Cast for the Past

You’re very welcome! Let us know how it goes! I too have been into quantum physics for many years and I’ve only scratched the surface. It is a lot…but it is a lot of fun too!


Working on healing/ banishing my past horror story…writing in my book of mirror’s, I wish that it would just magically disappear from my thoughts, but there’s always a reminder/ intuition that Keeps me from harm, with the fear that those horror’s could re-occur…Blessings to anyone that has encountered such as I. May your Wishes Come True!
I felt my the third eye open, and would you believe that, I sat in Aww, that it blinked!! The heart that I always claimed that I have, may be damaged until I find this forgiveness within my self, guided meditations are giving me strength, This must be the place for me to continue on My Journey, as I have traveled so far…I stand firmly grounded, feeling the earth beneath my feet, as I look up into the sky , the moon that shines so brightly, the star’s, wind, water, and The Sun is like a ball of fire .