Gratitude Stones/Gratitude Challenge

I recently came across this post in Pinterest that caught my eye, Gratitude Stones. :white_heart: :black_heart:

You gather as many similar shaped rocks as you feel is appropriate and if you would like, paint them each a solid color. Now I do not have the petite handwriting to do it in paint so I will be using a thin point sharpie to write on the rocks. I have picked out short but to the point gratitude affirmations for each of the rocks.
I saw one person print out different gratitude statements and glue/tape them on but that doesn’t seem, in my opinion, the best option for multiple reasons.

Once you are finished, set them somewhere they won’t be disturbed and let them set. Afterwards, you can do so much with them! You can leave them around the house to be seen when you need it. You could put them in a serving dish by the front door and grab one on your way out to have handy throughout the day. The list goes on, there is no limit!

My daughter’s birthday is tomorrow and we have so much going on, also with the Autumn Equinox, that I haven’t actually been able to sit down and work on these stones. I wanted to share what her and I would be working on after everything settles down a bit though. I’ll be sure to post once our little gratitude stones are finished. :blush:

If anyone happens to use this, I would love to see what you come up with! :grin:


Ohhh I love this! :heart: Thanks for sharing :blush:


I love this idea! My oldest son and I bought tattoos and picked out some nice sized rocks and placed the tattoos on the rocks. We have them everywhere. My daughter and I are starting a fairy garden so, we’re going to give them a home there. Thanks for making this post! It’s a very creative idea! :sparkling_heart:


That sounds fun!

I am such a rock hound. I can’t believe my house hasn’t caved in yet lol. I have different tubs associated with certain locations I picked the rocks up from. I usually soak them in white vinegar for a week or so, give them a good scrubbing, and then set them out for everyone to gaze at.
I love them!
Then when I feel the time is right, I give them back to Gaia in all her glory.


Yes, I return them back to mama Earth too!


Adorable idea and happy birthday to your kiddo


Thank you! I don’t think she realizes how amazing it is to be born during the Autumn Equinox but one day she will and I can’t wait to share that with her.


What a cute idea! And happy birthday to your daughter!

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Happy birthday to your daughter, @janelle! :birthday::partying_face: I think it is lucky to be born on the Equinox- she is very blessed :two_hearts:

I love the idea of gratitude stones- what a fun craft and meaningful activity :heart_eyes: At one of my previous jobs, we painted flat beach stones with positive messages and the hostel name, and put them around town for people to see. Although it was partly for advertising, the positive messages were similar to gratitude statements! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I really like the idea of putting them around the house- every now and then you’d spot one and feel a burst of appreciation for what you wrote. Absolutely lovely, Janelle! Thank you so much for sharing :sparkling_heart:


Wow, that’s a very neat thing to do with rocks and gratatude, i think i will do that too now :smile:


How cool, I did this once but never thought to put it around the house. I put them in my Fairey :fairy:t3:Garden! This is a wonderful idea thanks
Blessed be!