Energy Exchange Circle šŸ¤— February 13th

A hearty thank you goes out to you @Rowan , I would really love :heart: to thank you for those words of encouragement :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Of Course! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Youā€™re so welcome!


Thank you @Rowan! Iā€™m very relieved. Iā€™m glad to see you on here and that youā€™re getting around that voice in your head that makes you doubt yourself.


Added @robin77ā€™s request to the list both on here and on the wiki. Please send love and light!


Thank you so much for keeping this list up! It was such a good idea!


I would like to ask for some positivity & love to come my way. I have a big change with hopefully a positive outcome going on right now combined with severe pain from the weather we have been having. Anything you can spare would be greatly appreciated.



I added you to the top of the thread and to the wiki. I hope the back pain can be relieved soon. (The bad weather needs to stop!) Love and light for whatever big change is coming.


Peace and love to everyone needing it!

@Susurrus , i feel you! My water heater went on Thursday. No hot water for 3 days. Thankfully, they installed the new one yesterday! (Its amazing the basic necessities that you take for granted)

Hope you get the new one installed soon!

Blessed be.


Good luck with the big change! And the weather seems to be settling down. Hope you feel better soon! :hugs:


Wishing nothing but good things (and improved weather) for you, @Susurrus! Love and Light :heart: :candle:


We went about a week before they could install the new water heater but once it was, there was a mad dash to the shower. My daughter and I had used a friendā€™s shower because she was nice enough to let us come over for it. I will never under estimate having the hot water again, youā€™re right @walter!

Thank you @Amethyst and @BryWisteria, Iā€™m hoping the weather either stays where it is or gets better. Iā€™m going to have to watch the weather and see what itā€™s doing. Itā€™s definitely doing nothing nice to my back & wrist.

Iā€™m hoping for the best possible outcome right now. Itā€™s still a little rocky but we are managing. Thank you for any positivity sent my way, I greatly appreciate it.


I worry about you Darlin, donā€™t do too much and make yourself sick! Especially with the household getting colds. You donā€™t need that. :hugs:


Thank you,

Blockquote[quote=ā€œpraecog29, post:1, topic:7106ā€]
You are loved here. You are needed here. Blessings to you over the next two weeks.

Thank you for including me in your prayer, ritual because I just feel blessed & safe to share with you all! Thank you for being my friend and allowing me to share my life with you all! Praecog29 Your a blessing to our coven thanks!


Oh, thank you but you really donā€™t have to. I appreciate it though. I definitely donā€™t need whatever my kids have had, it seems to pass in a few days & over the counter medicine really helps relieve the symptoms of the stuffy head & runny nose. Iā€™m doing my best to avoid it.

Thank you @Amethyst


Youā€™re welcome sweetie! I know youā€™ve had a rough week and I just want things to go okay for you this week. :hugs:


I spend every night in meditation for myself and someone close to me. Every morning is spent for all of you with candles :candle: running constantly and lots of circle casting :white_circle: with spells. Butā€¦ I havenā€™t been forthcoming about my own needs.

I believe science and magic/faith need to work hand in hand. I have multiple healthcare professionals :hospital: helping me with lifelong diseases so I donā€™t ask about those needs. Unfortunately, while I received the best review Iā€™ve ever received :tada: with my current company, itā€™s clear my ability to function has been greatly impaired. (And itā€™s impacting my ability to look for work elsewhere as the economy picks up. :wink:)

I was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder in 2019. :cry: I had a really good run with my mood from December to the middle of this month, but the last couple of weeks have seen a downturn in my cognitive ability. My appointments had been changed to once a month because I was doing so well. Now one is being added to this month to help me stabilize.

Magic :crystal_ball: isnā€™t going to cure me. Science :stethoscope: wonā€™t either. But together they provide the guardrails that help me. I need more magic sent my way as I get more science involved to help. Thank you for love and light.


This is beautifully written, Benjamin. You really have a heart of gold to spend so much time caring for others despite your own life challenges. Thank you for reaching out and opening up your heart- sending so much love and light to you! :heart: :candle:

May your appointments go well- and if you can, try to remember that the road to recovery isnā€™t a straight path, but rather a windy and bumpy road with many ups and downs. Although it may not feel like it at times, you are most definitely on the path forward and are stronger than ever before :pray::railway_track:

Wishing you many blessings- you are loved and supported, Benjamin! Be well and blessed be :sparkling_heart:


You express yourself so well, you are a wonderful writer.

I have the same diagnosis along with a couple others & I understand the struggle. I use this as a guardrail also because of the same reasons. I am definitely sending you positivity, love, & light. Itā€™s okay to have to take a step back & reset. I am in the same boat. I was stabilized & since I was supposed to have PT & OT all this month, (I had to cancel all of my appointments until next month, another story for another day) I didnā€™t have my mental health appointment. Now I am waiting to hear back from my psychiatrist because I need help with what I am going through right now. Iā€™m trying to use science to keep from getting too low. I have the same troubles, my cognitive abilities fail when I am going through it. I become very forgetful too. (The last 3 times that I have gone to the store I have forgotten 1 thing, whether or not I bring a list. Itā€™s usually something that we actually need that day too.)

I will also light a candle for you this morning to set the intention that you are getting positive energy & love through this. If you ever want to talk, vent, or whatever you need to doā€¦ please donā€™t hesitate to send me a message. I know the feelings you are having intimately.


Iā€™m sorry things have gone on a downward spiral on you. Sometimes life just kicks you in the teeth. Iā€™m glad youā€™re reaching out to your health professionals and getting the help you need. Iā€™m lighting a candle on my altar right now to help to guide you along the way. Iā€™ll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. :hugs: :candle: :purple_heart:


@praecog29 you are definitely in my prayers and medication, I know things will get better and I thank you for letting us know this.

It takes courage to make such a step. Sending love :heart: and light :candle:.Will light a candle for you on this FULL :full_moon: