Egyptian Wicca

Q-I dedicated to Isis I am deeply connected with old Wicca and ancient Egypt - from my very first memories I have heard whispers along my Wiccan travels of a secretive coven/group in who practice Egyptian Wicca/Magic

Has anyone heard of or have information on this? :egypt:


No. But I know there’s a lot of people here who are involved with the ancient Egyptian gods. Sure someone else can link it


Or better yet @Cosmic_Curiosity


I’ve never heard of a secret coven or group who practice Kemetic Wicca, but it is definitely something that people do! There is a bit of information on Egyptian deities here on the forum and the website. I’ll grab some links!

Egyptian Deities Master Post

Bast: The Egyptian Cat Goddess 🐈

Isis: A Deep Dive into the Anceint Egyptian Goddess

Search Results for “egyptian” – Spells8


I have never heard of a secret group but would imagine that there are.

There is Kemetic Orthodox. They are not Wiccan though and their aim is to stick rigidly to ancient Egyptian practice (as much as possible through the evidence we have). I have heard mixed things about this group so havent ventured into it. I prefer to be able to honour the Egyptian deities in my own way.

There is also the fellowship of Isis. This focuses more on Isis and the divine feminine

Blessed be

:ankh: Alan :eye_of_horus:


Thank you Megan :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: so much information - I really appreciate it


Thank you for responding x


Anyway lovely
Blessed be


Hey Alan yes quite interesting :woman_shrugging: apparently based in Egypt and they are very select about who they invite…

I was curious if anyone had heard of this I have actually been to Cairo for some cultural studies during Ramadan and it really seemed quite far fetched but then the sufis (Sufism which is offshoot of Muslim faith - but this is a
Simpler explanation) become an underground religion and it’s practice was outlawed hence the secrecy I thought maybe the same with this


I suppose we can all be part our our own secret society depending on whether or not we chose to share our practice with others. I happily share my practice here but do not with others, not because of fear of ridicule but because it is not something they necessarily need to know.

I would image that there are such groups. I have read about groups who visit the temples in Egypt and perform spiritual practices and rituals in them. Therefore, I would suspect there are probably groups who prefer to keep their existence secret, just like there are in other areas of society e.g. the freemasons.

Blessed be

:ankh: Alan :eye_of_horus:


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