Full Moon Tarot Reading - February 2024

Continuing the discussion from Full Snow Moon in Virgo :snowflake: February 2024:

I have so many moon-related threads open right now that I have no idea where this fits. In all of them, technically? So, here I am. :sweat_smile:

I decided to try out a full moon spread and write it up like a mini version of the readings I do in my store. Why not spoil ourselves sometimes, right? :laughing:

I couldn’t think of a nice name for it, so it just says “Full Moon Clarity.”

Five of Rings

Five of Rings

The Five of Rings serves as a metaphor, symbolising the internal and external conflicts you might face. Imagine yourself entwined in a dance with self-doubt and external adversities, akin to the nettles that surround the hand in the card’s imagery. This card mirrors the struggles with self-image and material challenges you may encounter, suggesting a period where you might feel besieged by financial woes or personal setbacks. It’s a reflection of the inner critic that often overshadows the friend within you, influencing your day-to-day experiences with a tinge of struggle and self-inflicted pain.

When you find the Five of Rings surfacing in your life, it’s akin to walking through a phase sprinkled with loneliness, potential health issues, or the fear of loss, be it monetary or something deeply personal. It’s a stark reminder of past decisions, perhaps financial missteps or emotional debts, that continue to cast long shadows in your life. This card doesn’t bode well for matters of the heart either, as it often signifies unreciprocated feelings, leaving you feeling isolated and exposed to the harsh elements of emotional vulnerability.

Yet, within this struggle and self-reflection, lies an opportunity for personal growth. By acknowledging these challenges as integral parts of your journey, you embark on a path of self-discovery and resilience. It’s a call to reevaluate your relationship with yourself, to transform from being your harshest critic to your most compassionate ally. As you navigate through these tumultuous times, the lessons learned, and the strength garnered will shape a more grounded and authentic version of yourself, one that is better equipped to face the vicissitudes of life with grace and fortitude.

Page of Swords

Page of Swords

Reflecting on the Page of Swords, with its symbolic lack of a head and the rosebush intertwined with the body, suggests a connection between intellectual vigour and the blossoming of ideas. It’s a vibrant representation of your best qualities: perhaps your remarkable intelligence, your unquenchable curiosity, or the resilience that allows you to thrive amidst challenges. These are the traits that shape your unique identity, fueling your passion for knowledge and your ability to articulate thoughts with precision and clarity.

Like the Page of Swords, you possess a bright and alert mind, constantly generating a flurry of ideas and questions. Your sharp wit and adept communication skills not only make you an engaging conversationalist but also a formidable debater, passionately expressing your views. This card also mirrors the restless energy within you, a relentless drive to explore, understand, and communicate. It’s a reflection of your eagerness to embark on new intellectual pursuits, to share and debate ideas, and to remain vigilant and perceptive in all your endeavours.

As you ponder these qualities, remember the Page of Swords’ reminder of the importance of caution amidst intellectual pursuits. Your passion and enthusiasm for ideas and communication are invaluable, but they are most effective when balanced with thoughtfulness and awareness of their impact. Embrace these strengths, nurture them, and let them be the guiding force in your endeavours. Whether it’s through engaging in stimulating discussions, pursuing new projects with zeal, or sharing your insights with the world, remember to wield your intellectual sword with grace and responsibility, allowing your inner virtues to shine brightly and influence the world around you positively.

Ten of Cups

Ten of Cups

The Ten of Cups, symbolising completion, peace, and a deep understanding of life’s cycles, serves as a reflection of the harmony and fulfilment you can bring into various spheres of life. Think of your abilities as the marigolds in the Ten of Cups – blooming effortlessly, bringing joy and vibrancy to those around you.

Your invaluable gift lies in your ability to foster an environment of emotional satisfaction, comfort, and harmony. This is not just about your personal contentment but about extending that sense of fulfilment to others, creating a true community spirit. Your skills and talents shine the brightest in situations where connection, empathy, and genuine care are needed – be it in your family, relationships, or wider social circles. You have the capacity to create a “happily ever after” for those around you, not in the fairytale sense, but in creating lasting peace and harmony.

Think about where you feel most at home – is it in nurturing your family, contributing to a peaceful community environment, or perhaps in being part of a loving and supportive relationship? These are the settings where your contribution can have the most profound impact. Your ability to bring people together, to create a sense of belonging and emotional richness, is a rare and precious gift. In a world often fraught with isolation and discord, your capacity to engender a sense of unity and familial joy is more valuable than ever.

Take a moment to appreciate this gift. Whether it’s through organising family gatherings, contributing to community projects, or simply being there for a friend in need, your actions resonate with the joy and completeness of the Ten of Cups. Your efforts in nurturing these connections and creating spaces of harmony and love are not just fulfilling for you, but they ripple out, bringing a sense of peace and contentment to those around you. Cherish this ability, nurture it, and watch as it transforms your world into a place that resembles the idyllic paradise depicted in the Ten of Cups.

Ace of Swords

Ace of Swords

The Ace of Swords, with its themes of breakthroughs, clarity of thought, and the pursuit of truth, encourages you to identify those activities and experiences that not only bring you happiness but also resonate with your core values and intellect. Just as the sword in the card slices through a rose, symbolising the need to confront and decisively handle complex issues, your sources of fulfilment likely stem from engaging in activities that challenge your intellect and moral compass.

Your sense of contentment might flourish in moments when you experience intellectual breakthroughs. Engaging in activities that require sharp thinking and clear judgment could be incredibly rewarding for you. This might manifest in solving complex problems, innovating in your field of work, or engaging in stimulating discussions that challenge your perspectives and expand your worldview. The Ace of Swords points to the joy found in clarity and truth, suggesting that activities which allow you to explore these concepts will be particularly fulfilling.

Moreover, this card hints at the importance of integrity and moral principles in your pursuit of happiness. Activities that align with your ethical standards and contribute to a greater good can provide a deep sense of fulfilment. This could involve advocacy work, volunteering, or simply standing up for what you believe in your everyday interactions. The Ace of Swords reminds you that wielding your intellect and moral clarity responsibly can lead to profound satisfaction.

In embracing the qualities of the Ace of Swords, remember to balance your pursuit of intellectual and moral clarity with compassion and empathy. While seeking truth and engaging in intellectually stimulating activities, be mindful of the impact of your actions and words on others. This balance will not only enrich your experiences but also deepen your sense of fulfilment, aligning your actions with your inner values and contributing positively to the world around you.



As Temperance adeptly pours tea between two vessels, symbolising the delicate balance between life and its inevitable end, it invites you to consider the latent strengths and abilities within you that await full realisation. This card is a gentle reminder of the harmonious balance and healing you are capable of achieving in your life, a potential you may not have fully embraced or recognised.

You possess the ability to maintain composure and calmness in stressful situations, a strength that has perhaps been underutilised in your personal and professional endeavours. This innate capacity for equilibrium and moderation is a formidable tool that can propel you to greater heights in all areas of your life. Temperance suggests that your potential lies in this very mastery of balance and patience, enabling you to make significant progress in your pursuits.

Your vision and understanding of what you wish to achieve are clear, indicative of higher learning and a deep sense of purpose. This clarity, coupled with your ability to remain balanced and patient, positions you uniquely to create and maintain harmony in your relationships, be they personal or professional. Your tranquil demeanour not only aids your progress but also brings comfort and ease to those around you, enhancing your ability to work in synergy with others.

Furthermore, Temperance nudges you to periodically re-evaluate and recalibrate your priorities, ensuring a harmonious alignment between your inner values and external actions. This introspection and adjustment will not only bring greater balance to your life but also unlock deeper meaning and purpose in your actions. The message of Temperance is profound – true fulfilment comes from living in a state of balanced integration, neither wholly absorbed in worldly pursuits nor completely detached from them. Embrace this untapped potential within you; nurture your ability to remain composed, balanced, and patient, and watch as it transforms your approach to life, unlocking new dimensions of achievement and fulfilment.

Your Journey

Your Journey

Each card, despite its unique symbolism, weaves a narrative that touches upon the intricate balance of life’s challenges and triumphs. The Five of Rings highlights the struggles and hardships that often precede growth, reminding you that difficulties are a natural part of life’s journey. In contrast, the Page of Swords represents the youthful vigour of intellect and communication, underscoring the importance of curiosity and the power of clear, concise thought in overcoming obstacles.

The Ten of Cups shifts the focus to emotional fulfilment and the joy derived from harmonious relationships, be they familial or communal, emphasising the significance of emotional connections and contentment in one’s life. Meanwhile, the Ace of Swords cuts through deception to reveal the truth, symbolising the clarity and breakthroughs that come from honest introspection and intellectual pursuits.

Finally, Temperance, with its emphasis on balance and moderation, binds these themes together. It encourages you to find equilibrium in all aspects of life, blending the intellectual rigour of the Ace of Swords and Page of Swords with the emotional contentment and connection of the Ten of Cups, all while navigating the trials depicted in the Five of Rings.

These cards collectively remind you that life is a complex interplay of learning, growth, emotional connections, intellectual pursuits, and the continual search for balance. They urge you to embrace both the challenges and joys, understanding that each experience contributes to a fuller, more nuanced understanding of yourself and the world around you. As you journey through life, these themes serve as guiding lights, helping you navigate through various circumstances with wisdom, empathy, and a balanced perspective.

The Path Ahead

The Path Ahead

In times of financial difficulty or emotional turmoil, these challenges often carry lessons in resilience and resourcefulness. Embrace the opportunity to reevaluate your approach to problem-solving and consider new, innovative strategies. This is also an invitation to cultivate a deeper sense of empathy and understanding for those around you who may be facing similar struggles.

Your curiosity and intellect are powerful tools. Use them to ask meaningful questions and engage in constructive dialogues. These conversations can lead to significant breakthroughs, both personally and professionally. Effective communication is not just about expressing thoughts; it’s about listening and understanding perspectives. This approach fosters an environment of mutual respect and collaboration.

Family and close relationships are foundational to your sense of well-being and happiness. Take time to nurture these bonds, recognising the joy and fulfilment they bring. A harmonious home life provides the strength and support needed to face external challenges. Additionally, strive to create a balance between your personal aspirations and your commitments to loved ones, ensuring that neither is neglected.

Clarity of thought and decisiveness are crucial, especially when facing complex issues or when truth and honesty are at stake. Approach situations with a clear, unbiased mindset, and be prepared to cut through confusion to uncover the core of the matter. This approach will not only bring about effective solutions but also build your reputation as a person of integrity and insight.

Whether it’s balancing work and personal life, emotion and logic, or adapting to new circumstances, strive for a harmonious approach. This doesn’t mean avoiding challenges or changes; rather, it involves embracing them with a calm and centred attitude. Learning to adapt while maintaining your core principles is a sign of maturity and wisdom, leading to lasting peace and satisfaction in your life.

I’m not sure how easy these images are to read. Usually, I export these as a PDF, but that’s not easy to read on the forum, either.

Maybe I’ll just post the text, too. :laughing:


Journalling Questions

I always add journalling questions that match the cards, as it’s easy to get inspiration from questions with prompts like those. Feel free to make use of any of these, if you like. :black_heart:

  • Reflect on a recent challenge or hardship you faced. How did it shape your perspective on resilience and resourcefulness?
  • In moments of financial or emotional struggle, how do you find strength, and what lessons have these experiences taught you?
  • Consider when you felt like an outsider or excluded. How did this experience impact your understanding of empathy and community?
  • Think about a time when your curiosity led you to a significant discovery or learning experience. What did that situation teach you about the value of asking questions?
  • Recall when your communication skills played a role in resolving a conflict. What did you learn about the power of words and dialogue?
  • Reflect on a situation where you had to use your intellect to navigate a complex problem. How did this challenge your thinking and growth?
  • Identify a moment of complete joy and fulfilment in your personal life. What elements contributed to this sense of happiness?
  • Reflect on your family or close relationships. How do they bring meaning to your life, and how do you contribute to their well-being?
  • Think about your vision of a ‘perfect life.’ What steps are you taking to achieve this, and how does it align with your values and priorities?
  • What is a recent breakthrough or realisation you had, and how has it altered your path or perspective?
  • Reflect on when you cut through confusion or deceit to uncover the truth. What did this teach you about honesty and integrity?
  • Consider a situation where your clarity of thought was instrumental in making a critical decision. How did this shape your understanding of the power of intellect?
  • Recall a time when you successfully balanced multiple aspects of your life. What strategies helped you maintain this balance?
  • Think of a moment where moderation and patience played a key role in your personal growth. What did this teach you about self-control and discipline?
  • Reflect on an instance where you had to adapt to significant changes. How did this experience help you understand the value of flexibility and harmony?

It reads great, I just screenshot and enlarge (but then I’m blind as a bat without glasses when it comes to reading :rofl:). The journalling is brilliant, something I can work through too. Thankyou for doing this :green_heart:


If you tap them you can enlarge them. Well on my cellphone anyhow. Lol So I think they are perfectly readable!


This is a beautiful reading (and you put it all together so professionally!) – the journal questions are great, too. Did you have questions in mind for the first three cards before Journey and Your Path Ahead? Or did you just let those three cards inform the rest, too? (I hope that question makes sense…lol)

Anyway, it’s a good reminder for me to do my own Full Moon reading today :heart:


I’ve kind of got a procedure down. Kind of. :sweat_smile: When I look up each card (in my Notion notes, which I’ve had to split by suit because it was lagging the heck out of my browser :laughing:), I write some keywords that I’ll then turn into the paragraphs you see for each card there.

“Your Journey” is something I usually name after the content, like “Growth & Balance” or “Reflection & Learning,” etc. But I was lazy this time. :crazy_face: Anyway, that segment is just a summary of all the cards by going through the keywords and grouping them by theme instead of by card.

(I think I learnt to do this via retro meetings at work. There are many nice apps, like this one, https://metroretro.io. But basically it involves putting ideas/thoughts on cards and then grouping them by topic. I don’t go to this length for my readings because it’s a lot easier to glance at the keywords and see which cards have similar themes. But that’s probably the origin of the idea.)

“Your Path Ahead” is all the cards together by theme again, but with an attempt at grouping by practical advice instead.

So, by the time I get to the journalling questions, I’ve already got all of these keywords and things written about the cards, so writing them comes really easily as everything is at the front of my mind.

I remember what I’ve written long enough to tell my partner about it once I’m done, but it’s all gone by the next day. So I have to do this all at once, or I can’t get it done easily. I would have to study my own work if I got interrupted partway through for a few hours because I would’ve lost that flow I had from before.

Grammarly constantly checking my writing really helps me get them done fast, though. I can just ramble, and then Grammarly will be like, “This sentence sucks. Do this instead.” :laughing:


That makes sense! It’s similar to the way I do some of my personal readings - just pulling cards and going with it :joy: then putting everything together in a way that makes sense.

I’m so glad I’m not alone in this :joy: it’s like… it’s really easy to do the interpretation and write it all out in the moment, almost like I’m channeling this outside energy that’s driving me forward. Once I’m done? Nope - it’s gone lol this even happens when I read for other people, too. I’ll just get in this flow of writing, like you said, and not even know what I wrote as I’m writing it. I’ll often read back and be like… did I really write that? :rofl:


It feels the same for me. I really enjoy doing tarot readings because of this.

Same. I have to go back to read the reading when someone messages me about it. They’re like, “Oh, I can’t believe you mentioned XYZ.” And I’m sitting here thinking, “Wow. I did? I don’t remember that. Awesome. Go me, I guess?” :laughing: