@Dierna_Nimue_Selene you don’t have to change that! You just have to find ways to fit things into your schedule! Find the magick in the mundane
Set your alarm so you can get up 30 or 15 minutes earlier. You can even start with 5 minutes. Light a candle and say a prayer.
This is just perfect. The routine is so so good because I want to do so much but I always end up doing very less because I am not able to put them on a paper properly. Thanks you.
I hope it gives you some ideas!
I try to rise early enough where I can do a 15 minute meditation before work/starting my day… I then express gratitude to the elements and praise Hecate and The Morrigan. If time allows I pull a tarot card for the day. When preparing my morning coffee i will do a coffee spell/blessing.
@Cattleya that sounds very nice!
You all have fairly simple routines, which is what I needed to see/hear.
Thanks everyone!
If I can get up early enough, I do some yoga stretches before my bird gets up. Once Albus wakes, I clean cages and start the day.
If I do not light the candles in the morning, Albus has fits, so I play a CD of my favorite Quarters Casting tunes, recite my Creation Myth (The Creator made the spacetime continuum in fire. Fire cooled to air. Air burned to earth. Earth collected water. Water nurtured life.) while casting a circle and lighting my incense. I bought the Chakra incenses from Dollar Tree and use a different one each day.
Before I was using essential oils for adrenal support, I’d do a blessing. It got to be too much oil for my system, so temporary hiatus. On each location, I’d draw a pentacle.
On each foot, I’d request the Creator to help me go where (he she or they) need me to go.
Root- help me to create what they need me to create.
Sacral- help me to nurture what they need me to nurture.
Solar Plexus- help me to organize what they need me to organize.
Heart- help me to feel what they need me to feel
Each hand- help me to do what they need me to do.
Throat- help me to express what they need me to express.
Mouth- help me to consume what they need me to consume.
Nose- help me to smell what they need me to smell.
Ears- help me to hear what they need me to hear.
Eyes- help me to see what they need me to see.
Third Eye- help me to understand what they need me to understand.
Crown- help me to connect where they need me to connect.
Then I sit with Albus a while and check the coven a while. If I need to do housework or other cleaning, I may skip the candles for safety sake.
After supper and a movie, I check the coven again and listen to any spiritual YouTube videos I received in the email- I’ve applied for many, but they all seem to come on Mondays! When Albus is ready for bed- about 8:30 or so- I set up the tablet for a sleep meditation and usually wake up at the end, not having heard much more than the wind down.
@georgia I really like your rituals!
Thank you.
I hope your search for daily rituals and habits of your own are fulfilling and satisfying!
@georgia I have a little help so I’ll get there! Thanks
Yes, Yes and Yes. This has been a struggle for me. I really need to get reorganized and set Morning and Evening Routines/Rituals. Meditation is one routine I have a hard time doing. Sitting still has always been tough for me to do. My kids would pay me to watch a whole movie with them…lol.
Looking forward to all feedback
Mote it Be
@Medea there are many ways to meditate! If you have problems with visualization you can use a picture. Art can be a form of meditation. You can try walking meditation. You can also try mindfulness.
I don’t have a routine just yet, but I plan on getting back into that once we move!
I used to wake up, do a short meditation, say prayers, light a candle to Brigid, and follow the moon phases. Now, my routine is… non-existent:joy: there’s so much going on for me right now that I can’t focus on that right now!
Thank you for your feedback no I have no problems with visualization as a matter of fact when people are talking I visualize everything you’re saying and sometimes it can be a bit annoying as I’m not trying to visualize what they’re saying doesn’t matter what the topic is… I do love mindfulness though and the idea of walking meditation sounds quite interesting I’ll have to look into that. Also
I love that link you sent that explains Mindfulness Meditation. It is a way to decrease stress… boy can I use that right about now.
Thank you very much
Blessed Be
I like this. Especially since it involves a cuppa. I might have to take some ideas for my own morning…
@MeganB I’m still working on what we talked about! I’ve been depressed. We lost heat this week when it was 26°. We figured out a temporary solution, but we still need to get it fixed.
@Medea I’m glad you found that helpful! There’s lots of good stuff on YouTube! I’ll post some links to the ones I use.
@starborn a cuppa does sound lovely !
I’m very much trying to do 1 or 2 little things every day but it’s been a struggle just to do that much!
@Sivonnah Hey you im sorry you are having trouble with the heat especially when it’s needed. I understand that. I was homeless in my past during the winter. So I can empathize. I hope for a speedy execution of your heat being repaired. I’ll keep you in my thoughts and send love and warmth your way. I understand depression. Just try not to stay in those thoughts. You are a mighty powerful woman. We “here” are all spirit in a vessel. While I wish your vessel comfort. I wish your mind a rest and peace. When you awake you will remember who you are. We are not our earthly limitations. You are a warrior, strong and brave like a towering bear . @Sivonnah You are brave, loved, and full of the ray of hope may it light you up like the forth of July and rejuvenate your faith. Your a great, loving, powerful witch and I’ll be here like a rock when you can’t stand. With our words we are here altogether as one. We stand for you. We stand with you. Love you sister!
Blessed be
The power within
I’m glad you are! I’m sorry to hear that you lost heat and things haven’t been that great. I hope they’re getting better and that the heat gets fixed soon! It’s no good to be that cold at all
Sending love your way lovely
Oh, crap. I hope they get you fixed soon! This is not the time to have your heater break down.