Exhaustion From Knowing What’s Coming? My Experience Yesterday. (Your Advice Is Very Welcome)

I’m finally starting to notice some patterns, so I thought I’d share what I’m learning in case it helps or perhaps even inspires someone else, too. Or if you all can help me figure out what’s next! :laughing:

Yesterday (Saturday), I was sitting at the dining table having an early lunch. My partner finished before me and went to their computer.

I had a moment there… Not sure, exactly. But I sighed, put my fork down, and stood up, thinking, “Time to go.” And then, 10 seconds later, the alarms for evacuating started. I was already heading towards the cat carriers when they started, so I pulled them out, and we collected the cats. We were out the door so quickly that I even had time to go back for my rings and phone (which were on my desk at the time).

Later in the day, I thought to myself that I still had one delivery on the way. I went downstairs and looked around the lobby. Nothing? Okay, that’s fine. Then I noticed someone coming towards the door with a parcel but they won’t be able to open the door without buzzing someone’s apartment. I let them in so they could leave it on the floor. I have a look at the parcel as they’re leaving and it’s addressed to me. I say out loud, “Oh, that was mine.” And they turn around and smile for a moment, before walking away.

A few hours later, it’s only about 16:00, but I’m too tired to stay up. I’m confused about this because I got a pretty regular sleep and didn’t wake up too early. My energy has generally been really good recently, so it bothers me a little that I want to sleep again. But I do. I have a nap.

It was not until I woke up from my nap that I realised I was probably worn out from whatever you call this going on. I mean, I’m possibly spending energy on knowing when to move before I need to know. I’m not consciously doing this, but somehow, this information is coming to me.

Of course, there’s a part of my mind saying, “These are but mere coincidences.”

That being said, I’m used to much more simple instances of “knowing.” For example, knowing who’s calling, where the cats are, that kind of simple stuff. It’s usually nothing that leads to action or change in action.

Well… I take that back. Knowing where the cats are has been really helpful when we’ve had to evacuate. :thinking:

So, this is new to me consciously. It’s possible that I’m only noticing this now. Because there have been, in hindsight, quite a few days where I suddenly become inexplicably tired like I did yesterday.

I’m not sure what to do with this, or how to better manage my energy as a result. I have my go-to ritual (A Power & Energy Retrieval Ritual) for recovery, which is fine. I also have a protection meditation for mornings that I’m getting back into after neglecting it for a while. Then there are the baths I frequently take… But other than that…

Any advice? Similar experiences? :black_heart:


Oh, I just thought… @john1 recently said to me that we should embrace our gift and use it, to help out spirits and nature. :thinking: I wouldn’t be surprised if consciously taking that on had some impact, too.


Sounds to me like your Psychic skills are really finely tuned, which is a gift. Today, in my session she did talk about shielding if you’re susceptible to energy (off people/events) and she mentioned drawing a reiki symbol on yourself and over yourself, like in the air (not with pen), or with an oil. Not knowing reiki I don’t know what symbol but it’s a shielding symbol so that only what you need gets through. You do it daily and it’s stops you being overwhelmed. It’s something I need to look up, but if you know reiki you might know what this is.

She also said, that if you’ve got spirits (as in ghosts) in your home, even if they’re nice, they must go as they drain your energy so you’re only working at 70%. She said get a bell or clap, and say out loud all spirits must leave now, go in peace, you can’t stay here anymore. These were the tips she gave me for keeping my energy up and preventing outside influences to drain. Don’t know if this is helpful. But you’re psychic skills are a good thing. :heartpulse:


I wonder if it’s Cho Ku Rei? :thinking: That’s the Power one that can be used for protection. I think @AIRAM wrote a bit about that not too long ago.


I’m also reading here:

I’m sure we have some reiki practitioners here. I just can’t remember who… I hope they stumble over and can help. :laughing:

A part of me thinks this is too simple. But I just did it with a clap, as I don’t have a bell. :smile:

I might get a bell now… Funnily enough, I used to have one when I was a child. I would ring it to bring things to me. Never thought much of that until now… Weird. :thinking:

Thank you, @tracyS! :people_hugging: :black_heart:


Universal Symbols: The Power of the Cho Ku Rei


Cho Ku Rei – What Is This Symbol?


clockwise opens the armor shield :pentagram: :pentagram:


My first time noticing this, I was leaving work and thought, I’m going to have a wreck going home. I brushed it off thinking “that was odd”. About fifteen minutes later I am on the interstate and I get rear ended. I wish I knew how to control it more. But now I trust when I get these “visions”. :crystal_ball::green_heart::mushroom::crescent_moon:


@david12 oh gosh, are you alright? :green_heart:


Oh yea. I suffered no injury. Just my vehicle.


@david12 Sorry about your vehicle, but at least you’re ok :green_heart:


luckily you are well and that’s the main thing!


Yes, @starborn , psychic knowing can cause exhaustion. It’s just because you’re not used to using it, like using a muscle you’re not used to. Get rest when you need it. The guidance is a good thing, keeping you safe, and leading you toward something important.

When I have had such draining, I’ve called them “narco naps”- please forgive me if anyone here is narcoleptic. No insults intended. I simply must nap, no matter what I’m doing. After a while, the naps fade for me, so I know it isn’t a medical problem. If it scares you though, have a doctor check you out as these can be dangerous when operating machinery.


I feel like there’s a dilemma in that. For example, if you changed your course, one of two things might happen:

  1. you avoid any accidents and wonder to yourself if you were actually ever going to be in an accident in the first place;
  2. you get in a different accident and wonder to yourself if, by changing your route, you caused it to happen or if it was inevitable, anyway.

So maybe the lesson of “listen to these thoughts” needed an event of “knowing” and then “prediction fulfilment” for it to become something you really paid more attention to and trusted. :thinking:

I wonder if this is related at all then to a period during which I kept feeling a need to nap. I went to so many different doctors and specialists. No one could find a single thing wrong with me.

It became really tiresome. Some of them started off so smug like, “Yes, it’s must be your nutrition. You’re missing something.” I know I’m not, but I do the blood tests regardless. Then by the time I’m seeing specialists, the doctors are frustrated with me because they can’t figure it out. :unamused:

But at the same time, I was also somewhat constantly aware of when big future things were coming up and while I couldn’t figure out why or how I knew, I was able to use that knowledge to manage our finances. I think I wrote about it in my introduction post to some degree, so I won’t repeat myself. But yeah… :thinking:

I’ll keep an eye on it. :grin:


@starborn Definitely your psychic abilities and intuition! Trust yourself! I’m sure it’s exhausting!

Sometimes it’s tough not to overanalyze things! There may be a reason you would get in the accident. No one likes to think of it, but perhaps we’re meant to be there to offer assistance? :thinking: Just a thought


Yeah, like it’s all our fault that they are inept. It has happened so often to me that I refuse to go to a doctor anymore. Not suggesting that anyone follow my example, just expressing how I feel. Why pay their exorbitant rates if they just sneer and say there’s nothing wrong with me, go home?!? I’m tired of it, and of being called “not in compliance” if I don’t get tested for all the undignified :poop: they want to get paid for.


Yeah, that’s a good point. The best thing may simply be to approach life with the attitude of “make the best out of what’s happening.” I can’t remember when I started doing that, but it probably contributed a lot to my no longer having anxiety. :black_heart:

I’m in the same boat now, as well. I used to see a doctor whenever I had something I wanted checked out. But now that I’m out of pocket to do so and they’ve been less than helpful, it’s just not worth it most of the time.

And yeah… Those extra tests… I went to a neurologist to learn nothing more than what I’d learnt by Googling the issue, but it cost $400. What a waste of money. It didn’t even give me “peace of mind” since I ended up worrying about the money instead.

The first time I got COVID, it was from going to the medical centre for a blood test. :sweat: So getting what I want checked out better be worth risking COVID, I’ve decided.


This makes me appreciate our NHS (which our government is trying to privatise :angry:). (National Health Service) The doctors aren’t driven by money, (you get the odd one), but most I’ve encountered are genuine and want to help. Sadly alot of the time they can’t hence waiting lists due to lack of funding or mismanagement of funding by those at the top. But we will keep fighting for it, free healthcare is a must. :sparkling_heart:


That’s what’s happening here. Our free healthcare is being chipped away piece by piece. GPs are still free in many places, but more and more, they’re increasing their fees beyond what Medicare will pay for. We still get free pathology and other services, too. However, specialists are generally outside of the rebates.

There are exceptions there, too. For example, I had to have an MRI done of my brain. The cost was covered by Medicare because we’d put down headaches as a symptom. Without that symptom on the referral, I would have had to pay a few hundred.

So what the government is doing is encouraging people to get a minimum level of private healthcare. For every year after the age of 30, the cost of private healthcare offset by the government decreases until they help with none of the cost at all.

Our government likes doing this. They end up giving more money to private institutions than they do to public ones. :woman_shrugging:

I have a few things covered because I’m kind of… Well, I had a rough life. So, Victims Services will offset the cost of some of my therapy, and so will the National Disability Insurance Scheme, as I’ve been approved under both of those. So, I’ve been able to have a lot of cheap psychologist sessions to help me talk through things that have happened to me and how I can move forward in life despite them.


My Aunty gets Medicare as she’s night blind.

Sorry about this :pleading_face::heartpulse:

To me it’s so shortsighted. A fit and healthy population is good for everyone. Hey ho. :person_shrugging:. I still feel we’re in a time of chaos and re-order. Things will get better, we just gotta ride the crap till it does. :sparkling_heart: