Ugh, that does not sound fun. I am sorry your going through that. Not like work isn’t stressful enough without someone intentionally making is more so!
I did some digging and here are some options that might work for you!
Protection spells
Are you looking to safeguard yourself from negative energies and unwanted influences?
These ancient practices can provide a powerful shield against harm and bring peace of mind in today’s hectic world.
One effective spell involves creating a protective circle using salt or herbs such as rosemary or sage. By walking around the circle clockwise while visualizing a strong barrier forming around you, you can ward off any malevolent forces that may come your way. As you chant your incantation, focu…
[Energy Clearing & Protection Spell Work]
I worked on an energy clearing and protection spell last night.
Everyone in my house has been over the top stressed with the lock-down, the virus, the new protocols for even our “normal” activities like grocery shopping. I feel like the inside of our home has had a “heaviness” to it… and I am sure it’s all the negative and chaotic energies people are bringing in with them.
I feel like all I do lately is clear, cleanse and protection spel…
Work Specific
While this is not a banishing spell, meaning that it won't rid you of your bad co-workers, it can help you neutralize their malicious actions. Why this Spell Works The point of a freezer spell is to literally freeze their actions. Binding their power...
Clear negative energy
This is a super spell to do during Waning Moon to help clear negative energy in your home!
Waning moon phase is the perfect time to banish negative energy. this will protect you and your loved ones from outside influences that could negatively impact your lives.
And of course we are working with plant spirits…so remember to always thank them for aiding you! They are sacred and need to be treated that way.
What you need:
Incense - your choice
Pan - I used a tin inside my cast iron pan - les…
Have you ever wanted to cast a freezer spell to keep someone away? Freezer spells are a form of folk magick used to symbolically bind, restrict, or "freeze" a situation, person, or problem, thus preventing harm or negative influence. People cast...
Cord Cutting
This first one is about family members but I think it could work with coworkers.
Toxic family members can be a real drain on your energy and your life. If you have someone in your family who is constantly negative, critical, or just plain unpleasant to be around, it can be tough to keep up your own positive attitude and avoid getting bogged down in their toxicity.
One way to protect yourself from these toxic family members is to use a ritual to cut the energetic cords that connect you to them.
This spell will help you to release the negativity and toxicity of these family …
Cutting ties can be a difficult decision to make, but it can also be a necessary and powerful one. In spiritual terms, cutting ties refers to the act of severing connections with people, situations, or even beliefs that no longer serve our highest...
Purpose: This spell is designed to sever energetic ties between you and a person, situation, or habit that no longer serves your highest good. Use this spell when you feel emotionally, spiritually, or mentally drained by an unhealthy connection.
Two candles: One to represent you (choose a color that resonates with your energy) and one to represent the other person or situation (a black or neutral-colored candle works well).
A cord or string: Symbolizing the bond between you and the…
Patience Spell
Good evening. I know @berta was looking forward to me writing an easy spell for anxiety. I actually wound up doing a patience spell and and anti anxiety spell jar. Both are with ingredients that are easily available to anyone. I uploaded them both as pdf files so if anyone else would like to use them, they may. I had the ideas and found a few through searching and using my own intuition and came up with my own. I am going to do both tomorrow, today I am having some mobility and pain issues so I’…