In honoring the Goddess of the hearth, Brigid, and in the spirit of our wonderfully forming coven growing closer, I came across this piece in Llewellyns 2021 magical almanac. Once a day, an assigned member takes an image of a flame, posting one a day… For forever! we start over after all the members have had a turn"lighting" the flame. Examples they gave for sharing the blaze are bonfires, altar table candles, GIFS, etc.
Amazing Idea! I work with Brigid on a daily basis & would love to do this. I’m in also! So who is going to post their flame for tomorrow? @Amethyst/@Francisco?
What a wonderful idea, @amanda5! A shared flame nurtured by the coven is beautiful
A suggestion to offer: perhaps there could be an open thread that everyone can check each day? Anyone who has a picture to share for the day can do so in the thread. Some days may have many flames, while other days may just have one- with the goal to always keep the flame ‘lit’
Another option could be to have a wiki post where members sign up for specific days to post
No matter how it is set up, this is sure to be a fun group activity! Thanks Amanda
As someone who works very closely with Herself, I’m sure this will be pleasantly welcomed. I actually tend a flame daily for Her and there are groups of people dedicated to being Flame Keepers almost like this! Thank you for the suggestion, Amanda, and I’m sure this will be a great activity for everyone involved.
I’m on a delayed timezone (GMT-8) so I had to make sure to get up early
I pulled my daily Tarot card and it was Judgment!, a card that features the Archangel Michael (the archangel of Fire) blowing his horn which is kind of appropriate for this flametending devotional.
it’s also about rebirth and resurrection which makes sense to me at this time of the year.
Oh lovely @Francisco & @AliceInWonderdab, great start to the tradition! I don’t mind running the wiki if @amanda5 doesn’t have the time to do so or doesn’t want to do it. Just let me know! I will post a picture tomorrow after I light my candles in the morning.