Crystal breaking

I cleansed a crystal necklace I made for my niece and within an hour it broke…Why!? I have never had that happen before… what do I do


And a side note she dropped it but I have almost the exact same one and I have dropped it and accidentley smashed it into a car door…


Hi :wave: I’m Susurrus, a moderator here at Spells8. It’s nice to meet you! :hugs: I can’t really answer the question without some specifics about the 2 necklaces & some contextual questions. Each crystal, cleansing method, & break or mishap with them is different. So it could be mundane or something else.

What type of crystals are the necklaces? Are they the same type of crystals? Are they the same shapes? Did she drop it onto something? Some type of hard surface? Did it bounce onto something else afterward? Did it get caught on something? Was there some kind of force or compression? Was it exposed to something like water, heat, or cold?

Sometimes even though you may have dropped yours or closed it into a car door… It really can depend on the fall, hit, bounce, force, surfaces, the shape of the crystal, type of the crystal, or exposure to heat, cold, or liquids…

Did it break like… the crystal fell off the necklace or the holder came detached from the necklace? Did it crack inside? Break into pieces or a chip of it came off?

Sorry to ask so many questions but I have had crystals break, some for mundane reasons & others because of circumstances or energy types of reasons.

I know that you said you cleansed it, how was it cleansed? Smoke? Salt? Water?


It is clear quartz, it was smoke cleansed 3x over the last few months and cleaned with moon light and she said it came off the necklace and fell and broke in half she is also 11 and less than 4ft tall so the drop wasnt huge maybe 3ft at absolute max, on a grocery store floor, and it was on pretty sturdy because I wanted to make sure her sister didnt break it.and no exposure to anything but a normal house and outside weatherand no extra force than it falling. Amd exactly the same shape and size. And mine had more fissures in it than hers so it should be theoretically more sturdy …


Hello and welcome @jessie4 . Nice to meet you. I’m Tracy from Bristol England. My husband had a black tourmaline necklace that broke, when he went to the crystal shop to get a new one, the man there said, if there is no mundane reason, sometimes crystals just “leave” us as they’re no longer needed, or we need to try a different crystal for our energy needs. Also some crystals erode over time with exposure to sunlight, water and the general knocks they get as we wear them. @christina4 I think knows alot about crystals. I have had crystal necklaces and bangles break on me. If I still need that crystal I tend to replace it, though I wear my crystals in crystal holders with rope, or carry them in my pocket. :sparkling_heart:


Hi @jessie4 - it’s a pleasure to meet you! :blush:

I’m not an expert on crystals and their hardness properties, but I do have some clear quartz and I know it’s prone to crackage (is that a word? :laughing:). One of my favorite stones is Fire and Ice Quartz- which is clear quartz heated up and then chilled to cause these beautiful fractures that catch the light. But doing so does weaken the stone and make it more prone to breaking :broken_heart: Each stone is unique, so even if your stone survived the fall, another similar crystal with a different pattern of cracks could hit the floor and not make it.

That being said, if you do feel that there might be a spiritual reason for it breaking, then I second what Tracy mentioned. I’ve often heard that protective charms (be they stones, amulets, talismans, etc.) will break when they “take a hit for us”. It could be that the stone did its job protecting you or your niece.

I’m sorry for your loss- I hope another lovely crystal will find its way to you in place of the last one! :pray: :gem:

Blessed be!


Hi @jessie4! I don’t have a good answer for you but I wanted to say hi and welcome you to the forum! :infinite_roots:


Thank you guys so much for all the answers and I am curious if there is someone/something trying to keep me from protecting her I have done the same thing for my sister as well and never had negative things happen within hours of me doing so… but that being said I am also fairly new to actually practicing and only been doing it for a year, So baby witch. But I also have been in touch with that side of me for years and knew I was different than everyone else as I could see and talk to ghosts and have visions thru dreams and thru “dejavu moments” and have been doing this since I was 4 amd it still continues.


Hello @jessie4 :wave: Just popping in to say welcome to the forum!

You’ve gotten some great answers about why the crystal may have broken, so I’m not going to add to those answers with repetition.

I do want to cover this, though! This can be easily tested by trying again. Get her another necklace, bracelet, or other amulet. It doesn’t even have to be a crystal. It can be something that is less easy to break, that way you know something is off spiritually if it does break. Trial and error is a good way to test this, almost like a science experiment!


Yes, as @MeganB says. There’s also a return to sender spell on the app. Maybe consecrate an amulet (use a wooden bead on string/rope, not easily broken!) Then if it breaks, the amulet has used it’s defence and you’ll know. The return to sender I think is a light magic way of counter action to this, if this is the problem. There is baneful magic to deal with this too, but that’s up to you, and it comes with a price on your energy, but I have done a baneful spell to repell negative and destructive talk that was hurting my family. So it’s there if you need it as a last resort. But I think the return to sender spell on the app should be enough. Here’s hoping it’s not that. :sparkling_heart: Oh and maybe do a bit of divination, the cards/oracle/runes, your gods, they can reveal things to look out for. Praying for you lovely :sparkling_heart:


Okay so that helps :hugs:

Clear quartz is a 7 on the Mohs Hardness scale, so a short fall shouldn’t necessarily cause it to break. Maybe chip… maybe… the highest on the scale is a 10 which would be like a Diamond

So without a mundane reason… Clear Quartz is also considered a Master Healer & 1 of the most powerful protection stones often amplifying other stones energies & it absorbs other energies quite easily.

So, it could be that whatever she was being protected against, was absorbed & when it fell, it broke. I’ve always kind of had the theory that when they are lost or broken, they have done their job.

You could dispose of it by burying it in the Earth. It comes from the Earth & not only will that cleanse it, it will return it to its home so to speak. Since you don’t know which energies have been absorbed, burying it away from your home may be a good idea.

In the case of protecting her from anything further, a piece of Black Tourmaline, Black Obsidian, along with a Clear Quartz would be good. The black stones are all very protective as is Clear Quartz & the Clear Quartz will amplify those energies.


Oh yes, thank the gods for black crystals. Since my attack I’ve got the stuff everywhere. :sparkling_heart:


so funny thing about the necklace it was just the pendant part to break the chain was still 100% in tact.


Maybe the pendant did its job. :sparkling_heart: Funny I had that with a cauldron, I did a strong protection spell and it cracked the cauldron. My friend said it was because of the intensity of the spell. Wow. :sparkling_heart:


I am hoping so but I also planned a back up​:rofl::sweat_smile: so she has a protective sachet as well with crystals in it and herbs. And her parents will think it is just a regular smelly sack for your underwear drawer.


Good to have a backup. Hope all goes well. :sparkling_heart:


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