Can I make my own honey jar spell to attract a friend or something like that?

I wanna do one ASAP to ATTRACT love, I was considering reconciling with an ex…but did a reading before making a final judgment. And it’s best if we don’t get back together at the moment. I don’t want him hurt by me. (I have a twin flame and he’s the runner, and I’m the chaser. I think It’s changing tho. I kinda wanna avoid him now cus I’m scared a bit…and he wants me badly without saying it but rather by showing it.) I want a friendly love (No pink candle, only white) can I just write on a piece of paper some things I want in them and cover it with syrup and seal it?


Did you find this Jar Spell for friendship? You can still use a pink candle, after all, that’s for self-love as much as it is for romantic love. If you don’t have a person’s name who you’re trying to make friends with, just put what kind of friend you’re wanting on the piece of paper. Fridays are good days for friendship spells too! So this would be a good day to do it.

Hope that helps!


Don’t you need their approval? I could be wrong.


White is a replacement for any color you don’t have. Work with inscribing the candle, too. Write on it with a pin or something sharp.


It looks like they’re just trying to attract a certain kind of friendship or relationship to them. In this case, it’s not a specific person so no permission is needed :sparkling_heart:

This is a valid option! You could also do the Honey Sweetening Jar Spell that @Amethyst linked for you.

There is also a Crystal Spell to Attract Love that could be adapted for friendship or whatever type of relationship you’re looking for.

I also have a Spell Jar for Attracting Love on my website if you want to check that out, too. It is fully customizable to suit the needs of the caster, so you can attract friendship, love, self-love, etc.


Ok thanks. Looks like you provided great advice their!! :rose:


Thx :slight_smile: And I have no pink candles, so ima use white.


Not when it’s for a generalized friend I think. It’s like a magical Facebook post, looking for new friends. LOL.

You’re welcome! And white matches everything so you’re good to go!


Thank you :heart:


Good luck!