Dieting to Discover Allergens

When I was in high school, Mom took me to see an allergist. There were two kinds of allergies back then: food and nasal. The allergist told us that getting poked in the back with a board full of needles, each one bearing possible nasal allergens, would cause a rash only if we were sensitive to them.

If we wanted to learn about food allergies, we would have to go to a dietician. They would then force us to eat only certain things for a specific amount of time to clear our bodies of possible allergens. Then we would eat one new item at a time to see if we had a reaction.

I don’t remember what that specific amount of time was to clear the body; and for some odd reason, I can’t find it via search engine. I guess I’m asking all the wrong questions on Google. Does anyone know?


I don’t know the answer. But I do know that now you have another option with is to test allergens through a blood test. I did that instead of getting scratched 100 times


I think what you’re looking for is information on the elimination diet.

That article says that you should keep a specific food removed from your diet for four to eight weeks.


I want to do this. I used to have a peanut allergy, but I feel like it’s gone. :thinking:

One of my friends had an unfortunate one happen to him. Prawns were one of his favourite foods and then, all of a sudden, one year he became allergic to them. Now he can’t eat them anymore. :headstone:


I thought I had trouble with a delayed reaction of 3 days!

Thank you.

You might benefit from the heartbeat test. Take your pulse before. Taste the item in question, but don’t swallow. Take your pulse again. If the pulse rises, you’re still sensitive.

I have difficulty using the pulse test because I don’t feel my pulse unless I have high blood pressure. When I meditate, all I hear is the high pitched ring of neurons firing.

Definitely out of my price range. Sorry.


“If you’re experiencing frequent tummy troubles”
From Cleveland Clinic

My first allergy was headaches three days after eating mushrooms. Then I got sinus trouble from Vitamin A and extreme dry skin from sulphur. Tummy trouble isn’t the only way to test for food sensitivity.


I should show u my results. I’m basically slightly allergic to almost anything on the normal list. Gluten, nuts, lactose, soy, wheat, crustaceans which I eat almost everything still. There’s probably others on the list I mentioned but can’t remember them I’d have to look . But nut butters make me nauseous sometimes. Depends on the product I guess. I drink lactose free milk because that affected me most


This happened to my Nana (maternal grandmother) and shellfish! One day she was just allergic to them after 70 years of not being allergic. It was so strange!

haha you’re welcome! Four to eight weeks seems like a long time to eliminate a food or food group :joy: you’re right!

You’re right. I’ve heard that an allergy or sensitivity to dairy can cause all kinds of problems, not just GI-related. Most of the issues show up in the skin.

I’d love to do this but yeah, it’s too pricey for me right now :joy:


I looked up the prices of the allergens blood test. It didn’t look like much at first because I was looking at the base price. Once I started checking boxes… Eek! :laughing:

I’m going to start with the heartbeat test tomorrow. :smile: We always have peanut butter around because my partner loves it with Nutella on toast.

It is strange! What the. :face_with_spiral_eyes:


Luckily I have state Medicaid or I’d be screwed. I would not be able to afford it


I’ve had the poke test done on me too, though it was on my arm rather than back. A few years ago. Something like twenty little pokes with dirty lancets. So many little bumps, I’m a little allergic to everything. And a lot allergic to birch pollen and hazelnut.

Raw fruits and some vegetables are something I need to be careful with. Heck, my eyes start to itch if I peel potatoes without gloves, sometimes even with them. Still I can eat them fine when they’re cooked. Heat destroys the proteins.

I had a blood test done on me about my allergy to cats, as I’d really love to have one. Two of the four proteins came in positive. So while I can’t have a cat, whenever I see one I snuggle and play with them for a while and then take antihistamines :joy:


That’s definitely true! I was gonna have just normal allergy testing done in Florida but the appointment happened a few weeks before we were moving so there was no point. Now, I don’t have insurance (yet) :rofl: but when I get it, it won’t be state Medicaid anymore.

I had this done when I was a kid - I don’t remember what my allergies were and it was too long ago to even request the records. I’ll probably have it done again soon.

I did get the health-related version of my genetic testing. The only thing it said is that I might be sensitive to dairy and I don’t have the gene for Celiac Disease lol


I’m sorry that’s really rough. I’m like on the verge of probably getting cut off with what I make. Which is funny because the pay is not even enough if I had to pay for all those things. I’d be hurting lol.


To be fair, shellfish and peanuts are two of the most allergy-causing foods, and adults developing food allergies isn’t uncommon. Just another one of those things you think you’re too old to have happen and surprise.


Mine was 100 on my back. Of those, I only had two reactions: blue grass (can’t move to Kentucky), and a specific type of pine that only grows near the tops of snow capped mountains (can’t move to Colorado). I felt fortunate until the food allergies started kicking in.

I think Mom decided to get us both tested when she found herself allergic to the cotton off of cottonwood trees. She was surprised because she grew up under cottonwoods. I was startled because I grew up under sunburst locust trees. Such trees are rather rare, though.


@Artemisia - it’s so strange to me that you can just develop an allergy after so many years of not having one :laughing: the human body is so strange!


Human body: You know what? From today, I’ve decided f-- this sh–! I’m now allergic. Deal with it. :sunglasses:


Pretty much. Sort of along the lines of, regulating healthy cells? Sure thing! Those crazy ones over there? Yep, they are good.

The body makes mistakes sometimes.


Here’s my results to my allergies lmao :joy:

The only one not abnormal is codfish :joy:


I don’t restrict my diet other than to lactose free milk tho


Whoa! So many things. :open_mouth:

Lactose-free milk is also my only “restriction.” I usually have one full (450ml) glass a day. :laughing: I’m always making something, like sugar-free hot chocolate, matcha milk, heavily milked-up coffees, and milk tea, so I go through a lot of milk in a week.

But sometimes I’ll have normal milk if I’m buying something premade or in a restaurant, or soy milk to either have by itself or with coffee. I don’t like any of the other milk alternatives other than soy.