Thank you
Here’s my flower of life grid. The seed of life is inside the flower of life…
Here’s one from school that’s the three pillars of crystal healing: intuition, compassion and confidence.
I also have my favorite, the distance healing grid with Chakra Man:
I also have so many printed out that I was giving them away but I like your homemade touch!!! It adds uniqueness to the grid!
Thank you for putting it all down I love working with grids. We did a family healing grind and had it in the living room and we kept it in our family room . First time we did a big one and huge bonus for me my husband and daughters helped in every step for healing so wish I would have snap any picture. I always and encourage everyone to personalize your grids print them out color them get cray burn one into some wood use oils it’s all about your intention
Hands down my drug of choice is crystals and stones badly.
- List item
I like the grid you used here! And that’s a huge strawberry quartz!!!
Thank you Francisco, I used a wood burning tool with a thin nib for the outline and a wider nib for shading it in. It was a fun project to do outside in our nice weather and it looks great on any altar cloth. The plate is something found in a local supermarket which came in a pack of our. Thinking of making one for each of the elemental directions.
Yes it is. Thank you I tend to just make them when I see an image
Thank you so much for sharing, especially for a complete newbie like myself. That was so very helpful. I have always wanted to work with crystal grids but I didn’t know where to start. Just having it broken down step by step in a way that was simple made it so easy to understand and follow the practice. I hope you don’t mind but I’ve bookmarked all the information so I can keep coming back to re-read. I really am learning so much. Thank you!
I have to find the link, but I made a post with a PDF for free crystal grid templates.
Oh, here it is…
Thank you! That’s brilliant!!!
my pleasure
@christina4 Your Beltane Grid is absolutely marvellous, I love it, and thanks so much for sharing. Just a note to everyone, you can check to see if your grid is activated by using a pair of dowsing rods and walk toward your grid and observe what the rods do as you get closer to your crystal grid. My rods gradually move together toward the grid till they cross over totally over the grid. Try it and I would love to hear everyone’s experience with this experiment.
I have a pair and I should try that. I was also thinking about using a pendulum, too.
So awesome
That’s a beautiful grid!! The grid itself is very nice too!
I totally agree, the entire grid is beautifully set up! I need to start using mine more often. It’s just been quite the ride this year
Thank you! My grid is printed on card stock. If I can find the website where I found the grid, I will share.
It is nice that we can encourage each other. I wish there was a “hug” button. Sometimes a response needs a hug not a like. Hopefully, your year smooths out.
I had been putting off rebuilding mine but I felt called to create last night. It didn’t take me long. I don’t think there is a rule about a grid needing to take a long time to set up. I cleaned off my shelf while thanking my Crystal friends from my previous set up. Then I lit a smudge candle to clear the space and cleansed the shelf. I chose my intention (), selected the stones that called to me (then checking that they matched my intention),then built my motivation crystal grid.
Oh no, I don’t think there is either as long as your intention is there for the crystals on the grid. I have been putting off creating one. It won’t be my very first, but my first that I have intentionally set up to work along with other things that I am doing, currently I am working on learning about energy work & chakras. I love crystals too & I can make one, I have a Seed of Life grid cloth, I am just procrastinating.
Even though my family knows that I practice, my bedroom is my space to do so or outside, but usually, it’s just my dog & I or my daughter & I. She always asks questions but usually will do her own thing once they are answered or if it’s something that interests her, she watches what I do.
When my husband or sons are home, I either lock myself in my room or do it when they are doing their things outside the house. I’m like out of the closet, but don’t want my kids to bring friends home & have them be like… what is your mother doing & such… although the pentacle chandelier with 5 mini cauldrons by my fire pit, may give it away. Unless they said it was from Halloween
2 posts were split to a new topic: Is there a step between Broom Closet & Open Witch?