Can a hex be considered justice if they deserve it rightfully?

You seem to have a lot of anger going on. Sage advise RuthAnn


Without knowing more of your situation, I gave you advise but now, you should seek legal retribution your parents and/or police.


Thank you. And yes, I still believe he would do it again to someone else. He just doesn’t want his family and friends to know cus he knows I have proof of everything, he even admitted what he did to me. He says he regrets it because now some of his friends know.


Then as difficult as it sounds, you may have to go to the police, or his family if it’s not a police matter. Or at least an adult you can trust. That sounds sucky, because it is, but you don’t want him to hurt others, and the Gods tend to like you doing something mundanely if possible, before resorting to spells.


True. And thank you :slight_smile:


You’re welcome! :hugs:


Your anger saddens me. I view any beliefs as: I take what I need and ignore what isn’t helpful or doesn’t feel right. Don’t march off in a huff. Not everything here is fluff. The support and comradery is precious and hopeful. When I first addressed this girl, I only had half a story and when she filled out the story, I admitted my advise was wrong. I encouraged her to seek legal help. If I’m still wrong. I do apologize.
Do what you feel you must, but I will miss you. :flushed:


That’s the kind of attitude that will help you get far in life and in your relationships. Resilience is the greatest virtue here. Know when to move on.

@ruthann Thanks for sharing your views too. Let’s keep this conversation on-topic, if you have comments about the site you can start a new topic here: Site Feedback. I hope you’ll stay in the coven and keep sharing your views as openly and respectfully as possible so we can learn from you.


I think TheTravelWitch summed it up nicely and it would be hard for anyone to add more to what she said. I am happy you came to us about this. I hope you take the advice of your coven friends and report him to the proper authorities, if he broke any laws. It’s important to not beat yourself up about any of this.

I am a big fan of binding spells to block someone from harming others. (I use black candles and my own personal spell when doing this but the link provided can give you other ideas.

There is a fine line between justice and revenge. Guard your heart and be mindful of your emotions while you seek justice. You do not want to be eaten from the inside out as you seek to keep him from harming others. Obviously, anything you do should be done safely and in this case maybe with other people to protect you.

Again, if he broke the law, he needs reformed so never does it again. You need compensation for the damage he caused. The justice system handles both. Money isn’t a balm for pain but it can buy therapy and there is nothing wrong with that.

Wishing you peace and safety as you navigate this event in your life. May the outcome be in your favor. Thank you for coming to us to seek guidance and to let off steam. I hope you have people you trust in the “real” world that can love you and guide you, as well.


Thank you. :slight_smile: :heart:


Forgiveness may take a while but look inward and know you are strong and powerful. I have used a simple mirror spell for similar situations. You can write the individual’s name on a brown piece of paper and tape it to the mirror so it is reflecting back onto itself. I send love and healing energy to the individual while asking they see clearly as to their actions so as not to repeat. Simply take a look in the mirror and does one like what they see. Self love for your is a must.


That’s a great idea :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’d be very careful about what is put out into the universe. Just remember that no matter what he did, you will still have to answer for your actions… And he will answer for his. Take the high road and know that justice will be served to him based on his own behavior. And never forget all of this is a reflection of his character… Don’t let it taint your character


I just actually read the post before answering it this time. Erase my first thought. My second thought: Where is this SOB who hurt you? Okay, maybe not helpful.

Sadly, in my experience, family and friends of the SOB, no matter what he does, often do not do the right thing. Or they say you are lying. Odds are, they KNOW. They probably have seen it before. I speak from experience, sadly. You will save yourself a lot of pain by not engaging with those people, anyone close to him.

Did he straight up break the law and you were the victim? If he did, you’ll feel better if you do something about it. You may be able to get a free lawyer depending on where you live.


He might not pay for it all in this life. But life is short, and at the greater consciousness level, there is no such thing as ‘time’.

He will pay for his actions either just after death with his soul, or in one of his next miserable lives which he does not get to pick.

You can help him pay for his karma in this life by going to the police and filing a report. You don’t need your parents to do that. And as long as when you make a statement you know what you are saying and getting into, you likely won’t even need your parents involved (and can use a third party that ensure you know what you are saying and doing).

Nothing will be done to him in this life if nothing is said.

P.S: no one needs to know either, besides him when he gets charged, it will be no one else’s business if you don’t make it their business.



I came upon your post after researching more on “justice.” The more I read the thread and comments the more discouraged I became @jada1 I don’t know you personally but what I do want you to know is that you are strong and resilient. There are countless others who are afraid to say anything out of fear. But you? Your voice is necessary. :kissing_heart:


Aww, thank you soo much! And you’re welcome :slight_smile: