Full Snow Moon Tarot Spread ❄

This is amazing! :heart_eyes: And not only the beautiful spread, but the really impressive picture too! You’re a master at Canva, @Solasta_Amore :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I love the questions you choose for the spread- it’s so perfect for the Snow Moon and this time of the year. What a great spread- thank you so much for sharing it! :heart::snowflake: :full_moon_with_face:

Hope you had a blessed Full Snow Moon :hugs::two_hearts:


Why, thank youuu sugar! :wink: :kissing_heart: :dango:


I really love this tarot spread, @Solasta_Amore :clap: you did a wonderful job! I’m going to add it to my grimoire if you don’t mind :blush: I don’t know if I will have time to do it tonight but maybe in the next few days!


I just did this spread and loved the outcome I got for myself.

  1. What is frozen within me
    8 of Pentacles upright.
    I see this card as letting me know I need to find more time to be creative, to follow my passions in my life. Up until now I have not and it’s reminding me that I wiil benefit from find more of a balance.

  2. how to thaw the icicles blocking my path
    6 of Swords upright
    this card is letting me know I need to change my thinking to move forward. In this case, it’s being open to other ideas to figure things out in my life. My outcome (financial, situational) will improve if I open myself to new ways of thinking.

  3. what part of me is shining bright
    9 of Pentacles upright
    My hard work up until now will start to pay off- the hard work is ‘shining bright’ at this time. In this case, my financial situation will improve and I will have more independence and the ability to do things I couldn’t before. Which is good, it is what I’ve been waiting for all these months.

  4. What the dark corners that I need to leave behind
    The Heirophant reversed
    I need to stop following bad advise, leave that in the past. I need to learn to be to open to new ideas and thinking outside the box. I need to start doing things differently.

  5. Lesson to learn from the full snow moon
    5 of Pentacles upright
    I simply need to remember that help is out there, always.

  6. Message from Selene
    5 of Wands upright
    I need to remember that life will always have problems and unheavals. I can survive them if I keep a cool head, be persistent and take the struggles with the better parts of life.

Considering what I’ve gone through as of late, very good reading and I love that I came across this spread. I did help make me feel better about things.


Aww I looove that you would like to add it to your Grimoire! :hugs: :grin: Thank you Megan and try this whenever you feel is best for you! :kissing_heart: Lots of love :hearts:


Woow @Dierna_Nimue_Selene your reading surely is amazing! And thank youu soo much that you found this spread helpful! I am sooo happy that I could make you feel better love! Blessed be and warm hugs to you! :hugs: :sparkles:


This is awesome! Thank you for sharing it.


Thank YOU for creating it! You did such a wonderful job :blush:


This is a really beautiful spread my sweet moon girl @Solasta_Amore :kissing_heart: :star_struck: :revolving_hearts: :tarot_card: :crescent_moon: I love Selene too, I have a picture of her in my bedroom :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :white_heart:

I lit a candle and sat down with my cards, here’s what I got :blush:

1. What is frozen in me?
Eight of Swords - I feel bound and restricted, though the only one keeping me where I am is me. I’ve become comfortable in my uncomfortable situation.

2. How to thaw the icicles blocking my path?
Six of Swords - I need to move on from my past and leave it behind to find my way forward.

3. What part of me is shining bright?
Six of Pentacles - I love giving and receiving meaningful things, from presents to comfort to words of wisdom. My relationships with my many mentors are thriving, and I’m also inspiring others.

4. What are the dark corners that I need to leave behind?
Nine of Swords
I need to let go of the pain from my past, and not let it color how I see the present. I feel paralyzed where I am because I’m terrified of making a choice and being hurt by it.

5. Lesson to learn from the Full Snow Moon
Five of Wands - Stay calm and assess the situation before diving headlong into it, emotionally or otherwise. Pick your battles. On the other hand, don’t be afraid of conflict, some things are worth fighting for.

6. Message from Selene
The Hermit - I ride my chariot in the sky and illuminate the darkness of the night. I may have a companion sometimes, but I am a solitary soul by nature. I bring hope to the hopeless, and love to everyone with an open heart. You and me have much in common.


Thank you and most welcome honey.
:hugs: :hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Wow! Your cards are really telling you to let go of anything that is binding you my dear Celestia! :kissing_heart: I am sure you are going to ride your chariot high in the sky, without anything pulling you back! :wink: :hugs: Thank youuu again for using this spread and giving me soo much happiness! Love you :two_hearts:


Most welcome hun! :hugs: :innocent:


They really are! :relaxed: :tarot_card: Sorry my dear shackles of fear, I know you look pretty and give me that nice tightly bound feeling and we’ve grown close over the years but here’s where our ways part and we need to find ways to keep on living without each other :smile: :broken_heart: :chains:

Love you my sweetie Solasta, please keep creating all these beautiful things from your loving heart and making us smile :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart:


Aww love you too! :hugs: :heartpulse:


The Wheel has turned and the time of the Full Snow Moon has come again! Bringing back this lovely tarot spread for anyone looking for some full moon magick to do this week :full_moon_with_face: :snowflake: :sparkles:


Great idea, I’ve printed it out to try! Thank you for the reminder for this lovely tarot spread!


My pleasure, and I agree! It’s a really lovely spread by the talented @Solasta_Amore :full_moon_with_face: :sparkles:

Wishing everyone a blessed Full Snow Moon! :snowflake: :sparkles: :grinning:


Thank you @Solasta_Amore great spread!
The spread spoke answers to some very personal things occurring in my life. Over all I’m pleased with this spread and look forward to new beginnings and changes occurring in my life.


2 posts were split to a new topic: Full Snow Moon Tarot Interpretation - Help!

Aww thankyou hunny @BryWisteria :kissing_heart: :pink_heart: and I’m soo glad that you found it helpful and satisfying my love @MsQ :hugs: :hugs: :sparkling_heart:
Love you @Artemisia :kissing_heart: :heart: