Hi everyone I would really appreciate more info on goddess Hecate as feeling very drawn to her at this moment in time
Hi everyone I would really appreciate more info on goddess Hecate as feeling very drawn to her at this moment in time
Hecate is a goddess with a very complex and mysterious origin since her attributes changed over time, and she was assimilated with other goddesses.
In the beginning, she was represented as a simple deity (not triple). In Greek mythology she was the daughter of Asteria and Perses, a direct descendant of the generation of the Titans and independent of the Olympic pantheon.
But during later periods, Hecate’s triplicity became more apparent. In the Greek esoteric writings of Egyptian inspiration related to Hermes Trismegistus and in the magical papyri of the Late Antiquity, Hecate was described as having three heads: one of a dog, another of a snake and another one of a horse. Hecate’s triplicity was later expressed in a more Hellenic way, with three bodies instead of heads.
Hecate was usually depicted holding a pair of torches or a key. She was associated with crossroads, entrances, magic, witchcraft, knowledge of herbs and poisonous plants, ghosts, necromancy and sorcery.
Unlike Artemis, which represented the moonlight and the splendor of the night, Hecate represented its darkness and its terrors.
It was believed that, on moonless nights, she wandered the earth with a pack of ghostly and howling dogs that preceded her appearance. She sent night terrors to humans, and also apparitions of ghosts, especially to children and women trying to scare them.
At various times, wild areas, forests, borders, city walls, crossroads and cemeteries have been associated with Hecate.
As a “goddess of witchcraft”, Hecate has been incorporated in various systems of modern witchcraft, Wicca and Neopaganism, in some cases associated with the Wild Hunt of Germanic tradition, in others as part of a reconstruction of specifically Greek polytheism, in English also known as “Hellenismos”.
In Wicca, Hecate has in some cases become identified with the “Crone” aspect of the Triple Goddess.
The 3 aspects of the Moon are associated to three Greek goddesses:
Hecate was known by a number of bynames:
Light a black candle during this devotional.
This Hecate invocation ritual was inspired by the Orphic hymn to Hecate from the late Hellenistic (ancient Greek) period. Summoning Hecate with a chant can be useful within a justice spell, a protection ritual and other types of spellwork.
Learn more about Hecate in this lesson: Hecate: Goddess Symbols, Offerings & Myth.
Thank you so much that’s perfect Samhain blessings x
Francisco gave some wonderful information, and I’d like to add to it. As well as being associated with witchcraft, magick, and knowledge, she can also be attributed to a Goddess of guidance. When Persephone was whisked away to the Underworld, Hecate helped Demeter look high and low for her daughter, guiding her with her lit torches. After Persephone and Demeter were reunited, Hecate became Persephone’s companion in the Underworld.
She is often depicted on Greek vases as bearing two torches (3).[After Persephone was returned from the underworld to Demeter :] Then bright-coiffed Hekate came near to them, and often did she embrace the daughter of holy Demeter: and from that time the lady Hekate was minister and companion to Persephone." (1)
She is often thought of as a crone-figure, but that might not be the case. In Homeric Hymn 2 to Demeter, Homer calls Hecate “tender-hearted” (1).
If you wish to call on Hecate, I recommend getting to know Her epithets and using the Orphic Hymn to call upon Her.
I call Ækáti of the Crossroads, worshipped at the meeting of three paths, oh lovely one. 1
In the sky, earth, and sea, you are venerated in your saffron-colored robes.
Funereal Daimohn, celebrating among the souls of those who have passed.
Persian, fond of deserted places, you delight in deer.
Goddess of night, protectress of dogs, invincible Queen.
Drawn by a yoke of bulls, you are the queen who holds the keys to all the KĂłzmos.
Commander, Nýmphi, nurturer of children, you who haunt the mountains.
Pray, Maiden, attend our hallowed rituals;
Be forever gracious to your mystic herdsman and rejoice in our gifts of incense.
Source: HellenicGods.org (2)
(1) Theoi.com
(2) HellenicGods.org
(3) Theoi.com - Persephone, Hermes, Hecate and Demeter, Athenian red-figure bell krater C5th B.C., Metropolitan Museum of Art
Thank you so just that’s lovely extra info… What’s epithets x blessings
Epithets are the many different names for the Gods in Greek Theology. For example, Hecate’s name means “worker from afar”. However, when you place one of Her many epithets in front of Her name, her aspect changes. For example, if you call on Her in the aspect of Hekate Propolos, you are calling on her aspect as a guide and leader. You can find more information about Her epithets in an article called The Many Epithets of Hekate written by Mat Auryn on Patheos.
If you’re seriously interested in learning about Hekate and Her epithets, theology, and myths, I’ve listed some extra sources and reading material down below.