Divination, what new tool to add to my collection

So I am looking to treat myself to a new to new witchy order from one of my favorite online stores. I was looking at some of the tarot and divination things and have a few questions.

  1. Oracle vs tarot. I have only ever worked with tarot decks. But I’m wondering about oracle decks. How do they work in conjunction with tarot? How do you use them on their own? I guess I would love to hear from those that have used them and tips to using them. I love learning new things and this one would def be new.

  2. I was considering the Illuminated Tarot deck but also like the Tarot of Sorceress deck. Anyone have photos I can see to compare? I have looked on the site and googled and nothing to really lead me one way or the other.

  3. Pendulums. Can someone fill me on these? I’ve seen some gorgeous mats and pendulums. Might even buy myself a set. What stone did you lean towards for the pendulum? How did you choose? I found one that is moonstone and love it.

Anyways, thanks for helping me treat myself and choose. :slight_smile:


@Dierna_Nimue_Selene, I LOVE pendulums! I’ve never used one with a mat before, but I have a pendulum that my father in law gave me a few years ago from a tai chi covention he taught at. I’m not sure what stone it is (I should find that out!), but it’s lovely and special to me!

I use my pendulum when I have a simple yes/no kind of question OR when I’ve lost something! I ask, "Is (whatever I lost) in the living room? Is it in the bedroom?, etc. It’s usually correct!

My pendulum was my very first divination tool. I had it (and used it) before I decided I was, indeed, a witch. I feel like it uses information you already have (and already know on some plane) and just brings it back to your attention.

I tend to pick it up when I am worried or anxious and just need some reassurance, but that’s just me! It’s also small and easy to keep on hand or tuck away as needed. It doesn’t require much thinking on my part to interpret either and sometimes that’s all my brain can handle!

I am eager to see if anyone else has suggestions about pendulums!


Have you looked for walkthroughs of the decks you want on YouTube? You may find something there. Lisa Papez does a lot of walkthroughs for different tarot decks.

As for Oracle cards, it takes time to find the one that fits you. I have several decks that are all pretty and all but it’s taken me till now to find one that clicks with me. Each deck is different and has a different purpose. They can be used to clarify your tarot reading or on their own. My Oracle deck has figures from the Greek Pantheon and I ask who can I learn from today. It’s really interesting!


Thank you! I looked up the tarot walk throughs. Handy! Never even thought of that.


If you have have used tarot, Oracles can be a good card to draw for clarity or assistance from what information you got from the tarot reading… kind of using them in conjunction.

Or draw an Oracle as a single card for guidance. Sometimes different oracle decks come with a spread recommendation for the particular deck & how to use them that way too.


I’m the same- I’ve been oohing and aahing over oracle decks for years, but the one I finally ended up buying wasn’t meant to be. I’ve accepted that I’m just meant to be a tarot girl, at least for now :laughing:

Maybe it’s from the time I’ve spent with tarot and tasseography, but I’m just much more inclined towards methods of divination that provide guidance over answering yes/no questions. But that certainly comes in handy at times, and I’ve seen some really lovely pendulums and reading mats shared in the forum- so I’ll leave this one to the pendulum experts! :pendulum: :sparkles:

Seconding this- it’s a great suggestions! Pictures of the decks on Google/in the shop are nice, but being able to see the cards move and how they work while handled can really help a potential buyer make their decision about which deck is best suited to them :+1:

Good luck and happy shopping, @Dierna_Nimue_Selene! Keep us posted about which deck/pendulum you decide to go for! :blush::two_hearts:


You’re welcome! They’re very fun, and addictive.


These are all great questions! I have recently (i.e. the last year or so) moved away from tarot and fallen in love with an oracle deck. I’m still using tarot a bit, but the oracle decks is one I use the most.

Oracle is more intuitive, I think, and doesn’t have the same rules that tarot does. There are varying numbers of cards in each deck and the symbols are all going to be different depending on the deck. I actually wrote a post here about the differences between them if you think that will be helpful!

It’s in the Cards :tarot_card: Tarot and Oracle

And I also have a video on my YouTube channel about my personal experience moving from tarot to oracle that you might like.

Moving Away from Tarot - Spirits and Shadows Oracle || NEW Deck walkthrough! [CC] - YouTube

As far as pendulums go, I have one but I don’t tend to use it very often. It’s one method of divination that I’ve never really connected with and, honestly, I’ve thought about selling my pendulum :sweat_smile:

We do have some information about pendulums here on Spells8, though!

How to Program a Pendulum for Divination Work – Spells8

Making and Using a Pendulum Chart – Spells8

How to use a pendulum?


So I put in my order and actually didn’t get the decks I mentioned. I watched some walkthroughs and neither really resonated with me. So I moved on.

I got the Moonology oracle deck-- Moonology Oracle Cards - Rite of Ritual

The Silver Witch Tarot Deck- Silver Witchcraft Tarot Kit - Rite of Ritual
I’m pretty excited about this one as it has all the aspects I am looking for. I love the triple moon on the cards and the artwork. Feel I have already connected with this one.

and the Practical witch spells deck- Practical Witch's Spell Deck - Rite of Ritual.

Also picked up some incense and sand to put in my small cauldron so that I can put the incense in it. My little collection is coming along! :slight_smile:


The Moonology Oracle is a really popular one - I hope it resonates well with you when you get it!

I’ve never heard of the other two but I’m gonna have a look at them. I’m glad to hear you’re excited!


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