IF I may again say, welcome. Here, no one is alone, we’ve managed to form a cohesive if abstract family.
Some of us need encouragement and it is given. Depression? we give empathy, Magical Questions? One of us will either give you an answer or lead you in the right direction. If someone needs healing energy and love we send it. (Lots of love flies out our doors.)
You will find on your journey that everyone is different and has different needs. I’m an Eclectic Solitary Practitioner. I grew up in the 60’s and have issues with authority (ha, ha).
Seriously Bonnie, there are no set rules except to be nice, learn all you can and If you don’t understand something, or it troubles you, go to forum and throw out your questions. I think in another life, we all were teachers. We love questions.
I really need you to read what I’m going to say.
These are the rules that are not written but understood.
Spells8 has become a place of refuge, a sanctuary
for us, here we feel safe.
NO one has the right to bully you.
No one can belittle or shame you, ever!
No one has the right to push their belief’s onto you.
(Like the church people we discussed?)
Treat everyone as you want to be treated.
Should you have any issues of the sort,
contact any one of us and the problem will be resolved.
As with every thing in your life, Magick is a choice.
What kind of Witch do you want to be?
There are many kinds, see: How do you know what type of witch you are?.
Ethics are important BUT again, the choices are yours. I personally have 2 beliefs, I. If you hurt no one, do what you will. Sounds simple? It is and it isn’t.
Say, you want the obnoxious dog next door to shut up! So you do a spell silencing the animal. What if it dies and all your neighbors think you hurt it. The owner is inconsolable. You feel guilty. And you earned some bad karma. But the dog…is quiet.
Consequences are sometimes hard to see.
2. Whatever you do comes back to your X3. Think of the dog, enough said.
Now remember what I said, these are the rules I follow as for anyone else? It’s a choice.
I hope this hasn’t scared you away. This is a wonderful place to learn about Magick, Learn easy spells and have fun.
Grab a cup of tea, put up your feet and let’s learn something.
Blessed be,
Your new friend