Purpose: This spell is designed to sever energetic ties between you and a person, situation, or habit that no longer serves your highest good. Use this spell when you feel emotionally, spiritually, or mentally drained by an unhealthy connection.
- Two candles: One to represent you (choose a color that resonates with your energy) and one to represent the other person or situation (a black or neutral-colored candle works well).
- A cord or string: Symbolizing the bond between you and the other person/situation. It should be long enough to tie loosely between the two candles.
- Scissors or a ritual knife: To cut the cord.
- Cleansing tools: Sage, palo santo, or incense to clear your space.
- A quiet space: A room or area where you won’t be disturbed.
This spell is most potent when performed during the waning moon, which is the phase ideal for letting go and releasing energies. However, it can be done at any time when you feel ready to sever the connection.
The Ritual:
1. Cleansing the Space
Light your sage, palo santo, or incense, and cleanse the room where you’ll be performing the spell. Walk around the space clockwise, allowing the smoke to purify the energy.
As you cleanse, say: “I call upon the energies of earth, air, fire, and water. Clear this space of negativity and prepare it for transformation.”
2. Set Your Intentions
Sit quietly with both candles in front of you. Take a few deep breaths, centering yourself.
Hold the cord or string in your hands. Visualize the person, situation, or habit you’re ready to release. Feel the weight of this connection and how it affects you.
Set your intention by saying: “This cord represents the bond between me and [name the person, situation, or habit]. It no longer serves my highest good. I release it with love, and I reclaim my energy, my power, and my freedom.”
3. Prepare the Candles
Place the two candles about a foot apart from each other. Tie the cord loosely between them, connecting the two candles.
Light both candles, focusing on the bond between you and the other energy.
4. Focus and Visualize
Watch the flames as they burn. Visualize the energy between you and the other person/situation traveling along the cord. As you do this, feel any emotions or thoughts rise to the surface. Acknowledge them, but don’t dwell on them. Let them flow through you.
5. Cut the Cord
When you’re ready, pick up the scissors or ritual knife. Hold them over the cord, taking one final moment to reflect. As you cut the cord, say with conviction: “I sever this bond with love and light. I release you, and I reclaim my energy. I am free.”
6. Close the Ritual
Once the cord is cut, take a deep breath. Feel the release. You may feel a weight lift or a shift in the energy around you.
Allow the candles to burn down safely, or if time does not permit, blow them out, thanking them for their role in the ritual.
Say: “The connection is dissolved. The energy is returned to me. So it is, and so it shall be.”
7. Cleanse Yourself and the Space
After the ritual, take some time to cleanse yourself with a bath or shower. Visualize any residual energy washing away. You can also repeat the space-cleansing process with sage or incense to finalize the energy shift.
After the spell, take care to ground yourself. Drink water, meditate, or spend time in nature.
Be mindful of any dreams, thoughts, or emotions that arise in the coming days. This is a time of healing and renewal.
This cord-cutting spell is a powerful act of release and healing. Always approach it with respect and mindfulness, understanding that it’s meant to free you without harm to anyone else.