My modified Gaia Tree spread seems to work wonders for people that won’t share their questions or intentions. When I use this spread, I actually prefer people not share what is on their minds so they know if I am a sham or the real deal.
This is a picture of the Gaia Tree I took for @Abs53, not for this discussion, but I knew I could share a picture of it here before I flipped the cards for her.
The spread allows for one to three questions to be asked and it allows for one to three possible futures or a timeline for one future. Since she has three questions, it will answer all three and give outcomes to all three.
1:Present Reality - This is who you are and your energy in this moment.
2-4: These are clarifications on who you are. They can also be read as what is leading to the questions you have.
5-7: These are the choices for your one-three questions.
8-10: These are the outcomes of those decisions or the timeline of them.
11-13: This is the shadow work or reminders you need if you want the outcomes or different outcomes.
14: This is the clarification of what choice to make.
15. This is the clarification if this is shadow work or divine reminders.
16. This is a divine or universe inspired message to guide you along the way.
I sometimes add crystals to the mix, but I didn’t in this case. As you can see, this is extremely versatile and can stand up to a lot of foggy intentions and unknown questions. That’s why I love it. I would totally use this for the hypothetical situation presented in this week’s divine discussion.