Bath ritual timing

Goodmorning from New York was curious when doing bath rituals do they all have to be before the sunrise ? Is that only for spiritual baths like cleansing negativity before sunrise ?


I’ve never heard that it has to be before sunrise. I think they can be any time of day.


Unless instructions are given for specific traditions and workings, ritual baths can be done anytime you need them.


I thought that too but I was reading about hoodoo so I guess everyone have their own way of doing things


Thank you so much because I’m not a early morning person I was like gosh :joy:


Honestly, I do them whenever the spirit moves to have nice self-love or other ritual shower or a shower to cleanse myself… whatever the case may be. When I feel the urge to take one, no matter what the time of day, month, week, or cycle, I take one. :woman_shrugging: For myself, it’s whenever it feels right to me, but I kind of take written spells & rituals & tweak them to suit myself & my limitations or feelings about it.

I am of the school of thought that, whenever you feel is the right time, it’s the right time.


There may be ways of doing it in hoodoo, not sure about that. Like @Susurrus said, take one when it feels right.


As I don’t practice hoodoo, I can’t speak for any rules or expectations within that practice, but for me personally I say go ahead and take your spiritual bath any time :bathtub: :+1:

As with most things in magick, the timing and situation of casting a spell or taking a bath can help to direct and enhance spellwork, but they aren’t necessary to the spell or bath being successful (the exception being, as Megan said, if the directions say the spell or bath must be done at a certain time).

Why not experiment and see what works best for you, @Babywitchbxtch? :blush: Try taking baths under certain phases of the moon to draw on their properties, baths on different days of the week to match the magickal focus of the day, and experiment with baths at different hours to see how the different times affect the bath :mantelpiece_clock: :sun_with_face: :full_moon: I recommend keeping a journal to help keep track of how you feel about different influences on the bath :bathtub: :open_book:

Again, this is just what works for my personal practice and may not be in line with hoodoo- keep exploring and you’ll find what works best for you! :blush:

Good luck and blessed be, Lotasha!


Thank you so much for that


You’re very welcome @Babywitchbxtch- I’m happy if I could help! :blush:

Good luck and blessed be! :sparkles:


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