Guides, Deities, Angels and more

Through some guided meditations and my own intuitive work I’ve come to learn who some of my guides I can call upon are. I feel unbelievably blessed to have none other than Joan of Arc in my corner. The high priestess Aphrodite (who I’ve learnt also was called Melissa which is my middle name)
I’ve also learnt Raphael is one of my angel guides.
Do you work with these types of energies? I’d love to know!
Blessed be


I have the Goddess Brigid that I work with regularly & also my mom & Nana visit me often along with others in my family that have passed. I have angels that work with me & help to guide me. Over the last few months I have used them all to help me with a life decision & to find my way. I got lost over the last year or so & needed some guidance from the Divine. :smiley: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


That’s Amazing @AliceInWonderdab !
I can’t say if they’re my guides but I’ve felt such a connection with Hecate and the Horned God for months now.
For a while, I was just starved to obtain as much information as I could about Hecate, it was a mild obsession for a bit… :laughing:
The Horned God I have mental images pop up of him often, and I thank him and the lovely lady each night for their guidance, wisdom, and abundance in my life.


@Susurrus If you have any tips you’re willing to share, I’d love to hear :slight_smile: For my weekly challenge this week, one of the previous challenges I’ve chosen is the one that has to do with “beyond the veil” — I can’t remember the name of it off the top of my head.

I’ve had some visitations, but they’ve all been random so far, and I haven’t figured out how to initiate and maintain contact yet :sweat_smile:


@Rowan I’ve been OBSESSED with Hekate lately too! I even signed up for Jason Miller’s Sorcery of Hekate course, but I started a few weeks after the cycle began, and never really could get caught up, so I had to discontinue. Maybe next cycle!


I have asked Aphrodite for help in the past and she has helped me greatly. I don’t believe She’s wrathful and enraged like I’m the mythology, she’s a big presence and a motherly figure that can be great for guidance, self-love and self-compassion.

Historically, She had so many names and epithets that it’s hard to keep track. One that I like is Pandêmos,“common to all the people.”


Joan of Arc and Aphrodite are wonderful presences- may they continue to guide you well, @AliceInWonderdab! :blush:

I work with deities from time to time in my practice and have nurtured a connection with the Horned God :deer:. I’ve also worked a bit with different Goddesses, but I haven’t found one entity that really resonates with me yet. I’ll keep exploring! :grin:

This is a great topic and fun way to learn about other deities/guides/angels/etc- thanks so much for bringing it up, Nadine! :sparkling_heart:


Oh Wow, I’ll have to look into that course.
Thank you!


@Jewitch honestly they just come to me, I think I ask in my own way & it seems they just appear when I am supposed to pay attention to something. I have a page that I review the meanings of angel numbers with because I have been seeing them A WHOLE FRIGGIN LOT lately. I use this site: Angel Numbers & it has helped a lot. When I know that my mom is around & I hear her song come on the radio, I play it loud & proud & talk to her like I would talk to anyone else. My grandmother is usually more hard to detect. She is like a silent partner. But I can put out her jewelry or think of something she said to me or look at the pictures of her & write to her or talk to her like she was here. I have left out offerings for them before. A candle for them with something to honor them & they always find a way to let me know what they are thinking. I went through a time that it was my ancestors wanted to be acknowledge.

Also when the veil is thin, it’s a lot easier. The veil in March thins when we get closer to the astrological New Year. March 20 it will be thinned again completely:

March 20- Equinox + Sun in Aries +Start of Astrological New Year

Happy astrological new year! The Sun shifts into the Aries zodiac today, which also signals the Equinox, a time of equal hours of night and day. Depending on where you live, the Equinox also brings the start of Spring or Autumn. This is a power day, where the veil between dimensions is said to be thin. This is the perfect time for magic and ritual work, and for sowing seeds for the new chapter that is to unfold. March Astrological Forecast

I have been paying more attention to astrology lately & it’s been a lot easier on the visits. I think this is a great time to do the challenge that you are working on because once again the veil is thin! I hope any of this helps, I feel like I was rambling. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Oh cool! Thank you for sharing all that information with me :slight_smile: I didn’t know that the veil was thin at times other than around Samhain! :open_mouth: I’ll have to look more into that!

I’ll also have to try giving offerings and working on trying to “connect” (for lack of better words) with items that belonged to my grandmas. I have noticed that my maternal adopted grandparents (particularly my grandma) tend to visit me in my dreams when I’ve been looking through my grandma’s cookbooks or using her kitchen utensils. I have a few pieces of my paternal grandma’s jewelry that I could wear and try developing a relationship with :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thank you again for the great ideas! :star_struck:


This depends on the tradition, actually :heart: In Irish traditions, the veil that is spoken about is actually a mist that separates our world from the Otherworld of the Othercrowd. This only happens twice a year, at Bealtaine and Samhain. Other traditions may have different practices, so just keep that in mind in your research :hugs:


I am going by the astrological signs and movements. I didn’t even think that other traditions would have a different timeframe. I know it’s thinning/thin for Samhain, I had no idea that it would thin other times during the year either. Thank you @MeganB!

@Jewitch I believe that it would be Bealtaine & Samhain & then the astrological placements also have a hand in thinning the veil. I also believe that they will talk/communicate in my times of need & when I am focused on their energy regardless of the veil. My beliefs may not be in line with yours so as Megan said please keep that in mind while you are working on contacting them.


@MeganB @Susurrus Thanks for the input :slight_smile: I’m still very new in all my Witchcraft/Wicca/Pagan/Astrological/Astronomical/Occult research, so I appreciate all the different viewpoints I get exposed to :star_struck:


Absolutely! I hope you find your niche & you get to feel their presence soon! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I haven’t tried to find my spirit guides yet but I did get myself The Book of Angels and The 72 Angel Cards on the recommendation of a friend and found my 3 birth angel guides. I haven’t called on them yet. Still reading the book (it’s based on the Kabballah) and is very interesting to read.

Awesome guides you have. Good luck.


Melissa is another word for Lemon balm, nice herb to have in a pot.
Related to mint, but prefer the balm!


Oh thank you that’s so helpful to know~as I need to use mint for a honey jar spell