Brigid Flametender

Hi Amanda! :wave:

It seems that your photo got stuck on the tubes of the internet! :sweat_smile: Lol that sometimes happens if the image file is too big. Try posting it again!


Hmmm… I tried several times & each time made the picture smaller. :thinking::woman_shrugging: I will try again tomorrow! :hugs:


Tending the flame today with the black candle meditation. Going to read a bit more on Hecate today as well since it’s Saturday.
Hope everyone’s day is Magickal!
Blessed Be,


Thank you for telling me🥰 let’s try again!


@amanda5 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: unfortunately users are experiencing the same issue today as well. It is being looked into though! I also was unable to upload images yesterday & today for Brigid’s Flame. I can try again either later or tomorrow though.


Such a bummer! The cycle is breaking! :pleading_face::pleading_face::pleading_face:


We will start it again once we are able. I have saved the last 2 days pictures, so I can add them when the internet figures out what it’s doing :joy:


There was a problem with the Spells8 app and uploading photos. Luckily, it’s now fixed! Make sure you close the app and re-open it, then try again. If not, restart your phone and try again. That should do it :wink:


Thank you! :blush:


Today’s flame! :fire: :hugs:


I woke up rather late for me… 11 AM(ish)! However, everyone that was still at the house, was still sleeping :sleeping: . So I had some time to figure out what I wanted to do for my daily ritual & poke around topics of interest. I’m still called to learn more about the Morrigan & my book :books: about her came in today!

I know that I wanted to give gratitude to Brigid for assisting me the past few months & suggesting that I learn more about the Morrigan. I also know that officially Scorpio :scorpius: season has started, so I chose :scorpius: Scorpio Season Meditation to do today.

I set up my altar with a yellow candle for mental clarity, offerings for Brigid for gratitude:
milk, acorns, coins, sage incense, copper bowl, silver chalice, my Brigid statue; I also put my spell jar for Peace & Calm with my spell jar for Legal Ease, Prosperity, Peace, & Calm, & my wooden Pentacle.

Once I was through setting up, I started my diffusers with a Scorpio Blend for the day & start of Scorpio :scorpius: Season. I have a Scorpio :sun: & a few other places in my birth chart, so it is a very strong sign for me. Then I followed the meditation.

Afterward, I made a tea :tea:, it was too late for another coffee & I really didn’t want juice or soda yet :woman_shrugging:

I’m off to get the house put together for the week ahead. Already I can tell it is going to be better than I thought because as of “bedtime” last night, the forecast was for rain straight through to Thursday. So far is a Gorgeous day with plenty of :sun: :two_hearts:

I hope everyone has a great Sunday! :infinite_roots:


It’s dark, rainy, & dreary here today & is going to be for at least a couple of days. :roll_eyes: Aside from being slow going all the way around today, it’s Monday & still want to have a good start to the week before Samhain! :skull:

I did the White Candle :candle: Meditation :woman_in_lotus_position: & I used Lavender incense, Selenite Athame, Labradorite Turtle & Tower, & 2 pieces of Clear Quartz. Once the incense & candle were lit, I also held my Labradorite palmstone & a smaller Selenite wand in my hands.

Midway through to the end of the meditation, I could feel the stones being activated & sending energy to my hands wherever they were touching the stones. :exploding_head: I haven’t ever really noticed this feeling as much as I did today, so I am going to continue to carry those stones with me.

I hope everyone has a great day today! :dizzy: :heart:


Omg @Susurrus i don’t know why I missed all those little turtles. I Love them so much. Can I ask where you got them and if they come in other critters as well. My son would love these.


My turtles are my friends. Lol :joy:

The Tiger’s Eye, Malachite, & very small ones are from Embodii Crystals. They have a FaceBook page & do some amazing FaceBook Live shows on Thursday evenings & the weekends, I’m no longer on FaceBook, but I believe @Missa would know more about them than I. The Soapstone turtle is from Cape Cod Crystals & the Lapis Lazuli turtle is from The Stone Store (They don’t have a website) here in my hometown. The Labradorite turtle came from an Etsy shop & the Green Aventurine turtle came from Missa’s Etsy Shop (there is a notice that the shop is closed at this time). :turtle:


Oooo thank you! I don’t have Facebook either. It’s a succubus to me lol.


:rofl: yeah, they have a website also, I had held onto my FaceBook solely for Embodii’s Live Shows, then couldn’t do it anymore. So I downloaded my information & deleted most of my social media.


Yes! Embodii Crystals is live on Facebook on Thursdays & Saturdays! And yes my shop is currently closed im working on opening it back up


I accept myself for who I am!
I honor myself and the Lord and Lady! I just thought I would tend the flame with the Lord and Lady’s, and Synchronize with my life and the ritual of life!


Thank you @Missa!

Thank you @Jeannie1! I love that sign under the candle. I have heard that before but I’m not sure where. :thinking:

Have a great day! :fire:


Today I did the Green Candle Meditation & held a piece of Green Aventurine. I had placed a Malachite Turtle, Green Aventurine Turtle, Rough Emerald, & a Clear Quartz on my altar with the candle :candle:

~Green is also a corresponding color for Brigid~

I hope everyone has a great day! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: