever just known that something was going to happen, without knowing why? You were probably experiencing claircognizance. This is what some may even call a mother’s intuition. Even people who aren’t spiritual can usually accept the fact that sometimes you just know- and you don’t have any outside proof or evidence, but you don’t need it, because you’re so sure. This will often manifest as our instincts.
    1. Clair-sentience: is a clear sense of feeling, ie, being able to detect psychic information through your body. This psychic sense is very common in everyday life, and with people who would never self-identify as spiritual – but can still recognize when they’re having a ‘gut feeling’ about something. Investors use this. Doctors use this. For people who are very clairsentient, their antennae are finely tuned to pick up on a lot of vibrational energy within their environment. There are two ways that clairsentience can manifest: internally and externally. Experiencing clairsentience externally is when you feel something cold or goosebumps in one part of your body. This probably means that there’s a spirit nearby, and so, external clairsentience is often used by mediums. Some can even feel how spirits have died, like a heart attack or an accident. Internal clairsentience is more common as it’s that ‘gut feeling’ about something that you can’t explain. It can also be a good feeling about something to come, which helps you to know that it’s going to be the right thing for you.
    1. Clair-empathy: is a clear sense of emotional feeling, ie, being able to detect psychic information through your emotions. Clairempathy can be another subtle psychic sense that’s hard to detect. Partly because it’s so easy to confuse with being an empath. However, clairempathy is DIFFERENT. It means being able to feel emotions in ADVANCE or being able to feel the emotions of others when they’re nowhere near you and you’re not communicating with them. Mediums might also use this sense to channel the emotions of lost loved ones, and professional psychics might tell you how you felt in your childhood or how you will feel about events in the future. It can also manifest as knowing that something is wrong with a loved one who’s on the other side of the world because you can sense their sadness and grief. You can’t explain it, but your energy is so closely linked that you’re able to psychically feel their emotions.
    1. Clair-tangency: is a clear sense of touch, ie, being able to detect psychic information through your hands. If you’ve ever held an antique and felt like it had a long story, you might have been experiencing clairtangency, which is closely tied to Psychometric Empathy. Some psychics are able to hold an object and tell you how many hands it’s passed through, when and where it was made, and what the last owner was like. Some have such a sensitive sense of touch that they can pick up on the energy stored within an item using their hands. This is an impressive skill, and people with strong clairtangency will probably avoid having old things in their home because the energy is too much for them to be around all the time. Objects are constantly soaking in energy (and obviously they are energy too) so there is a lot of psychic information that can be gained from the homes and belongings that we keep around us.
    1. Clair-intellect: is a clear sense of thinking, ie, being able to detect psychic information through your own thoughts. This can occur when your own thoughts manifest as your intuition. This most commonly happens in conversations where your words come through, but the thoughts driving them to seem like they come from a higher consciousness- like downloads from above. It is a way that spirit can speak through you, and it often feels as though you are linked to the universal flow of consciousness. People with this form find that they often feel as though they are having random epiphanies due to the downloads that they receive. 9 Clair Sense Abilities

I believe there are others, but these are the most popular that I have come across since understanding that I am an Empath with several clairs, I’m just re-learning to trust my intuition & work with them instead of ignoring them or dismissing them. I would have to look further into it for the other clairs & what they may be. These are the ones that I have come across, have, or heard of in my own learning about myself & abilities.

Everyone has intuition, but whether or not you are an Empath is something that should be looked into further & as how to work with or develop your traits & trust your own intuition. Which can be tough when you aren’t sure what or why these things happen to you but seemingly not to others.

Also, not everyone is an Empath, but everyone does have intuition… you should always really learn & look into what you have or feel because only you will know these things about yourself and then learn how to develop or work with them instead of ignoring them.

For basic information or to see if you may be an Empath or Highly Sensitive:

Empath Connection: Quiz - Are You an Empath by Dr Michael Smith

Although I am an Empath & a Highly Sensitive one at that, when I originally took the quiz I got these results (Pertinent information is shared for informational purposes of this post)

Please know that these are not scientific results, and that this quiz is designed to help you understand your own traits and pursue further information.

  • You are a good listener, & other people may ‘dump’ their stories on you.
  • You absorb energy & emotions (it’s part of your design).
  • You feel emotions deeply - sometimes for no logical reason.
  • You have good intuition & seek ways to TRUST it more.
  • You sense if a person is hiding something (B.S. detector).
  • You need alone time to recharge & use nature/water/trees to help you.
  • You may give too much of your energy away (& attract energy vampires).
  • You may isolate or use addictions to cope with feeling pain.

Empaths are a smaller portion of that group, approximately 3-5% of the total population

Since originally taking the quiz when I joined Spells8 in July of 2020, I have since taken steps to learn how to develop & trust my intuition. I have started counseling & seeing a psychiatrist on a regular basis. Both of those providers have me listed as a highly sensitive empath in my “charts” & we have been working on myself & past/present experiences to be able to learn how to do that, recognize what is mine to carry & what may be someone else’s to carry that I am picking up on, & have started deciphering what being a highly sensitive empath means for me & how to “work” with what I sense or my abilities instead of against them or ignoring it/pushing them down… so I don’t feel it… which made me kind of shut off from people, places, nature, & animals.


I have these traits. It is overwhelming at times but I always try to do what I think is right for the other person even if they are not considerate of how others may feel. Is it common to get so overwhelmed that you blow up?

My mom had emotional issues and she self medicated. Throughout my childhood I worked toward keeping the peace with her for as long as I can remember. She wasn’t very concerned about my feelings but I was meant to protect hers.

From what I now know, a person who does this type of thing is referred to as an “emotional vampire.”

I have always attracted people like this and I do everything I can until I hit an emotional wall and I blow up. STILL, I am more worried about the other person than I am myself.

One such person has very recently affected me this way. I have known her for 20 years and I was put off by her the day we met.

She until very recently subbed at the school where I work and people avoid her like the plague.

I felt sorry for her. I can’t stand to see a person treated that way even though there may be something about them that repulses me.

She is my age, 64, and in very poor health. She self medicates and it is everyone else’s fault.

Long story short, I listened to this for two years, trying to gently remind her of what she is doing that not be in her best I interest.

She fell three times in one day this week and when I suggested she allow herself to be admitted to hospital for evaluation she said her primary doc would lose control of her case.

I blew. This doc gives her whatever she wants and all of a sudden I am not a “ medical expert”because I’m not saying what she wants to hear.

I had to end things. Abruptly. Because I know me. I will say too much when I reach this point and I hit a wall.

I am not feeling the loss of a relationship because there wasn’t one. But I am concerned for her well being and I contacted her pastor to carry on with her from here because I can’t .

Does this happen to empaths? I wasn’t concerned about her insults. That’s common in druggies. I’m concerned about her well being but it has affected me so that I can’t be there for her anymore…





I am an empath. I consider myself a Clair sentient empath. I don’t share with many people mainly because they just stare T me like I am crazy. I wish I could say I welcome this “gift” that I have been aware of since childhood. However like many or all of us, the last few years have been exhausting and so overwhelming for me that at times I find myself sitting in a quiet place and trying to talk myself down. The feelings of others their angry I don’t watcythe news or read the papers because of all the toxic words.

I try to ground myself each day with positive thoughts.


I consider myself a clairsentient and Clairvoyant. However, the clairvoyance has been absent for awhile due to the amount of stress in my life. I am trying to calm myself so that it becomes active again.


I think it happens to many empaths, @kim7

Empaths do self-medicate, to quiet their feelings, visions, voices, etc. Often they must go through a “dark night of the soul” to make changes. And sadly, some never do change. My mother never did, she went from alcohol to codeine.

I would suggest protection for you and healing for your friend. :thinking: maybe distant healing (prayers) for her. :people_hugging: Sometimes it is hard to be an empath.

With love :heart: and magick :dizzy: always


Thank you. I appreciate that. It’s hard to know I may have hurt her with the truth, but I care more for her well-being than for her pride. I’m afraid she’s gonna OD or fall and no one will know. She lives alone. Never married, no children, family won’t have anything to do with her.

My mama and brothers were addicted to pain meds and the like. I made an ancestral altar with all my fam facing the middle. Yesterday I noticed my brothers Pictor turned away from the others. My immediate reaction was that he was reminding me how cut off and isolated these people feel. I took it to heart and want to be the friend she needs not the one she wants. She has no friends and it’s so sad.


That should read “ my brother’s picture.”


I feel this in my soul :laughing: I recently said to more than 1 person that I “hate” this Empath thing… I really don’t but sometimes it can be very “overwhelming” for me when I am working on or learning other things & out of nowhere (ie: going to my neighbor’s house or around more than “MY” people)… I can get drained & feel all the energy from where I am all at once… then I dip away silently before anyone has time to realize I’m no longer there :upside_down_face:


I am definitely an empath. I hate crowds because the feelings of people are overwhelming for me. It’s really hard for me at work because one of the people in our office is toxic. She is the poor pitiful me type of person. I think I may do some Tactical Magic today to get through another week with her. Lol! In a few months we will be working remotely with only a day or two in the office and that will be awesome!

Is Selenite poison to dogs? My dog just ate some. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:



“… the gypsum that selenite is made of is composed of calcium sulfate dihydrate , which is a very safe and even useful substance.”

Selenite Toxicity

However, because I’m assuming it was a Selenite crystal, it wouldn’t be ‘toxic’ but depending on how big of a piece or the shards swallowed, it could cause a blockage for your dog.


It was a small piece. Hopefully he didn’t swallow any of it. The crystal is pretty much intact and I picked up the shards. I will keep an eye on him. Thanks @Susurrus.


Soo yes all of these topics are actually fitting with my personality! I guess, I really am an Empath then…and honestly I don’t regret or dislike this fact but you all know very well how emotionally and spiritually overwhelming it can get to be one! It’s not something bad, I know, instead it is a divine gift that I really need to take control of! To learn how and when to use it…learn how to protect myself from falling apart all the time! Thank you for this post @MeganB as it helped me feel more pleasantly acknowledged and supported! :hugs: :smiling_face:


You’re very welcome! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’m glad it’s helped you put some personal puzzle pieces together. Now that you know more, you can find ways to help!


This is very important!

I can tell you that from when I first found out & then as I worked through things, I had a hard time with the same types of things. Once you learn how to protect your energy, ground, and boundaries, and be able to separate what’s your’s to carry & what isn’t… things start to just keep getting a lot easier as you do them. Being self-aware about different situations & how you personally are going to react is a big thing too. I have no problem leaving somewhere if I’m getting overstimulated or overwhelmed with the people or energy where I am… or just not going if there are people there that aren’t “my” people and I know it’s going to be a lot for me.

I also had to learn what was a trauma response and what wasn’t… it takes a while, I would work on one thing at a time… don’t try to do it all at once. Only you will know where the priority is going to lie for the order you start working on things. Also, sometimes, just because… you will work on one thing and actually be working on or leading into the next without realizing it.


I am an empath, a fact that has always made me a good counselor and communicator. My intuition allows me to feel a person’s needs and emotions without them voicing them. People call me psychic because I’m usually pretty accurate, lol. The problem is twofold. One, it’s exhausting and two, I am a helper/healer. I want their pain and chaos to stop so bad that I will do anything to help them. Often, it’s at my own detriment. Hurtful emotions, betrayal and even abuse towards me are forgiven because I understand the drive and reasoning behind them.

I can’t seem to change this about myself. I almost feel like I come off as fake or “too good” because of my willingness to help others heal but it’s truly who I am. Any advice or ideas on how to change things?


I am trying to figure out if I am an empath. Kinda hoping I am, my gut says I am.

I feel I ‘know’ things before they happen. Too often I have known something was going to happen and then when it did was like, ‘oh, yeah, that’s not surprising’. I didn’t pay attention at first until I started to see it happen more frequently as I got older.

I have always loved divination and I feel that is because I wanted and enjoy the use of my intuition. I just…love it. Love the cards for the look but the challenge of reading them and the energy they give off to understand what is being given to me.

Since finding Spells 8 and also absorbing my witchy ways, I have become more sensitive to feelings and energies. Which leads me to try harder to understand myself.

I am also the type to feel the energies in a room and need to recharge after being out, even a little bit. Always thought that was due to me being an introvert but maybe that’s the empath side too coming out.

Does that make me an empath? I don’t know. But I am enjoying the research.


Today I did a meditation :woman_in_lotus_position: with the Queen Of Swords :crossed_swords:
I am a Empathetic Individual with a deep senses that is my feeling senses, that are intuitive of other’s feelings in the room.
I energetically can tell right away what energy is in the room. I read this fro Megan and I do have to agree. I see anger from the inside out. I hear tones in body language. I feel other’s emotions like anger, anxiety, pain, panic and depression. I use my senses and try using laughter as a medicine. I try to be kind and compassionate to others to combat’s negative emotions :wink:

my clients have mental disorders and disabilities and deal with fears they have about daily life and stressors that impact there mood! I have found myself untangled in others lives. I carry a large lantern, I am there to be a light in the darkness. They often feel low moods and feel unworthy because of their inability to do daily activities like they use too!
I try to implement a bright circle around me I incorporate boundaries for myself mentally It can be draining to take on all of there responsibilities as a caretaker.
So I lite a candle and protect my space before
I start the day and do a meditation :woman_in_lotus_position: and incorporate magic ! I use my Allie’s, and I will pray for others and myself!

I agree since I came to spells 8 it has helped me to understand energy better. Reading auras. I believe in my magic :magic_wand: it’s empowering me to be stronger I really appreciate
Megan thanks recently I was talking with a friend of the coven during meditation and I am glad we could go over what it it means to be a empath! You are absolutely right about using

I am going to wear these to combat negativity! Thank you :smiling_face:
Have you ever heard of Blue Aragonite communication is key especially in spirit, and this stone helps with the throat, third eye, heart chakra, allowing you to communicate from a whole in Center place, while the stone instills hope and inspiration. This Crystal enhances your ability to empathize and show compassion for others, fostering, authentic connections, blue aragonite, communication skills also carry across when you were communicating with the spirit realm, cultivating a calm and relax space for even more clarity to come through. I found this in my crystal for Mystic Mondays Deck!
Thanks for sharing so much knowledge Megan I love the strength you share


I don’t know if I have any advice to help you change, but I just want to say that sometimes we just have to accept who we are and learn to work with it rather than against it. If you’re the kind of person that always helps others heal, you’ll have to pay close attention to where you put your energy to make sure others don’t take advantage of you. :heart:

I’m not sure if that makes you an empath but I’m glad that you’re enjoying your research! :heart:

You’re so very welcome, Jeannie! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’m glad I could help you and give something to research!


I fit into a lot of these Empath Traits sometimes so bad that I have to close myself off to people so I can get myself together. Which I have been doing recently, I have had some people around me who takes and never gives. This energy is very draining for me and having anxiety does not help much either.

I use a black tourmaline necklace for protection. I like the Shielding idea before I go anywhere.

The other day I had to do a event and it was in a decent size but still small space. All I could hear was all the talk from everyone. I couldn’t think, I almost did not get around to check out things myself. I wanted my headphones that I use but left them at home. I had ear buds but don’t like them and then I would have not been able to talk if someone asked me something. I just wanted to drown out the noise, I had mentioned it to a few people that it was loud. I was so happy when it was over I came home and meditated and went right to bed, I felt so much better afterwards.