Garnet - are you out there?!

So glad to hear both you and @robin77 are okay! We worried about you, even though we figured it was just the power.

Losing that much food is awful. Are you on food stamps? They sometimes give extra stamps to make up for what you had to throw away.

May your leg heal up fast!

@robin77, it sounds as if your spells helped! I’m glad. That had to be some scary stuff!


I’m so happy to hear that you’re safe and okay Garnet! We were all worried about you and everyone else here in Florida that might have been impacted by Hurricane Ian :heart: I’m sorry to hear that you lost power for so long that you lost a lot of your food. That’s never any fun and I would have cried right along with you! :people_hugging:

It’s amazing to hear how your community came together, too! Our neighborhood wasn’t too impacted, just half of us lost power for a few days. We all have a community Facebook page that we’re part of and there were so many people offering ice, food, generators, and any other help anyone needed. It was heartwarming to see the help offered after such a large storm, even if we weren’t impacted nearly as much as we thought we were going to be.

I’m sorry to hear about your leg though, that’s awful! I hope it heals quickly and you get back to normal :heart:


Yikes, sorry to hear about your leg and all the loss of all that food and the dairy farm, but… the important thing is you’re safe.

Glad that you’re safe too, @robin77, thank the Dragons! :dragon:

It’s funny, no matter how old you are, you tend to yearn for your mother in stressful times.


Thank goodness you are okay! We were all so worried. I was close to calling 911 from Australia from all the worry but wasn’t sure what i would say. All that matters is your safe and i hope your leg heals soon :heartpulse: :heartpulse: :heartpulse:


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