Bath Magick - A Day at the Spa(ish) 🧼

I wanted to get this written before I forgot, but I will not be doing this ritual until tomorrow because I have had a busy Monday. I will update with pictures when I get them, for sure!

Anyway, I have been dealing with a lot lately, and this challenge comes at the perfect time. I will be running a hot bath, soaking in some lavender bubbles, and steeping in a tea of lavender and chamomile. Yes, I said steeping. Because of the way my bathtub is made, I will be using a teabag in my bath instead of loose herbs. This is actually a tea that I drink, too, and I believe it will make a deliciously relaxing bath.


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Lavender is a beautiful plant, often used in the cosmetics industry for its pleasant aroma.


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Chamomile is a calming and tranquilizing agent, which can act as a powerful antidepressant.

I plan on lighting candles and leaving the light off, but the most important part about this bath for me is the steps I will take before.

I have been feeling very heavy lately in my emotions and the way I feel. I realized today that it has been a very long time since I have cleansed myself which should be a regular part of my practice because I’m a witch with a following. I’ll get started by lighting my charcoal in my cauldron and burning some of my protection herbal blend while I’m in the bathroom.

I will then play some music, probably by Erutan or something similar on my Pandora station, and dance and move through the smoke, raising energy in and through myself to disperse the gunk that’s hanging around. Once I’m fully cleansed, I’ll run my bath and meditate for a few minutes while the bath fills with water. I don’t have a chant or anything as of yet, but if I end up saying one, I’ll let you know.

I plan on letting the herbal blend smolder while I bathe and relax in the water, inviting in the peace and calm that lavender and chamomile can bring to me.

This is much needed, and I feel like @Limeberry was just right on the same page with everyone else that needed this challenge this week.

Continuing the discussion from :bathtub: Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Scrub-a-dub, Magick in the Tub!:


Oh I love using chamomile tea in the bath- use the tea bags on your eyes when they’re cool enough- it’s so ridiculously soothing!
This sounds so gorgeous :heart_eyes: enjoy your cleanse and bath- sounds like you need some self love and ‘me time’! I hope this does the trick and you feel wonderfully refreshed :heart:


Ohhh you deserve a special treat and luxurious bath, @MeganB- this is a gorgeous ritual! I hope you enjoyed a very relaxing time and feel refreshed :blush:

Lavender and Chamomile are some of my faves to work with- good for the body and the mind! May they help you to relax and recover- wash that stress away :soap::relaxed: