Boundaries by McKayla Robbin

Any other poetry lovers out there? Found this amazing poem and though you all might enjoy it as much as I did. As someone who struggles with boundaries, I really needed this too. :sparkles: Feel free to attach any of your favorite (magical or not) poems!

is a necessary magic

draws a circle around you
with chalk
and says
I have given enough.”


This is lovely, and a good thing to tell ourselves :grin:


I really like this one & so far its been endless learning process of boundaries & tweaking those boundaries as necessary too!

I love :heart: poetry. I used to write poems all the time. Made English class easier when we had to come up with a poem too :blush:


I love poetry! :dizzy: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :hearts:
Poetry is an open door.
Many look in without seeing
nothing and they pass. But some
they see something, their eye catches something
and enchanted they go to enter.
The door then closes. No one is hitting
does not open them. They are looking for the key.
No one knows who has it. Yet
and their lives are sometimes wasted in vain
looking for the secret to open it.
They make anti-locks. Trying.
The door doesn’t open anymore. It never opened
for those who could see deep.
Perhaps the poems that were written
since the world existed
it is an endless armory of anti-keys
to open the door of Poetry.
But Poetry is an open door.


Oh that’s lovely @AIRAM! :heavy_heart_exclamation:

I remember my Senior year, we had to write a poem. So I did the way I always do, with what comes to mind. Little did I know that it would turn into a whole thing with my teacher (I got an A+) but she had gone to my guidsnce counselor who then called my parents & there was a meeting. Sooo… then I started writing generic poems not ones that came to my mind. Those I kept to myself & no longer shared them. Eventually, somehow my mom found my notebook of poems & because of the previous meeting started reading them. After that I stopped writing.


@tracyS i wholly agree!
@Susurrus oh, it’s definitely a never ending learning process for me too! And they’re ever-changing. Poetry is so beautiful to me too, and I love to write, but I’m not the best creative writer (in my opinion, anyway). That means I mostly just read poetry, but I absolutely love it regardless. :blush: Unfortunately, I can relate to my privacy being invaded with my journals being read by others, which turned me off writing for quite a while too. I am learning to trust the process once again because I believe journaling really does help me. I say, if you’re feeling compelled, to give writing another try. I’m sure your work is beautiful!
@AIRAM beautifully said! :face_holding_back_tears::heart:


I lost my poem ability. It was a very good outlet for me, but I’ve had little stories, poems, & journals read so its hard for me to do & at times I want at least journal, was for a while, but haven’t been able to recently. I’m trying to get back into journaling a bit more to maybe spark some kind of more creative writing outlet, but something always stops me when it comes to poetry.

I’m working on it though. I’m a big fan of babysteps :footprints:


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