Full Virgo Moon & Lunar Eclipse 🌕 March 2025

2025 Virgo Blood Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Spells8

The Full Moon for March is upon us - this month, we are approaching the Worm Moon for the Northern Hemisphere and the Harvest or Corn Moon for the Southern Hemisphere. This month, the Full Moon in Virgo will take place on 2025-03-14T06:54:00Z EST. To check the exact time of the Full Moon in your area, you can use the moon calendar from Astro Seek (click here).

This Full Moon is also a Lunar Eclipse! According to Time And Date, the Lunar Eclipse will be visible, in full or in part, in Europe, Much of Asia, Much of Australia, Much of Africa, North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic, and Antarctica.


In this post, we will take a moment to explore what a Full Moon is and how the sign of Virgo might affect the energy of this moon. As usual, there will be links, ideas, and inspiration for spells, rituals, and meditations!

Please note: Some links go to pages specifically for Spells8 members - make sure you’re logged in!


What is a Full Moon?

If you need a recap of a Full Moon, click here! 🌕

A full moon happens when the moon is directly opposite the sun from the Earth. This means that the side of the moon facing Earth is fully illuminated by the sun, making it appear as a complete circle of light in the night sky.

As with anything in witchcraft, there are many different beliefs on what type of magick should be done during a Full Moon. Some witches believe banishing should be done. Others believe intentions should be set for manifestations. Still, others (such as myself) believe that the Full Moon is the best time for literally any spell you want because the energy is at its highest.

During the Full Moon, the Triple Goddess becomes the Mother of all beings. It’s a great time to work on intuition, spells of love, and prosperity. The Power of all Magic is truly at its peak, this lunar phase is key to either accept or reject projects, transformations, and manifestations that we initiated during the New Moon. - Spells and Things To Do on a Full Moon | Spells8

Lunar Eclipse

This month, we are also graced with a Lunar Eclipse! Some witches believe an eclipse can affect the energy of the Full Moon and prefer not to cast spells or work magick. Other witches do not feel any change in energy with the eclipse.

A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon aligns precisely with the Earth and Sun, casting its shadow upon our planet. As this phenomenon unfolds, viewers of the eclipse first witness the penumbral eclipse. This happens when the outer portion of the moon’s shadow begins to cast a faint glow upon affected areas of the Earth.

How to Make Eclipse Moon Water + Uses and Benefits – Spells8

Blood Moons: The Witch’s Guide To Lunar Eclipses

Casting spells or performing rituals during an eclipse is going to be personal preference, so do what you are comfortable with!

Looking for more Eclipse Magick? Check out our eclipse tag! :waning_gibbous_moon:

The Worm Moon (Northern Hemisphere)

This Full Moon is commonly known as the Worm Moon. This comes from the emergence of worms in the soil after the rains which usually begin around this time of year. March is a time of balance in both hemispheres as the equinox brings equal daylight and nighttime to everyone in the world. It is also a transitional time which marks the end of a season and the start of a new one!

All of this is represented by the Full Worm Moon :worm: Other common names for this moon include the Storm Moon, Sugar Moon, and Crow Comes Back Moon.

Full Worm Moon: Spell & Ritual (March)

The Harvest Moon (Southern Hemisphere)

Those in the Southern Hemisphere will be experiencing a different Full Moon because of the seasonal shift. In the Southern Hemisphere, the Autumn Equinox is happening soon as the transition into cooler weather begins. Though there are no known traditional Full Moon names for the Southern Hemisphere, we can use the Autumn Full Moon name for the Northern Hemisphere as a starting point. This month, the Autumn Full Moon is the Harvest Moon or Corn Moon!

Harvest Full Moon Ritual & Spell

Other names you might consider for the March Full Moon in the Southern Hemisphere include the Autumn Moon, Moon of Browning Leaves, and Child Moon.

The Sign of Virgo

Virgo is the virgin sign of the Zodiac, a mutable Earth sign ruled by the planet Mercury. This sign is Earthy in all sense of the word - grounded, down-to-earth, and stable. Virgos love to help, embracing acts of service in whatever way they can. Sometimes, this desire to assist those around them is to their detriment as they will do whatever is necessary for others and neglect themselves. Virgos have a keen eye and notice things that others may not. This gives them an advantage in their endeavors as they approach tasks and challenges with an analytical mind. However, the downfall of this is that Virgos may be more critical of themselves - something to watch out for!

Learn more about Virgo :virgo:Beginner Astrology - Guide to the Signs by @Cosmic_Curiosity

Magick for the Virgo Moon

This Full Moon comes at a time of balance and transition. The world hangs with bated breath, patiently waiting for the tides to turn and the seasons to shift. Virgo is a balanced sign, one grounded in reality and practicality. At a time of transition and movement, the Virgo Full Moon is one suited to cleansing, regrouping, and working on the practical aspect of our lives.

This moon is also a Lunar Eclipse, so you will want to take that into account if that is something that affects your practice. Keep reading for some ideas and activities to inspire you!


Activities for the Full Virgo Moon

There are many things you can do for the full moon, but these activities will be enhanced by the specific energy of this Virgo Moon in and Lunar Eclipse!

Grounding And Centering

The number one (and two!) skill to learn as a witch, be sure to ground and center yourself this Full Moon. Virgo is an Earth sign, so connect well with the Earth energy of Virgo to enhance any work you are doing this month. Even if you are not doing any spells or rituals for this Full Moon, you may find it much easier to connect to the energy of the Earth during this Full Moon.

Learn moreGrounding and Centering: What’s the Difference and How to Practice || Spells8

Lunar Eclipse Candle Ritual & Shadow Work

A lunar eclipse occurs when Earth’s shadow is cast over the Moon. Follow this Lunar Eclipse candle ritual to reflect explore your own shadow at the same time. Also good for a Dark Moon (New Moon) and a Blood Moon.

Lunar Eclipse Candle Ritual & Shadow Work


Virgo is a natural helper, so why not join in and help those in your community who need it? Whether you prefer to help by lending a physical hand or a spiritual one, you can never go wrong with helping those in your area or community who are down on their luck. Find a charity or a local non-profit (or even just a friend or family member) and see what good you can do.

Find a local volunteer opportunity with VolunteerMatchVolunteerMatch (non-Spells8 link)


Remember, the energy of the Full Moon isn’t just for the one day that it reaches its peak. Personally, I give myself a three-day window for the Full Moon: the day before, the day of, and the day after. This works well for my practice and it may work for yours, too!

Do you plan to work with this Full Moon? What are your favorite ways to work with a Full Moon?

Let’s hear about it!


Wow, that’s one prevalent lunar eclipse. Seems like most of us will be able to see it this time!

Thank you for the great moon info and activity advice, Megan. Wishing everyone a blessed full moon lunar eclipse tonight/tomorrow! :black_circle: :drop_of_blood: :sparkles:


I’m hoping so! I looked it up for my area and it looks like it starts at around 1 AM – I’m not sure I’ll be awake for it, to be honest :laughing: but it’ll be there!


It starts at 9pm for me! First one in awhile I’ll be awake for :grin:.
I’m so torn if I want to go forward with my usual full moon ritual or not :melting_face:


Oh, I hope you have a perfect view! :revolving_hearts:

You can always just wait it out a bit and see how the energy feels the closer you get to the eclipse. Then, you’ll be better equipped to know if you should move forward or do something else!