Crystals Galore! What's your favorite?!

Both such beautiful crystals @Amethyst :heart_eyes: I now neeeed a blue aventurine!


Your collection are so pretty, Don’t real have a favorite crystal as yet, however if I had to choose I would go with the Clear Quartz Crystal, the Master Healer.


Very interesting to know this, I can definitely say that I have learnt something today. Thanks for the info.


You’re welcome I’m glad to have helped! :sparkles::gem::sparkles:


I’m definitely drawn to blue stones & the different Tiger’s Eye stones. I have a few different quartz stones, but I need some more towers or points. I only have a couple of smaller ones. But I also adore geodes or clusters of stones. Those are beautiful. My favorite one is amethyst. I have it up on a shelf with a piece of selenite behind it. If I can safely get it down I will post a picture of it.


It feels really calm when I hold it too. Very nice!


A little good advice…wash your hands after touching tigers eye stones. It has asbestos. Tigers eye is toxic. Some say tumbles are ok but I’d still wash my hands. I have some but I’m ok with using it just be advised, ok. I am not trying to scare you away from your fav stone! Or anyone for that matter.


Thank you for the tip! I had no idea that it has asbestos. I will make sure to wash my hands when I am done with it.


I did not know that! Thanks for the useful bit of information! Sheesh, you’d think they’d tell you when your buying some. Is it in all colors of tiger’s eye?


If you break it up or chip at it, wear a mask. :mask: Other than being toxic, it is a great stone. Cinnebar is another toxic stone!
Cinnabar (otherwise known as mercury sulphide) is the single most toxic mineral known to man. … The problem with Cinnabar, is when oxidized it produces methyl and dimethy mercury, two toxic compounds that cause terminal damage to the nervous system.


And here I have a bit of cinnabar too! I hope it’s not real. Gads.


I can’t choose just one. But I am attracted to blues and greens the most. :slight_smile:


Yes it’s all tigers eye. I learned that in school. I had no clue about it being toxic when I bought all of mine. You should be fine just wash hands after touching and wear a mask if breaking it.


Oh please be super careful! That’s a highly toxic one!


Thanks for letting me know! I had planned to ask a friend to drill a hole into the cinnabar so I could put it on a string. Not gonna do that now. It’s in the form of a pendant with a dragon on it. I wonder how they carved it without falling over? Thanks again for the warning!


Thank you for sharing your knowledge about crystals, @Christina4- I agree, sellers should most definitely include a note of warning when selling crystals with toxic properties! :astonished:

Such a gorgeous collection, @magissa :heart_eyes: I love the mix of shapes and colors- you have a lovely balance between tumbled and natural stones. They are so pretty to see! :sparkles:


This topic by @SilverBear (and the links!) is my go-to when it comes to crystal toxicity

I already knew about cinnabar, but tiger’s eye was a new one to me, even as it was there on the list… and to think it’s a very common power crystal too! Looks like another occasion where my intuition / Goddess protected me, even as I love big and small cats I felt kinda funny about getting one! Thank you @christina4 :cat:

Also thank you @MeganB for the eye opening articles about the ethics of crystal mining… not very uplifting reading but definitely good to know. I had a little personal crisis about if I can still enjoy crystals, still didn’t reach a full conclusion except that at the very least I’ll be very sparing about getting new ones. But then I’ve already just picked a few ones that have been calling out to me. To me there’s not really any point if I can feel no connection.


Unfortunately very few sellers know their chain of supply beyond two or more levels. Like Megan said, I don’t think crystals are ever ethically harvested these days.

If you live near a river there’s a good chance you will find crystals such as amethyst, quartz and others. For example:


When I first started with crystals, I would only get obsidian and only then it would need a certificate saying it came from accessible lava fields and was ethically prepared. I still hate the thought of people potentially harming themselves for my benefit. Gold, coal, and diamond are other minerals that cause so much damage when mined, too.

But… :upside_down_face:

Now that I am building a collection, I soothe my conscience knowing:

  1. my magic brings peace and clarity to my friends and family.
  2. I am buying from mom and pop stores which helps them stay in business.
  3. my cell phone and other electronics are just as bad, if not worse, on miners, assemblers, and the earth.

Unless I want to give up electronics, helium for my kids’ balloons, and electricity in the State I live in… all to stay consistent… may as well embrace it all? :man_shrugging:t4: I don’t know.

As for the danger related to the stones? Many nonliving things from under the ground appear to be dangerous to humans and we should assume they should not go near our food, drinking water, or become pastes for our skin. If we treat them with respect in our practices, I believe we will be fine.

@Neptune, I love your crystal collection and I am totally jealous. :sweat_smile: I love working with bloodstone, nuummite, and amethyst. I have many crystals but I like to display my red, blue, and green goldstone because they are gorgeous in the candle light.

I don’t think you should feel guilty or unsafe when working with your crystals and I hope to have such a lovely collection some day.


Thank you for your reassurance @praecog29 :relieved: :two_hearts:

My girlfriend made a similar note about ethical consumption in general… of course it’s good to try our best to pick the most ethical choice if at all possible but it shouldn’t be over our mental health, and it shouldn’t break our budget either if it’s something necessary. And if it helps us to give joy and comfort to those around us in any way, including indirectly through us feeling better, you better believe it’s worth it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: