So for our weekly challenge, I decided to look more into Selene, as I had been feeling pulled to learn more! My journey into my craft started with moon rituals, and I’ve always been an “oh wow look at the moon” kind of person.
There were a few surprising things I read that made me smile bc of the likenesses to my life:
• Selene’s Roman name is Luna (my art business is called Love of Luna)
• Her powers include instinct, creativity, femininity and luck (all huge parts of my life)
• She is associated with the willow tree (I grew up playing in “mother willow” in my grandparents backyard, and just painted a willow tree in art therapy last week)
• Selene fell in love with a human, who Zeus gave eternal sleep, where she came down and watched over him everynight (I have an uncanny ability of loving people who I have to love from afar, and who I am very protective of)
• A few things I read also credit her as mother of the vampires (another of my lifelong interests)
• She was called the patron of solutions bc she was in charge of dreams & would give solutions while people slept (one of my favorite phrases is “let’s live in a solution, not the problem”)
• Selenes weakness was fear of abandonment, and due to this had a hard time staying faithful to men/gods (that just speaks for itself)
• No one knows what color her hair is, but its remembered as many different colors (mine changes quite often lol)
• Her “symbol” is the crescent moon, but encompasses all phases of the moon (another of my favorite subjects in my art, phases of the moon)
• there were SO MANY more similarities, but I dont wanna drag on forever
All in all, everything I read and watched, I felt more and more in sync with Selene. I’m grateful this challenge presented itself when it did, bc it pushed me into doing the research I’ve been meaning to do! I’m going to start reaching out, making offerings and attempting to establish a connection with my first deity.
I mentioned one of my current art projects, here it is. Partial acrylic & oil painting, with an acrylic pour moon. It’s still in its infancy, as I’m working on quite a few commission pieces, so my pleasure painting gets done in tiny increments!