Daily Routines

I did have a routine at one point… now it’s more get out of bed when I am able to or unexpectedly have to, hopefully make a coffee, at some point before 9 AM take my medicine… there’s a whole lot of winging it & no idea.

I’m dying for some solid ground :sob: but right now, working on feeling like myself again & yhen going from there :laughing:


@Satans_Helper thank you soooo much! You made my heart smile :hugs: you also reminded me that I can get through this and just about anything :two_hearts: I’m so grateful for you and everyone in the coven :infinite_roots:

@MeganB @tracyS @Amethyst thank you :blush: :heart:

@Susurrus I hear ya. Having chronic illness is difficult. You never know how you’re going to feel from day to day or even hour to hour. I crave and thrive on routine but it’s not that easy now. I hope you find solid ground! :pray: :heart:


Well, you know what @Sivonnah I’m so grateful for you! Your such a wonderful person and you also ad so much to our coven as well. We are always here for r each other don’t ever feel like you have to go through anything alone. No matter what it is get it out. Love you always. :rose:


Very true. I hope you’re able to find some solid ground too & routine as well! :people_hugging: Any chronic illness is tough at any point in the duration.

Everyone here is amazing & you will always have a place in our hearts for you :heart:


@Sivonnah Forgive my fevered brain, but I saw @Satans_Helper compared you to a towering bear, and I have the urge to flying hug you.


Weeeeeeeee~ :raised_hands:


@Susurrus thank you! :heart::hugs:

@starborn That’s so adorable :heart_eyes:


Sivonnah, that would be awesome. At this present time in my life, I can use all the help and feedback I can get.

Blessed Be


@Medea here’s some I like. I have some Google docs too. Are you able to open them? These are some I like. Both meditation and mindfulness. If you have problems with the links let me know. I do subscribe to these YouTube channels and they have a lot of wonderful content!


This app is available on Apple too.


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