Happy Litha ( or Yule if in north part or world)

Quick im melting! Through some water on me​:laughing:oh maybe i need my own flurry :joy:yes i really do wish i could build a snowman but, yes the peak of summer has hit and im a melting mess and feel i need several showers a day :woman_facepalming:and we dont get snow here in winter either :woman_shrugging::bowing_woman:doh! Lol

But its Litha so i realised when i calmed after a breakdown earlier ( lol dont ask it prob was bound to happen with all the craziness but hopefully the tears are done for now) but when i was planning out the next day i realised the next day was today ( as i was up past midnight) and it was Litha :partying_face:Summer solstice is here. Other than my poor power bill its amazing to have got this far and survived another year and so i have that to be grateful for. Lol despite my breakdown earlier, my constantly melting snowman self :joy:i am greatful to celebrate the Litha season. …

And for those in the north hemosphere i hope you can enjoy your Yule or winter soltice celebrattion and season and stay safe these holidays :heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse:


That sounds exactly like us and where we live. :laughing:

We’ve had the air conditioning on for over two weeks straight now, and it hasn’t been enough on the hotter days.

Happy Litha, fellow Southerner. :sparkles: :black_heart:


Tis the season of high energy bills, no matter where you live! LOL! Have a good Solstice y’all!


Wishing you a happy, healthy, and blessed Litha, @Phoenix_Fire! :heart: :sun_with_face: :sunflower: It sounds very toasty there now- may the peak of summer pass quickly and bring cooler and more comfy weather to you asap! :pray:

Thank you so much, Phoenix! Wishing the same to you- stay safe and be well, friend! :heart: :blush:




@Phoenix_Fire I hope that you have a wonderful Litha Celebration :revolving_hearts:


Hey all I’m still around these last few months have been a douse for me and my home life. I’ve already had a busy schedule and it seemed to get even busier. Had some relationship issues going on as well but they are finally over. I will be back as soon as I can find the time.

Came to wish everyone a great Yule and Winter Solstice and a Happy Litha to the Eastern Hemisphere.

I miss all of you and will see you soon.


Welcome @Heav3n- it’s great to hear from you! :heart:

Sorry to hear about the hecticness and the relationship issues- I’m glad things are behind you, and I hope it’s all smooth sailing ahead! Wishing a very happy and blessed solstice to you and your loved ones. Feel free to swing by and say hi anytime! :blush:

Blessed be!