The Winter Solstice is a time of darkness and reflection, but it is also a time of rebirth. As we go through the longest night of the year, we often face the darker parts of ourselves in our shadow, wondering where to go next as we begin the process of being reborn with a return of the sun.
One of the things I love about tarot so much is that it can be used as a tool of divination but also a tool for self-reflection. As we go into the Winter Solstice this year, consider using this tarot spread I created to help you see the darkness that you still have, the darkness you’ve overcome, and the guiding light moving you into the light half of the year.
This tarot spread is easy to follow and uses only four cards to answer four questions. I am confident that the spread can be used by anyone with any divination style, but I have chosen tarot as that is the one I am most comfortable with.
To begin, I suggest starting with some meditation, really reflecting on what you have been through in the dark half of the year. I find that when using tarot for self-reflection, it’s very important that I spend some time in meditation before drawing cards. Some things you may want to meditate on before performing this reading are: shadow work, difficult events, and growth in the darkness.
Shadow Work
Oftentimes, witches find themselves delving into shadow work after Samhain. This is a natural occurrence as we come to the end of the light half of the year. The shadow work we have faced already can shape the growth we still have to do before the light half of the year begins at Bealtaine.
Challenges We Have Faced
With the darker months come challenges, both physical and spiritual. By meditating on the challenges you have faced, you open your mind to the future possibilities of growth through adversity. This is a perfect time for reflection as we look to our guiding light with this reading.
Personal Growth And Guidance
One of my favorite things to remember about darkness and growth is this: when you plant a seed, that seed is hidden from sight. We can’t see it, yet it is doing its most important and foundational growth in the darkness. As humans and spiritual beings, I have found that moments of immense growth can happen during moments of profound darkness. So, contemplate the darkness you have faced so far and let the light shine on the ways you have grown.
Without any further rambling from me about the dark half of the year and the solstice, let’s get into the spread for this reading!
As you shuffle the cards, focus on the dark half of the year and seeing through the darkness into the light. With this reading, we are going to find our guiding light out of the darkness.
Question One: What darkness have I overcome?
This card is a peak into the challenging situations you have faced so far. Sometimes we have trouble seeing the difficulties we have faced until they’re right in front of us or way behind us. Take this opportunity to reflect on how amazing you are and what you have accomplished!
Question Two: What darkness do I still carry?
Even though we have accomplished a lot, there is always more growth to be had. Our darkness and shadow constantly shifts, ebbing and flowing like the tide of the sea. This card will show you an area of your life that needs some attention.
Question Three: What gifts does the Sun bring on his return?
On the day of the Solstice, the Sun returns! The days grow longer again and the darkness is held at bay. With the Sun’s return come gifts of joy, radiance, and warmth. This card will reveal to you how the Sun’s gifts will show up for you.
Question Four: How can I utilize these gifts as my guiding light?
Lastly, card number four is your beacon in the darkness. The gifts that card three shows you are the gifts card four speaks on. You know what the gifts are and this is how you can best use them going into the light half of the year.
I will be doing my own reading with this spread (see the comments) and I would love to see yours if you feel like sharing!