Bully Be Gone / Freezer Spell

Greetings @kelly30,

I’m with everyone else- if the doors of opportunity open, take them! When casting spells, things like moon phases, colors, ingredients, and other correspondences can help to enhance spellwork, but in my practice I don’t see them as “making or breaking” the spell. The magick comes from you. Cast the spell when you feel the time is right :+1:

You absolutely can. The only limits on spellwork that I define are our own reserves of energy (or the energy borrowed from an outside source if you choose to use one), so if you feel you can cast these two spells, then I say go for it!

The actual physical actions of casting the spell may not be draining at all- but as is the case for any stressful, tense, or emotional intentions, you may feel emotionally drained afterwards. In that case, I recommend doing some self care work and checking the Spell Exhaustion Guide- it has some great tips for recovering after draining spellwork.

Wishing you all the best with your spellwork- I hope it can bring you some peace and security while you figure out your next steps! :pray::heart:

Blessed be :sparkles: