Early Beginnings in Creative/Personal Mythology

Ohh, of course. Sorry, I’m still not used to seeing the symbols for the elements yet. My first thought when I see an upside triangle is still Lucifer. :joy:


Thank you for these. :smile: I’ve got a long work day ahead of me, but I’ll find some copies of them after.

:fire: I have that game on Steam but have yet to really play. I should give that a try sometime.

You are the night and the night alone understands you and enfolds you in its arms.

I was drawn to vampirism before witches, deities, and demons, so a lot of my favourite quotes are from the Interview with the Vampire book (like above) and the Vampire: The Masquerade TTRPG and Bloodlines computer game. The Malkavians say the best things:

Why must all the hoops be on fire?

I mean, who doesn’t feel like all the hurdles of life are on fire?

“TNT” and “key” have the same amount of letters.

Implying we should just blow the thing open. :firecracker:

Anyway, before I get to work for the day, I’ll leave you all with a thing I wrote when I was 10, almost 11. I was going through that “I’m learning English and want to use all the fancy words!” phase. But I really wanted just to express how I felt then: lost, alone, and hurt.

Glance towards the heavens a moment, that remote magnificence above you. Are the lofty stars flickering still, those petite burning orbs of light? Is the enigmatic, exquisite moon shining down, sheltering your adrift self?

Alas, you have meandered into my austere, desolate world of melancholy reverie where the stars have gone astray, and the moon struggles to radiate down upon us. It is a world of darkness, gloom and shadows. There is nought but silence and calm in this twilight world.

Look about you, gaze upon these scars – deep and unfathomable, unrelenting and eternal.