Bitch Be Gone Spray

Continuing the discussion from :bubbles: Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Cleansing in the Craft:

What size spray bottle did you use? Or does anyone else know what size spray bottle I should use?

Also should I use frankincense gum resin or incense sticks?

Anyone know? I just happen to be out right now so I thought I’d try to collect some things I need like a spray bottle lol


I’d say start with whatever size spray bottle you can get – probably a smaller one and not one meant for cleaning supplies. Then just do a bit of each herb or ingredient in the water. It doesn’t take much to infuse water with herbal properties and essences.

I think the Frankincense is probably the essential oil. That would be the easiest thing to use!

This is how I would do it without having the full recipe and instructions for the original post.


I love how this one became such a big hit here! :joy:

I like to imagine “the bitch” not as anyone in particular, but a trickster spirit who preys on people when they’re tired, hungry, slighted or otherwise feeling off
 some people seem to be like magnets or pots of honey to the bitch, but not even the greatest bodhisattva is completely immune to her wiles, so it’s good to have some of that spray handy


Megan has some great advice that I agree with wholeheartedly! :+1: I’ll also call in @gerri (the one who first shared about the spray) to see if they have any tips or advice about crafting the spray :sparkles:

Agreed! This is one recipe that really took off :laughing: :+1:

I like your idea of keeping away the nasty energy, Celestia- I agree that a spray like this is good for both when you have a specific target or just to keep back unwanted energy in general.


That is a great way to think of the ‘bitch’, @CelestiaMoon !


Hi! I typically use the smaller like personal use spray bottles & the Frankincense she is referring to is I believe the essential oil as @MeganB mentioned because it’s a spray
 the others may also be essential oils added to the moon water where it is a spray too with the intentions listed.


How exactly does this work like for someone that’s not around but pops back up every now and then?


I would just use it when they’re around or when you know they’re coming over. If you use essential oils you could even create it as a blend to put in a diffuser for when they’re around lol that way it’s not like you’re spraying it when they’re at your home, but it’s still working.


I used resin, but just a word of warning here. The resin stuck to the pot to never be cleaned again, lol! Hubby was going to throw it away, but I wouldn’t let him. I may just decide to cook another witches brew in it. Lol! By the way, it was one of my favorite pots! :frowning_face:


Awww, that’s sad :frowning_face: We appreciate the warning
 hope you can still keep using the pot for your potion making at least.


Oh no! :astonished: Thank you for the word of warning!

:memo: Note to self: Do not warm resin in a pot.

I’m sorry it ruined one of your favorite pots, but I think you might be not something with using that pot to make more potions and brews! Who knows - maybe eventually the resin will come out or you will just infuse the rest of your brews with the essence of Frankincense!


At least I learned my lesson! Lol! Hubby wasn’t to happy about it. :blush:


haha yes, lesson learned!


This is so cool
 Don’t have any people i need to banish atm but there are always times where one does. I can just imagine praying the person and saying “B*tch be gone” (only joking but seems hilarious in my head lol :laughing:


Honestly, this is something that I would do or at the very least seriously contemplate if I had a small spray bottle of it on my person :rofl: I just have this visual of spraying it, then saying it & walking away. :joy:


I made it and used it last night. Sprayed it all over her chair where she sits all day. We’ll see what happens.

I feel like I need to use it on myself now after being here so long and all the fighting. I just don’t give a crap about anything anymore. :disappointed: I am mentally and emotionally drained.


I’d so go ahead! In this case, the bitch that needs banishing is just a yucky bad energy that you’ve picked up from being in this environment for so long. I don’t see why it wouldn’t work!


Should I just spray it on myself? Or on my clothing I’m wearing
 There are cats in the house, and I did use frankincense essential oil. I made sure not to spray it when they were around.


What I would do is spray it on myself before taking a shower, let it settle, and then take a cleansing shower afterward! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I used frankincense essential oil, sorry i should have clarified that in the recipe