BOOK OF SHADOWS- organization?

I have been so happy to have the wonderful resource of for pages to a Book of Shadows.
I wondered if anyone would like to share how they organize their personal BOS.


Hi Berta!

Besides using a 3-ring binder to add, remove and move pages around, here’s a series of page separators with different categories: Book of Shadows Cover and Divider Pages 📄

I hope that helps! Also, I started organizing all the pages in this page: Grimoire PDF. I still have a lot of work to do since there are so many pages! It wil take me a while.


Thank you so much @Francisco. I didn’t have a three ring binder, but I did have extra rings for a ring binder and the page punch for that binder. It still allows me to change the order of pages, but is a little more cumbersome when trying to flip through.
I can’t even imagine how many hours / DAYS/ you have spent putting this all together to share with us. THANKS hardly seems adequate.
SO MUCH INFORMATION!! :slight_smile:


My grimoire is actually a combination of a few different journals and notebooks as well as a three-ring binder. The journals are for journaling my daily tarot (when I remember to do it) and my shadow work. The three-ring binder is honestly just about empty because most of the information I have is in my head :rofl: The binder works best for me because then I can move pages around when I need to and organize it without worrying about not being able to find things.


Besides divider pages, my son draws the specific herb, flower, etc that correlates with the page. He’s such an artist! Otherwise, I start out with the basics, then start out by going to more complex info.


Thanks Christina that makes sense. I have ‘collected’ a lot of information over time and it is becoming a bit overwhelming. There is a lot of redundant or irrelevant information, but I keep the page because of a bit that isn’t on other pages. I suppose I should just start consolidation and writing them up myself but I look at that much work and I kinda glaze over. I have a collection of books that I feel the same way… Sometimes I love parts but not all. I guess I am picky. :frowning:


Nothing wrong with being picky! It shows you’re unique and have preferences.