Been working on something!

I pieced together a mini digital only metaphysical magazine! And it’s ready!

We are LIVE on the site - The Cracked Cauldron’s first issue!! Woot!


It looks so amazing! This is something I’ve always thought about doing, too :laughing: but I don’t have the time or the energy for it. I look forward to your next issues! :clap: :heart:


This is brilliant, @SilverBear, thank you for sharing! I really enjoyed the piece on releasing ancestral grief, as I’m in an active reckoning and search for this type of healing. Thank you.

The entire magazine is fabulous, I love the layout, design and the pictures too! It’s a quick enough read to get through it with enough depth and coverage to be engaged and continue researching. Good luck with this nbew publication! :open_book: :green_heart:

Edited to add:
Picture of me without my hair yesterday during Chemo - this is my view outside my chemo window! It made me think of the woman in the article who shaved her head - while that isn’t an option for me now, it’s been very healing in many ways to shave my head (again). Whoop! :haircut_woman:t2:


I can’t wait to go through this, it’s great! I definitely look forward to upcoming issues as well! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@jan_TheGreenWitch that is a beautiful view. Plus, just last night I told my husband that there are days I just want to shave my head. I have seriously considered it due to the stress from being colored over so many years, I just want my natural hair to come in the way it wants to now. & I have had family members go through chemo also in the past & I remember when they had similar issues. One of my favorite memories is sitting with my Grandmother while she got her treatment. She would always tell me I could go run errands or something else but I sat with her, unless it was absolutely necessary that I leave, I would stay for her to make sure she was doing okay.


Really Cool Laurie!! I love the sound of the page turning :+1: nice touch.
How often will there be new issues?


I am hoping quarterly - if it seems to become popular - I will try to do it bi-monthly.

Thank you!


If you want to add any articles, I’d be more than happy to give you a spot in the next issue.


I love it @SilverBear
What a great idea!
Thank you for sharing with us.
Love always


Oh, that’s so kind! I’d have to really think about it or have you give me a topic to write about :laughing: but I love what you’ve got so far!


I’d love an article about a Celtic God/Goddess…even if it’s one you’ve already written! I am planning on releasing these quarterly at this point so you have time. LOL


haha okay cool, I’ll think of something!


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