Hi, still new here so if I didn’t search deep enough, or this is the wrong place to ask, I apologize.
I can be long winded so bear with me if you read the long version.
TLDR: best protection spell for a work project to keep it out of the hands of a project stealer
I looked at the protection spells on the spells8 page but am not sure what would work best.
Long version:
Work in a team that is essentially a problem solver role. I am allowed to find my own projects and work them and overall this is normal and great and I have no issues.
There is one person on my team that specifically works with a single department, but anyone on our team can work on projects for that department as well - there are no restrictions. Due to the complexity, most do not. I am trained for that one department so I occasionally, up until last year, would work on issues that I found.
Invariably I would be left off emails, out of meetings, out of general discussions. Meetings that I would be told I would be invited to - never happened. This caused a high level of stress and resentment.
My supervisor is aware of the issue and was fine with the way that I chose to handle these to this point. My job is not dependent on doing projects for that department so I can avoid that conflict. This came to a head last year and resulted in a long conversation with this one person (just her and I) where the term " that was never my intent’ was said multiple times. I stayed professional and said that I was sure it wasn’t but that it was a repeated issue.
Another aspect of my work is to review data for specific teams and report to them the findings. 2 of those teams are for this one particular department. The other person that solely works with that department has 8 other teams for them. At one point an opportunity came up to take on a new department that I do not know well but wouldn’t have minded working. This is also a normal thing on my team. My supervisor let me know quietly that this one coworker messaged him to say she would take back those 2 teams of mine - he declined the offer.
one last thing from this year - the other team member and I had the opportunity to go to a work conference due to our knowledge of the other department. In the end he chose me as I also work with so many other departments and it was questioned as to why I was chosen.
This week I found an issue that needs to be fixed and have started the project. The problem coworker just happens to be out this week, lol.
My project has been accepted and I am actively working on the fix, but there is already one key communication that was not sent to me initially, but instead CC’d to this other team member.
I am admittedly salty over this whole issue and am looking for a spell to protect my projects, keep the other person away from them, bring the right people to me for follow ups through the stages… and patience to get through this without loosing my cool, lol.